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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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That is the overwhelming consensus in how Pakistan sees both Iran and KSA.

The opposite sides of the same coin.
Two very myopic, sectarian, toxic theocracies that are unfortunately, both quite essential to Pakistan's security calculus.

They are not essential but a necessary evil for the world. Straits of Hormuz is too important for the world order to have an open war between these two so they try and solve the issue through low cost fodder i.e. poor and emotional Muslims.

Pakistan is sitting as pretty as it can get. We are open for business but not for blood business. Neither of these countries can survive without Pakistan and it is just a sad fact that people are not told this often enough.
It's not a Muslim but a shia state and this is ostrich attitude keep your neck hide in sand they are bombing borders sending drones threatening surgical strikes still you need dialogue due to this policy no even Afghanistan attacking Pakistan
and ksa is a muslim state? :lol:

Both are secterian states.
The hostility between Iran and Pakistan has not reached to a point where we will have to guard the border like we do against India and Afghanistan. But it seems this is going to change pretty soon.
PS. Do you believe PA can be stretched any more than it already has?
We have over 500,000 reserves. We can be spread more lol.
That would be a hard sell to let the Northern Alliance proxy fall that easily for Iran. Not happening anytime soon.
I thought Agnostics were more realistic than orthodox muslims
Not saying it'll happen, just pointing out that the Iranian approach to Pakistan is completely counterproductive, especially when seen in terms of the Iranian so called 'existential conflict with Saudi Arabia'. Pakistan has been extremely patient with Iran and the occasional hysterical outburst from elements within the Iranian government and military. You would think the Iranians would do everything they possibly could to broaden and deepen their relationship with Pakistan, especially border security and recognize the common threat from terrorists in Iran's Sistan and Pakistan's Balochistan.
I think this thread should not discuss shia Sunni feud
Iran sent FM javad zarif to Pakistan and asked for bolder military presence in border
it failed
From what resources? Again, the Iranian attitude comes across as arrogant. Does the Iranian government not realize that Pakistani forces are already stretched thin with hundreds of thousands deployed across FATA and Balochistan to counter terrorist groups within Pakistan? On top of that we have a rabidly Hindu nationalist government in India that keeps provoking tensions across the LoC.
I checked on indian fora and they are celebrating this drone kill praying for it to sour relations between Pakistan and iran.

Rofl some comments rofl @Narendra Trump

What is so saddening or suprising is that pakistani posters despite supporting drone shooting are acting apologetic towards iran and acting meek as how pakistan will not go to war with iran. Well shooting a drone does not mean a war, nor iran could afford one , she is the queen of proxy wars , picking up pro iranian pakistanis and wasting them away anywhere for her proxy motives; outside or inside pakistan. Now whilst pakistanis here are going overboard to pacify iran , the only one who are threatening about consequences and making underhanded references of war over drone shooting" are none other than Iranian posters .

Now i dont know why the pakistanis who are acting so apologetic lack sense of self respect. We took down a drone that was fully our right and here iranains are threatening us and look how pakistanis are behaving. Even if pakistan sneezes in irans direction i see iranians insulting , threatening us and so is the case with their senior military and gov officials. Yahan pakistanis apna doosra cheek agay kar kay kehtay hai , iranian brothers koi baat nahi doosray gaal pay bhi thapar mar do"

Anyways i wont be surprised if Iran would be helping another kulbushan jadevs launch.
I hope our technical staff of PA are able to access the data retrieved from the drone. I wonder if that was possible to do so? Just like we did when we shot down indian drone.

One last thing even iran sponsored terroists were responsible for both shia and sunni deaths. Terrorists and their handlers dont differentiate between sects , they are assigned to create chaos and anarchy.
45 KM inside Pakistan But still Good Work PAF

Can we deploy some FM-90 these
Not saying it'll happen, just pointing out that the Iranian approach to Pakistan is completely counterproductive, especially when seen in terms of the Iranian so called 'existential conflict with Saudi Arabia'. Pakistan has been extremely patient with Iran and the occasional hysterical outburst from elements within the Iranian government and military. You would think the Iranians would do everything they possibly could to broaden and deepen their relationship with Pakistan, especially border security and recognize the common threat from terrorists in Iran's Sistan and Pakistan's Balochistan.

Pakistan has much or less eradicated its Balochistan's dilemma militarily. The economic reforms undertaken should ensure a peaceful Balochistan.
We are not responsible for Iran's Sistan province.
It is once again the simple problem that the regime just would not let go of its ambition and now is desperate for any sort of conflict to exhaust the proxies it has nurtured.
We put forward a proposal to help Iran's Sistani problem by offering the CPEC belt as an alternative to help them flourish their poorest region.
Whichever way you see this Pakistan has the ONLY hand not just the upper hand.
The Saudis face the existential threat just like the Iranians. So lets see what the international establishment has got stored for them both.
Ima specially Pakistan role domestic not foreign
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