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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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things would heat if PAF run over some of Iranian bases in west, we are cool headed people :)

It is hard to live with enemies on three sides...and there is no way PAF can fly on Iranian bases. Just imagine a spiteful Iran forming a military relation with India. India for sure will welcome it. That is why Pakistan is accommodative towards Iran and didn't take sides in Iran - KSA spite.
I did not say anything about sanctions. I said they locally produce engines. Why would they import it?

Because producing it would cost much more as compared to imports. Is Iran making its own cars, buses, motor bikes etc?
lol. Why use expensive fighters for cheap drones. We should develop some cost effective solution for them.

On topic, Iran should not cross those lines, you are not uncle sam, only they were given lisence to use drone on our soil.
To be honest i dont think usa drones is a case of super power flexing its muscle. iMO either it is some backdoor deal between our army and usa, so that when high value assets are taken out which are anti usa, pakistan does not get blamed for that and could play defensive as if our sovereignty was violated and we dont suffer back lash from the rooted out elements OR pakistan does not want to sour relationship with usa over small drone interferences foregoing bigger benefits like purchase of advanced defence equipment etc.
Obviously iran sending drones to help out more of Kulbushan jadevs she has hidden on her soil. Now iranian bootlicking pakistanis will attack this thread defending iran. Such pakistanis dont deserve to be called paksitanis they need to be mass shipped to iran and naturally iran being iran , she will send them as canon fodder to syria or put them on another proxy fight. Now i will be labelled as wahabbi, khawarij, deobandi, extremist or what not by iran bootlicking extremistos. Rofl

Another one desperately trying to hide behind the Pakistani patriot flag, unfortunately, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
Seem things are heating between Iran and Pakistan...already things between Pakistan and India are really bad...and things between Afghanistan and Pakistan are even worse...Can Pakistan afford a three front war?
Well either that or we can behave like India and let helicopters and soldiers from neighbors violate our sovereignty and just shoot down a balloon to save face.
Because producing it would cost much more as compared to imports. Is Iran making its own cars, buses, motor bikes etc?
Nope. Assembly line is there. They are even exporting them and yes! they make vehicles!
It is hard to live with enemies on three sides...and there is no way PAF can fly on Iranian bases. Just imagine a spiteful Iran forming a military relation with India. India for sure will welcome it. That is why Pakistan is accommodative towards Iran and didn't take sides in Iran - KSA spite.

Its for both sides, both were accommodative till now, official of both sides always hated each other but yet kept each other closer, like Mullah Shah with his petrodollar always have desire to be "Big brother" of Pakistan, same was desire of Pakistani leadership to develop big brothership in west during 60's , both have to control their desire.. but it seems Mullah are high on some weed after Iraq being handed over to them by US in plate.

To be honest i dont think usa drones is a case of super power flexing its muscle. iMO either it is some backdoor deal between our army and usa, so that when high value assets are taken out which are anti usa, pakistan does not get blamed for that and could play defensive as if our sovereignty was violated and we dont suffer back lash from the rooted out elements OR pakistan does not want to sour relationship with usa over small drone interferences foregoing bigger benefits like purchase of advanced defence equipment etc.

its already on Wikileaks and western media that Pakistan not only allowed but cooperated with US drone campaign. US cant flex its muscle against north Koea, Iran, let alone Pakistan.
Nope. Assembly line is there. They are even exporting them and yes! they make vehicles!
You understand well assembling is not producing, anyway, this is not our topic. So, back to UAV engine, why would you think Iran would be producing simple UAV engine instead of importing it while they're importing other simple engines for cars, buses, motor bikes, etc?
Well either that or we can behave like India and let helicopters and soldiers from neighbors violate our sovereignty and just shoot down a balloon to save face.

You are one of the most delusional person I know. You tend to overestimate Pakistan...remember India has 7 times your military budget, and 9 times Pakistan's economy. This is not 80's or even 90's where there was some parity between India and Pakistan...so my suggestion is stop believing in conspiracy theories and grow up. You can do nothing to India except going before UN and OIC to complain about India's behaviour
This must be JF-17 Thunder's first air to air kill?
So now it's went into history as the first kill by JF-17 Thunder.
You understand well assembling is not producing, anyway, this is not our topic. So, back to UAV engine, why would you think Iran would be producing simple UAV engine instead of importing it while they're importing other simple engines for cars, buses, motor bikes, etc?
Production is always better then importing. First, cost of imported product is more then locally produced one. Second, technical know how country get. Thirdly, upgrades or changes to that technology is entirely upto the country. engines for cars doesn't equal engines for drones. Plus, iran also makes car engine!

assembly is also part of production
Told ya it would be iran on the facing end of the thunder.
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