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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

When the illegally deposed, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan was on a State Visit to Moscow, the Chief of Pakistan Army was jetting off to Washington DC. That right there exposed Bajwa as a traitor to Islam and by that right, Pakistan.

The "leadership" of Pakistan Army has betrayed Pakistanis, has betrayed Islam and has shown a very dangerous and ominous sign that if Pakistanis were to stand up and fight for their rights, a Civil War is on the horizon.

With Bajwa's despicable act of treachery, he has exposed the naked truth that Pakistan Military's leadership is in bed with the Zionist West, just as "Imported Government" is.

I don't know about you, but for me, my leader is Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, not bajwa-co. And I would rather fight and die for preserving Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah than to accept bajwa, shabaz, bilawal, maryam or zardari as my leaders ... I would rather die fighting for my faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and my right to be a FREE MUSLIM, than submit to these traitors scum.
I respect your emotions but actually they don't kill. They abduct and torture the person untill his soul is torn apart in pieces like his self esteem and bones.

And I can assure you, it's even worse than being hit by an artillery shell and instantly die into several small pieces of the body.
millennium 7 * history tech would contradict to your statement. He is far more logical and experienced in this field. But J-10 was never copied or derived from the lavi. And I think Chinese were tinkering with delta canard designs before lavi came to life. A bit of help and support from Israel can't be ruled out though and countries do cooperate with each other.

Indeed he would---certain reasons.

See---the chinese needed a CRUTCH to project forward---. The Lavi provided that stepping stone.

JF17 is in front of us---. Could not copy the Grippen.

For a smart engineer---you just need to get the hint of what is real and what is not. Lavi provided that resource---it provided THAT FINAL CONFIRMATION that if such & such things were done---the project would be a success.

Now pakistanis can say with pride---we have Israeli TECHNOLOGY at hand---J-10CP---if you want to ---we can call it J-10 CPI

ie J-10 Chinese Pakistan Israel

Remember Edison just got the hint from Tesla----.
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Washington is the leader of the West and the West is a murdering, usurping, demonizing, cult. Millions killed, rendered homeless/landless and that too under the guise of freedom and democracy. From Bikini Islands, Hawaii, Vietnam, Iraq, Grenada, Panama, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Native Americans, Korea and Japan have lost hundreds of thousands of their people to war by the West.

As for Russia, there are nearly 22 million Muslims in Russia, Orthodox Christian Russia. A Bolshevik Atheist-Jewish Soviet Union that invaded Afghanistan is NOT Russia. And if you do not know the difference, its no wonder your ignorance runs so deep. Russian Federation today is by far the most balanced, steady and firm power there has been in their entire history. Go read some history books before making such ignorant comments.

Also, who was the architect of creating the Zionist State of Israel? Answer, Britain! Who succeeded and now leads the West? America! The same America that gives the Zionist State of Israel $3 billion, year on year in military aid.

A traitor to Islam are those who side with the West, as it is the West who protects and arms the illegal, illegitimate, Zionist Apartheid Israel. And if you do not know why supporting Zionist Israel is unIslamic, then I suggest you go do your homework in the study of the Holy Quran.
Please take your rant somewhere else..this is not the right thread .. stop derailing it
I respect your emotions but actually they don't kill. They abduct and torture the person untill his soul is torn apart in pieces like his self esteem and bones.

And I can assure you, it's even worse than being hit by an artillery shell and instantly die into several small pieces of the body.

My dear friend, nothing, I repeat nothing can compare to the unimaginable punishment that awaits those who betray their faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. So whether there be an artillery shell, or excruciating torture .... what awaits traitors to Islam in their graves is will make their soul scream in frightening pain.

Please take your rant somewhere else..this is not the right thread .. stop derailing it

J-10s are the best possible option for Pakistan Air Force, that can be capitalized upon by establishing similar sort of infrastructure which is in place for the F-16s. The best part about J-10s, they cannot be sanctioned or embargoed.

As for my other posts, it would be highly irresponsible of any Pakistani to ignore what's going on in the country.

I didn't intend to derail the thread.

