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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Pakistan Strategic Forum guys are claiming that J-10 C ordered has been doubled and now order is of 72 jets.

You cannot outspend India in an arms race therefore it is not a good idea. But keeping up with Indian new acquisitions by making better value purchases is the least worst path. That's what J-10CE purchase is about. In response to IAF buying Rafale. But why buy over 100 J-10CE?

If that is the case, may as well convert JF-17 manufacturing resources into making J-10. Do a deal with China and domesticate the J-10 line for as much in house production as possible. More than 100 units of J-10 is basically close to justifying adding those extra costs and getting the platform in house. This also allows China's new J-10 production line to make J-10 for PLAAF which is needed as a number filler fighter for PLAAF.

The production has moved from Chengdu to Guizhou. Chengdu's production is focused on J-20. But bothering to start a production line with Guizhou Aircraft Corporation means PLAAF is interested in continuing to buy J-10C which means PLAAF has a need for more. 100 units will be too many for China to export to Pakistan without justifying another production line either in China or in Pakistan. The problem is Pakistan would have to shoulder the cost and the only way to make that cost worthwhile is by buying in large numbers. That would take resources away from 5th generation acquisition for Pakistan.

India also has not purchased anywhere near 100 Rafale. Even if PAF can buy three J-10CE for the price of every Rafale IAF buys (China selling to Pakistan at pretty much same price the PLAAF buys), it is a provocative act which would require India to respond in pure numbers.

I think PAF orders for J-10 ought to remain under 100 just to keep up with IAF Rafale orders. Maybe 1.5 margin rather than 1:1. Otherwise save up for airforce variant of J-35. Better yet, develop the country. The security with India should be secured via diplomacy, if not possible, deterrence secured through military means which Pakistan has.
Kindly confirm the news (above) that How much of J=10 CE is Pakistan buying from China??
Is it 36 or 72 jets. ??
We ,Overseas Pakistani are concerened with future defence of Pakistan ??
36 till 2022.
36 more till 2026.
Total planned number in 90s till 2032.

Kindly confirm the news (above) that How much of J=10 CE is Pakistan buying from China??
Is it 36 or 72 jets. ??
We ,Overseas Pakistani are concerened with future defence of Pakistan ??

Can be more if need arise.
You cannot outspend India in an arms race therefore it is not a good idea. But keeping up with Indian new acquisitions by making better value purchases is the least worst path. That's what J-10CE purchase is about. In response to IAF buying Rafale. But why buy over 100 J-10CE?

If that is the case, may as well convert JF-17 manufacturing resources into making J-10. Do a deal with China and domesticate the J-10 line for as much in house production as possible. More than 100 units of J-10 is basically close to justifying adding those extra costs and getting the platform in house. This also allows China's new J-10 production line to make J-10 for PLAAF which is needed as a number filler fighter for PLAAF.

The production has moved from Chengdu to Guizhou. Chengdu's production is focused on J-20. But bothering to start a production line with Guizhou Aircraft Corporation means PLAAF is interested in continuing to buy J-10C which means PLAAF has a need for more. 100 units will be too many for China to export to Pakistan without justifying another production line either in China or in Pakistan. The problem is Pakistan would have to shoulder the cost and the only way to make that cost worthwhile is by buying in large numbers. That would take resources away from 5th generation acquisition for Pakistan.

India also has not purchased anywhere near 100 Rafale. Even if PAF can buy three J-10CE for the price of every Rafale IAF buys (China selling to Pakistan at pretty much same price the PLAAF buys), it is a provocative act which would require India to respond in pure numbers.

I think PAF orders for J-10 ought to remain under 100 just to keep up with IAF Rafale orders. Maybe 1.5 margin rather than 1:1. Otherwise save up for airforce variant of J-35. Better yet, develop the country. The security with India should be secured via diplomacy, if not possible, deterrence secured through military means which Pakistan has.
India already operates nearly 300 Su-30MKI, and is looking to upgrade them. Acquiring 100 or so J-10 should be seen in that context as well.

36 till 2022.
36 more till 2026.
Total planned number in 90s till 2032.

Can be more if need arise.
If the PAF plans to acquire 90 or more J-10s, they might as well retool the JF-17 production line to also produce the J-10. Best way to move up the value added chain (more structural composite production, more sub-system production such as the IRST, etc.) more and service our fighters domestically.

Local production could also make structural modifications more easier to perform.
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Then pray India orders 114 more Rafale in MRCA order. Then you would see close to 200 J-10 C in PAF.
We should not engage in a arms race with India. PAF does have its own requirements for modernization. We need currently replace 150 older fighter jets. Also I am not worried about IAF Rafale fleet but their 274 SU-30MKI's.
Then pray India orders 114 more Rafale in MRCA order. Then you would see close to 200 J-10 C in PAF.
They won’t. Or rather they shouldn’t. Would be a stupid move given delivery timelines unless they’re willing to set up almost entirely local production. Rafale order backlogs mean that if india places an order now, they won’t get a new Rafale till after 2030. They have other options.
We should not engage in a arms race with India. PAF does have its own requirements for modernization. We need currently replace 150 older fighter jets. Also I am not worried about IAF Rafale fleet but their 274 SU-30MKI's.
There is also the need to confront the Indian navy and its next potential fighter alongside the Mig-29K. The J-10 is well suited for that amongst the current fleet, as it can have a continuous stream of new munitions integrated as the threat evolves. At least one squadron dedicated to defense of the coast and the navy fleet is paramount as the Indian navy’s capabilities mature.
India already operates nearly 300 Su-30MKI, and is looking to upgrade them. Acquiring 100 or so J-10 should be seen in that context as well.

If the PAF plans to acquire 90 or more J-10s, they might as well retool the JF-17 production line to also produce the J-10. Best way to move up the value added chain (more structural composite production, more sub-system production such as the IRST, etc.) more and service our fighters domestically.

Local production could also make structural modifications more easier to perform.

J-10 and JF-17's are an extremely cost effective combo---price per unit as well as price per flight hour.

With aesa radar equipped---PL15's and PL10's missiles---they are an extremely potent combo in the non 5th gen realm.

JF 17 aircrafts have one of the fastest spool up time for the engine ( startup to ready to fly ).

A JF17 starts up at Kamra and an SU30 stars up at Srinagar at the same time---. The JF17 will be target locking at sri nagar from the air even before the SU30 took off from the ground.

From initial start to 5000 ft is extremely crucial in any combat---. JF 17 can do it very quick. Professionals can jump in and correct me.
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