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Iran shoots down Israeli drone operated by Azerbaijan violating Iranian airspace

Russian claim that Iran retaliated with artillery and rocket strikes after repeated rocket and drone incursions into Iran.

This is exactly wat iran shud be doing. Iran doesnt get the chance to flex its muscles too often.
Iranian AD network failed to detect Israeli F-35 intruding its airspace, so they still need to improve their detection capability.
This ahs been debunked as fake news a long time ago.
Keep in mind the situation is escalating as 8 rockets just struck Iran, some landing in somebodies home, wounding them.

Apparently, according to Russian sources, Iran has retaliated with Artillery and rockets.
Then how come an Israeli F-35 entered the Iranian airspace, loitered for some time and returned back.

That was a fake news created by a Kuwaiti newspaper, apparently you're gullible enough to believe something than even juvenile can see through. Do you even understand the distance between Israel to Tehran (where they claimed the jet was)? Did you bother to do even basic research before buying into that comical story?

Iranian UAVs were shot down when these entered inside Pakistani airspace.

And what is this exactly meant to prove? That Iranian UAVs are not invincible? Congratulations.

Never underestimate enemy, always prepare yourself for the worse and learn lessons from the failures.

The best strategy is to hide your strengths, and use them as surprise. Surprises always turn the tide of war.

Don't take this the wrong way, but given you can't even put 2 +2 together and fall for some ludicrous fake story by a Kuwaiti newspaper then please don't try to talk to me about warfare.
Do we know who shot the projectiles? AZ or ARM forces?
It seems Iran is "allowing" these azeri drones to enter its airspace in order to see where they go, which are their "objectives". And after a while, Iran downs these drones. Iran knows they are spying and testing defenses for the big storm to come.

Iran's AD network is extremely powerful, it has no sense these drones getting well deep into Iran if Iran itself is not allowing this to happen, in order to know its enemy thoughts
i actually agree with you, Iran is doing something to them its a experiment for Iran at this point we just don't know what it is.
That was a fake news created by a Kuwaiti newspaper, apparently you're gullible enough to believe something than even juvenile can see through. Do you even understand the distance between Israel to Tehran (where they claimed the jet was)? Did you bother to do even basic research before buying into that comical story?
F-35 combat range is +1200 km to +1400 km on internal fuel. Iranian border is around 1000 km from Israel. So there are still 200 to 400 km left to enter Iranian airspace and return to base. For your info, if they want to conduct a strategic offensive mission, they have the facility to carry out aerial refueling. So possibility to conduct such mission is very much possible. Whether they did it or otherwise, Iranian Government and Armed Forces knew it better as they have more details about this intrusion.
And what is this exactly meant to prove? That Iranian UAVs are not invincible? Congratulations.
It means that Iranian UAVs are not invincible, can be detected, and can be taken down.
Don't take this the wrong way, but given you can't even put 2 +2 together and fall for some ludicrous fake story by a Kuwaiti newspaper then please don't try to talk to me about warfare.
Whether it is a fake story or otherwise, leadership of Iranian Government an d Armed Forces must be well aware. However, Israeli's past history and possibility of existence of threat are more than enough motivation to ascertain counter solution to the possible threat.
i actually agree with you, Iran is doing something to them its a experiment for Iran at this point we just don't know what it is.
An experiment with the enemy loitering munition????
F-35 combat range is +1200 km to +1400 km on internal fuel. Iranian border is around 1000 km from Israel. So there are still 200 to 400 km left to enter Iranian airspace and return to base. For your info, if they want to conduct a strategic offensive mission, they have the facility to carry out aerial refueling. So possibility to conduct such mission is very much possible. Whether they did it or otherwise, Iranian Government and Armed Forces knew it better as they have more details about this intrusion.
It's 1093 km not 1400 almost as same as Iran israel distance, how they could come in from isreal and return to base? & yes it's possible to do aerial refueling (as we did with F4 against H3 bases in Iraq with less radius combat around 840km) but in order to carry out such a mission they need a country providing them with its airspace not to mentioned it'd make Adirs not stealth anymore and whole mission more complex.
And don't pay attention to Kuwaiti's papers .. they make stories no one ever heard of.
It's 1093 km not 1400 almost as same as Iran israel distance, how they could come in from isreal and return to base? & yes it's possible to do aerial refueling (as we did with F4 against H3 bases in Iraq with less radius combat around 840km) but in order to carry out such a mission they need a country providing them with its airspace not to mentioned it'd make Adirs not stealth anymore and whole mission more complex.
And don't pay attention to Kuwaiti's papers .. they make stories no one ever heard of.
What is the source of combat range parameters for F-35?

