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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion


Thank you ---thanks @tphuang thanks @Raider 21 ---I love how a police detectives work when asking some basic simple questions and then the truth blurts out like a waterfall.

We have shared the information as it became known to us and think of it as the truth---and when all the truths are put together---a real picture emerges---some of us will see thru it and others will be confused.

Interesting thing is---the the discussion has moved away from specs and how many hard points the aircraft has---.
I hope there will be some High Tech domestic products such as JF 17 III along with Strategic weapons, Chines imported stuff such as J10 C , Z10 ME, VT 4, HQ 9P, Turkish Drones Baktar 2 and some Russian weapons like MI 35 along with some new Surprise, medium range Air defence System will be the part of 23rd March Parade.
Presence of high Level of delegations from above mentioned countries and Middle East economical powers will add further charm to event and solidarity.

This will clearly indicate regional cooperation and country's military strength is being evolved with firm and rapid pace.
22-102 another picture

Credit @CN_military_21 on twitter
While we keep on seeing 22-102 and 22-106 again and again, where are the aircraft with other serial numbers?
Thank God there is no smoke.
The first few seconds you see the engine dumping fuel since it is about to land. The picture of the plane shown a few days ago with the alleged engine ‘smoke’, is from exactly this video. You can see the ‘smoke’ is clearly white which means it is fuel.
While we keep on seeing 22-102 and 22-106 again and again, where are the aircraft with other serial numbers?
A certain someone here claims to have pics of 22-103 and 22-105 aswell but won't post them. I mean what's the secret now?.....it's already out. Anyway one can hope that we'll get to see pics of at least 101-106 once they're inducted, if not 107, 108.....etc. etc.
A certain someone here claims to have pics of 22-103 and 22-105 as well but won't post them. I mean what's the secret now?.....it's already out. Anyway one can hope that we'll get to see pics of at least 101-106 once they're inducted, if not 107, 108.....etc. etc.

Agreed and a friend said the same for 22-101 but I won't share it; at least not yet.

The J-10 was offered to Pakistan in 2006 and negotiations persisted into 2012. In September 2020, it was reported that Pakistan was interested in the J-10CE. In December 2021, Pakistan announced the purchase of 25 J-10Cs; they were projected to enter service in March 2022. J-10C: An upgraded version of J-10B, it is equipped with an indigenous Active electronically scanned array (AESA) fire-control radar and is equipped with imaging infrared seeker (IIR) PL-10, WS-10B engine and new dual pulse rocket motor PL-15 air-to-air missile (AAM).

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