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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Not the IAF
They threw in their chips with the heavy, massive rcs elephant that is the mki, then with the ridiculously expensive Rafale and will look desperate not fulfilling their commitment to the Tejas.

Their best bet is to throw in the towel and go all in on the F-35. That will grant them the permanent edge over PAF

While the F-35 is the best technical option the political baggage associated is too large. They are pretty much signing away their sovereignty by doing so. Based on what the South Koreans leaked they didn't have permission to use a lot of the plane's features unless they got the direct OK from Lockheed.
I understand the FC-31/J-31 is approved for export, but seeing the J-35 right around the corner, will the GCC wait for the PLAAF/PLANAF needs to be met before being able to buy the J-35.

The second more pressing issue is supply of weapons. If the Saudis are cut off from supplies for their F-15s and possibly other western suppliers, will they try to acquire a tried and tested platform like the J-10, and have a reliable supply of weapons and spares?
Saudis will most likely buy the J-31/J-35 once it is for export.

What is the RCS of J10c and the range of radars because in BVR fight that’s the most important thing next comes the manoeuvrability to dodge incoming missiles
Hi Good people,

I am struggling to find Information on the J-10CE radar and IRST specifications.

Please help with the whatever available specifications or the generally accepted specifications
Hi Good people,

I am struggling to find Information on the J-10CE radar and IRST specifications.

Please help with the whatever available specifications or the generally accepted specifications
I want J10c to be compared with Tejas MK1A and MK2 which Indian airforce is procuring in huge numbers rafales are only 36 in number and I don’t think IAF will procure anymore
But Jf17 and J10c will become The mainstay of Pakistan airforce while the Tejas (mk1 and mk2) and Su30mki will be the mainstay of Indian airforce (in foreseeable future) apart from that an interesting news is coming from India that now su30mki will use the indian made UTTAM AESA radar it’s the same radar which India has developed to be used in Tejas MK1A and MK2 but scaled up to take the advantage of big nose cone of Su30MKI
Hi Good people,

I am struggling to find Information on the J-10CE radar and IRST specifications.

Please help with the whatever available specifications or the generally accepted specifications

You are not the only one---. Majority is in the same boat as you are---.

No information has been leaked out yet---.

Any update for Pakistan acquisition of this system..


We already have one in place---the Illyushin ( corrected )---.
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Hi Good people,

I am struggling to find Information on the J-10CE radar and IRST specifications.

Please help with the whatever available specifications or the generally accepted specifications

Because there is none publicly available.
Any update for Pakistan acquisition of this system..

J10 could develop into a form of loyal wingman fighting system such that a J10S and 2 to 3 wingman UAV could carry extra weapon loads and detection range. We have seen two-seater J10S and why not the loyal wingman UAVs. 8-) This could be a great addition to the PAF in small quantities.
If the Saudis are cut off from supplies for their F-15s and possibly other western suppliers
Thus they will be very careful to not totally pissed off the west, but likely to move to acquired fifth gen platform from China, Russia Su75, SK...they dont have much Choice anyway.
Thus they will be very careful to not totally pissed off the west, but likely to move to acquired fifth gen platform from China, Russia Su75, SK...they dont have much Choice anyway.
Yeah, it looks like they are feeling out the possibility of acquiring a Chinese platform, as a Russian one will hit them with CAATSA sanctions. The J-35 looks like a likely choice, but probably in the 2030s.

J10 could develop into a form of loyal wingman fighting system such that a J10S and 2 to 3 wingman UAV could carry extra weapon loads and detection range. We have seen two-seater J10S and why not the loyal wingman UAVs. 8-) This could be a great addition to the PAF in small quantities.
There are better dedicated loyal wingmen China is developing, and has displayed at this year’s Zhuhai. Simpler designs that are more easier to lose and thus be considered “attritible”.

The Saudis could probably start by acquiring more advanced Chinese UCAVs as a step towards acquiring a manned platform.
True - I think Indians would have already discussed F-35s but US would want so much in return. Complete end to russian weapon systems of all kind. Maybe they even ask for suspension of trade with Russia. These kind of things which India won't accept. India normally don't do agreements which restrict it's freedom in anyway.

However, F-16 block 70 (rebranded as F-21 for india) as their MMRCA contract could really become reality. If gone ahead they surely will receive AMRAAMs 120-D the latest variant. Lockheed already agrees to setting up assembly & manufacturing plant in india.

I see J-10C numbers will go up from initial order of 25 to 100+ only if IAF finalize its MMRCA.
I don’t see that happening - the IAF has a massive budget.. but a lot of that isn’t just for procurement, and procurement isn’t just new jets. At the end, when the actual economics come into play the decisions have to be smart. And those are not impartial because they have bureaucratic interference and yes men involved.

Some of which now have political interference as well. So suppliers look to influence not just officers but also bureaucrats and BJP politicians to get things done.

Not that the PAF doesn’t have its yes men and kickback types but the lack of funds and civilian oversight means in general that temptation isn’t going around because most major suppliers aren’t interested enough to cultivate relationships beyond the military. That leaves only the PAF personnel able to both mess up decisions but also keep them in line.

Who is the PAF leadership then becomes the ultimate game master in procurement.

With the IAF they have their patriots and opportunists in the force, the bureaucracy and politicians. All fighting their wars and eventually its the most powerful joint force that wins out.

While the F-35 is the best technical option the political baggage associated is too large. They are pretty much signing away their sovereignty by doing so. Based on what the South Koreans leaked they didn't have permission to use a lot of the plane's features unless they got the direct OK from Lockheed.
The F-35 is also a massive leap in technology - especially in what it carries and the US even restricted the Israelis in some aspects so they want their own systems on it to avoid it. Lockheed was not happy with the access it had to give the Israelis much like any product manufacturer would not be happy letting someone have freedom in looking around their internal mechanisms.
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