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Iran shoots down Israeli drone operated by Azerbaijan violating Iranian airspace


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Iranian Forces this morning reportedly shot down a UAV near Parsabad, on the Azerbajian/Iran border. The drone was reportedly an Israeli made IAI Harop


Iranian Forces this morning reportedly shot down a UAV near Parsabad, on the Azerbajian/Iran border. The drone was reportedly an Israeli made IAI Harop


Seems reasonable, harop is a loitering munition/UCAV that could have posed immediate threat to Iran as the drone itself is the munition That works like a kamikaze drone.
Iran seems to be upto its sinister designs again.

Yes, those Jedi Iranians used the force to lure the multiple Azerbaijani UAVs into their space so they could shoot it down. I wonder if you people bother to use (assuming you can) basic common sense before coming up with these conspiracy theories.
Iran has to guard itself from a lot of enemies surrounding them and wanting to destroy them, Israel , ME and America all work in collaboration to hurt them , I don't support what Iran or its leader do, but their extensive guarding their air space and borders are directly connected to the level of threat they follow to their existence .
It seems Iran has better radar unlike Armenia who has problem detect and stop the drone attack. With a better coverage air defense. Threat of drone is not as difficult as it think.

Iran's SAMS, RADAR coverage as well as overall IADS is much better than either Armenia's or Azerbaijan's.
It seems Iran has better radar unlike Armenia who has problem detect and stop the drone attack. With a better coverage air defense. Threat of drone is not as difficult as it think.

Iran has one of the strongest Integrated Air Defences on the planet, with the exception of maybe Israel, no other regional state can compare. Also, Iran is one of the oldest users of UAVs, these low tier UAV powers like Azerbaijan, Turkey etc are new to the game and are of sub par sophistication. The most impressive use of UAVs was the Iranian attack on Abqaiq:


Moreover, Iran has shown to be able to down high level UAVs such as RQ-170, RQ-4 etc so these rudimentary UAVs Azeris have such as TB2, Harpy etc are easy prey.
Reports saying it crashed near the border:

Would be first time this was real news, previous ones were fake news. Anyhow it will be interesting to see if Iran will take a proactive position in the conflict in the future. As of now doesn't seem like it.
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Reports saying it crashed near the border:

Would be first time this was real news, previous ones were fake news. Anyhow it will be interesting to see if Iran will take a proactive position in the conflict in the future. As of now doesn't seem like it.

I have a new policy for myself when it comes to political forums.... One, I don't seek to post much anymore. Two, I don't talk to edgy people on these forums.

No one cares about your personal opinion. Do not claim a news is "fake" and then use some vague reference that do not claim that.

Iran has taken more air defence in that area, including jamming systems. Now using common sense, Iran has already shot down multiple Azeri UAVs coming into its airspace thus it not a giant leap to think this "crash" is not just mere coincidence but rather the UAV being brought down after it entered Iranian airspace.
Iran has taken more air defence in that area, including jamming systems. Now using common sense, Iran has already shot down multiple Azeri UAVs coming into its airspace thus it not a giant leap to think this "crash" is not just mere coincidence but rather the UAV being brought down after it entered Iranian airspace.

Lol, I could care less if it was shot down or not. All I care about is Iran's intention to release those previous reports that turned out to be fake, and if it is preparation for them to have more involvement in the conflict.
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