My figures are taken from Wikipedia and further confirmed from following source:
F-35: The Future is Now by North, Gary (April 2016).

There is another important point which is worth mentioning, that Israeli F-35s have conformal fuel tanks option which means extended combat range.
What is the source of combat range parameters for F-35?

My figures are taken from Wikipedia and further confirmed from following source:
F-35: The Future is Now by North, Gary (April 2016).

There is another important point which is worth mentioning, that Israeli F-35s have conformal fuel tanks option which means extended combat range.
Greg Ulmer, vice president and general manager of the F-35 program at Lockheed in:

“We talked to several customers about how do we extend the range of the airplane,” Ulmer told reporters during a briefing. “We're looking at conformal fuel tanks as well as external fuel tanks on the airplane to increase the range” by about 40 percent. The F-35A currently has a combat radius of about 590 nautical miles. (590 nautical miles = 1093 kms)​

I am not sure that Iran will be able to detect with their Russian radars 2.5 x 3 m2 loitering munition at 10k to15k ft ceiling. The only way to stop this munition with current tech is to jam its COMM network (GPS and control signals).

Iranian AD network failed to detect Israeli F-35 intruding its airspace, so they still need to improve their detection capability.
Did those F35s managed to provide evidence or we must accept the clickbait Kuwaiti newspaper article without any proof ?
As you stated that Iran is holding formidable AD, then why it let loitering munition to hover 65 km inside Iran.

Please appreciate this is drone and its speed could be around 100 to150 mph. This means this drone must be hovering inside Iran for at least 15 to 30 minutes to cover 65 km. However its loitering time is six hours.

Why Iranian AD failed to take it down? I already said before, this drone was not shot down as its debris are not scattered but found at one place.

Furthermore, Israeli F-35 entering and loitering without detection inside the Iranian airspace is very much possible.
It is better to accept the weakness and work to overcome it instead of saying everything is OK.
let correct you , this drone was not shot down with direct hit missile . a proximity switch could have the seme effect , it could be downed with Airdefence guns
let just say think , how the plane will lok like after being hit by this
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Israel do not take any dictate from US. If you do not agree than I cannot help.

Israeli F-35s were already flying over Syria whose AD mainly comprise of Russian AD units including S-300s.

Moreover Israeli F-35s are tweaked to "enhance" its stealth capability.

Sometimes it is better to realize enemy strength as this will motivate to ascertain preventive and counter measures to face this threat. This is a good military strategy.

I am also worried about defense of Pakistani Airspace because of this threat due to Israeli military presence in UAE.
Israeli AF already tried this 1984. They can do so now using F-35s. Pakistan Armed Forces must enhance the anti stealth capabilities including detection, EW and ECM.
Evidence please. in this case I even accept announcement from official Israeli army news sources.
It means that Iranian UAVs are not invincible, can be detected, and can be taken down.
let tell you a secret , we also have low RCS UAV that even USA could not detect them when they bombed positions just 3km outside their base in Syria
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F-35 combat range is +1200 km to +1400 km on internal fuel. Iranian border is around 1000 km from Israel. So there are still 200 to 400 km left to enter Iranian airspace and return to base. For your info, if they want to conduct a strategic offensive mission, they have the facility to carry out aerial refueling. So possibility to conduct such mission is very much possible. Whether they did it or otherwise, Iranian Government and Armed Forces knew it better as they have more details about this intrusion.

Even with external fuel, the F-35 would not be able to make that distance. With regards to this "incident", Iranian officials rejected it and they laughed at the claim.

This Kuwati newspaper is known for the silly fantasy stories they come up with.

It means that Iranian UAVs are not invincible, can be detected, and can be taken down.

No one claimed they were invincible, that's is not the point. The point is can they get the job done when needed.

Morever, for your information, the UAV that was shot down by a Pakistan was a large shahed-129, even an antiquated radar should be able to detect that. If you want to see a real use of "stealthy" UAVs, check the Iranian attack on Saudi Abqiaq.

Whether it is a fake story or otherwise, leadership of Iranian Government an d Armed Forces must be well aware. However, Israeli's past history and possibility of existence of threat are more than enough motivation to ascertain counter solution to the possible threat.

An experiment with the enemy loitering munition????

Look, at least do some research on Iranian air defence capability. Israel has no hope of trying to use its airforce against Iran. Iran was preparing its air defence for a potential war with the US in that region, you think Israel is anywhere on that level?
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