Good day to you.
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J10CP is the only 4.5+ gen sanction free option available to Pakistan that provides maximum bang for the buck. PAF can integrate all sorts of weapons to this platform and would serve Pakistan for next 25+ years without any issues IA. PAF can get upto 6 full squadrons on easy payment terms that does not involved payments in dollars. This fighter will ease pressure on JF17 project. Yes, it is not Blk72, Rafael, EF2000, SU-35, J16 or SH. But it is no less. It has all the bells and whistles that any of the other mentioned fighters have. Bit more is that, PAF gets source code and direct access to manufacture and engineering team for future evolution and upgrades that will fit PAF operational needs.

If PAF gets these squadrons faster, this fighter could very well tilt a bit the balance of air power to PAF till 5th gen comes on line.

in short a good buy and good thinking. only if PAC could get some manufacturing to participate in the project, that will be icing on the cake.
A Pakistan Air Force J-10CP 4.5+ generation omnirole fighter aircraft sporting a Dark Olive Green and Sea Blue tactical camouflage colours, with Sky Blue underneath. This is from the upcoming batch of J-10CPs to be delivered to Pakistan.
View attachment 875648

Oh, you really seem to have one and only obsession: To re-re-re-post images, that have either been already posted long ago, which are off topic or just a few days already several times! :hitwall: :crazy:
WHY? Just to earn some clicks ... and even more it would be nice to quote where you found them.

By the way, Not the whole batch is green ... as it seems only this one!
J10CP is the only 4.5+ gen sanction free option available to Pakistan that provides maximum bang for the buck. PAF can integrate all sorts of weapons to this platform and would serve Pakistan for next 25+ years without any issues IA. PAF can get upto 6 full squadrons on easy payment terms that does not involved payments in dollars. This fighter will ease pressure on JF17 project. Yes, it is not Blk72, Rafael, EF2000, SU-35, J16 or SH. But it is no less. It has all the bells and whistles that any of the other mentioned fighters have. Bit more is that, PAF gets source code and direct access to manufacture and engineering team for future evolution and upgrades that will fit PAF operational needs.

If PAF gets these squadrons faster, this fighter could very well tilt a bit the balance of air power to PAF till 5th gen comes on line.

in short a good buy and good thinking. only if PAC could get some manufacturing to participate in the project, that will be icing on the cake.
I think it is for the very first time Pakistan will be enjoying a capable fighter (east or west besides mirage) with full liberty to extend it's leg to a far reaching effect.

It never happened before, PAF always had itself sanctioned for some reason (war) or strings attached to the purchase.

Untill they have such capable machine from the east for the very first time with no fear of sanctions besides continuous upgrades when available and at their will.
Washington is the leader of the West and the West is a murdering, usurping, demonizing, cult. Millions killed, rendered homeless/landless and that too under the guise of freedom and democracy. From Bikini Islands, Hawaii, Vietnam, Iraq, Grenada, Panama, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Native Americans, Korea and Japan have lost hundreds of thousands of their people to war by the West.

As for Russia, there are nearly 22 million Muslims in Russia, Orthodox Christian Russia. A Bolshevik Atheist-Jewish Soviet Union that invaded Afghanistan is NOT Russia. And if you do not know the difference, its no wonder your ignorance runs so deep. Russian Federation today is by far the most balanced, steady and firm power there has been in their entire history. Go read some history books before making such ignorant comments.

Also, who was the architect of creating the Zionist State of Israel? Answer, Britain! Who succeeded and now leads the West? America! The same America that gives the Zionist State of Israel $3 billion, year on year in military aid.

A traitor to Islam are those who side with the West, as it is the West who protects and arms the illegal, illegitimate, Zionist Apartheid Israel. And if you do not know why supporting Zionist Israel is unIslamic, then I suggest you go do your homework in the study of the Holy Quran.
Russia is no different then west. Russians committed and still commit many atrocities against Chechens in Chechnya. Russia supports dictator assad who brutally kills Muslims and Russia directly bombs Muslims in Syria. Russia supports Serbia which genocided Bosnian Muslims. Russians support dictators in Africa which brutally murder Muslims.
Neither west nor east is friends of Muslims.
Russia is in bed with Israel just as much as usa is.

My dear friend, nothing, I repeat nothing can compare to the unimaginable punishment that awaits those who betray their faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. So whether there be an artillery shell, or excruciating torture .... what awaits traitors to Islam in their graves is will make their soul scream in frightening pain.
Traitors of Islam are those who turn a blind eye to the millions of Muslims worldwide who have to put up with Russian oppression.

Anyways, can’t wait to see clear images of J-10C with mirage camo
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