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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

I’ve read a few members saying J-10C is a replacement for mirage fighters which I understand are primarily strike units. I also saw that Sheikh Rasheed noted the j-10s are being inducted to counter Rafales which seems to contradict the notion of J-10s replacing mirages. Am I misunderstanding something? Would appreciate any insight on the role of J-10s.
Because mirages w
I think order was place right after Shaheen 2020. J-10C and KJ-200 join that exercise for first time.

PLAAF J-10C participant are given total unrestricted asset utilised during that exercise and score major knockout of PAF side.
doubt it
I think was somewhere in 2017 when we realized f16 arent coming
Thanks, can you please elaborate on why you believe f16 b50/52 are roughly equivalent to the J10C. I am no fighter plane expert, just a casual.

I am not a fighter plane expert, just a leisure military enthusiast.

This post is just my personal opinion:
French are master of creating hype and up selling their mid-tier tech.


The indians wanted to believe in the hype---the indians needed the hype---the French created more of it---.

It satisfied Mr. Modi and his cohorts---and that is what a sale is all about---.

The BUYER is happy---the seller willingly obliged.
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What about all the non-ROSE mirages? What utility will they have and should/will they continue to serve?
There are even suppliers who'll give stand-alone hardpoints you can attach to any fighter and remotely fire said SOWs from the cockpit.
How about using the as buddy tankers for the rest of the fleet?
So India will be allowed to acquire F-35 while deploying S-400s?
US and India are attached at the hip. That relationship is a direct challenge to Pakistan’s national security. There is no reason to think otherwise and both those parties are actively working at solidifying it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.
US and India are attached at the hip. That relationship is a direct challenge to Pakistan’s national security. There is no reason to think otherwise and both those parties are actively working at solidifying it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.
But problem is US do not see equal of India. It's more like a master and servant which India need to listen to command of US.

US wants India to give up Russian arm but at same time want India to be loyal to US.
Don't worry, you will get some goods news about F-16s as well in the next few months.
Even if the USA clears PAF F16s for the Turkish OZGUR (meaning free) upgrades it would suffice. According to the Turkish undersecretary for Defence Industries, they are OK even with the US rejection for V upgrades...

Turkey will be looking for alternative sources to increase the jet #s as a stopgap solution. Who knows they may opt for J-10C if the PAF is happy with it, and support with the maintenance and overhaul services....
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Even if the USA clears PAF F16s for the Turkish OZGUR (meaning free) upgrades it would suffice. According to the Turkish undersecretary for Defence Industries, they are OK even with the US rejection for V upgrades...

Turkey will be looking for alternative sources to increase the jet #s as a stopgap solution. Who knows they may opt for J-10C if the PAF is happy with it, and support with the maintenance and overhaul services....

That will be wonderful if our brother Turks decide to buy J-10s as well.

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