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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Hi. By the way why PAF is not having IFR probe on every j10
is it really a expensive item to reduce the cost or the reason can be something else as plug and play reason can go for aircrafts in lot of numbers but not like 24/36 a big number
as my thought is these J10s can be used for naval strike role also shouldn’t all be have probe installed
anybody with more and better answer to reply for my post
thank you
Hi. By the way why PAF is not having IFR probe on every j10
is it really a expensive item to reduce the cost or the reason can be something else as plug and play reason can go for aircrafts in lot of numbers but not like 24/36 a big number
as my thought is these J10s can be used for naval strike role also shouldn’t all be have probe installed
anybody with more and better answer to reply for my post
thank you
They can be installed anytime depend on mission. There is a panel there where removed and IFR probe installed in less than 45mins.
Hi. By the way why PAF is not having IFR probe on every j10
is it really a expensive item to reduce the cost or the reason can be something else as plug and play reason can go for aircrafts in lot of numbers but not like 24/36 a big number
as my thought is these J10s can be used for naval strike role also shouldn’t all be have probe installed
anybody with more and better answer to reply for my post
thank you
your thoughts are wrong, kindly dont think :lol: 🤦‍♂️
I have read a lot of the posts here and want validation of some conclusions drawn

1) we started the J-10c induction negotiations between 2014-2019

2) we would probably induct around 100-150 j-10c and these will replace the mirage’s SEAD, nava and deep strike role along and f-16 in air dominance roles

3) jf-17 block 2 and 3 will be used as escorts in j-10c strike missions and in CAS roles j-10 c would provide escort

4) induction and Operationalization will take 1-3 years

5) f-16s will be phased out over the next 20 years and would be used for heavy strike and air dominance roles within Pakistani territory.

6) The shelf life of our AMRAM -120 is about to come to an end in the next 5 yers assuming we bought those in 2010 -2015 and a 10 year shelf life

I hope there will be some High Tech domestic products such as JF 17 III along with Strategic weapons, Chines imported stuff such as J10 C , Z10 ME, VT 4, HQ 9P, Turkish Drones Baktar 2 and some Russian weapons like MI 35 along with some new Surprise, medium range Air defence System will be the part of 23rd March Parade.
Presence of high Level of delegations from above mentioned countries and Middle East economical powers will add further charm to event and solidarity.

This will clearly indicate regional cooperation and country's military strength is being evolved with firm and rapid pace.
The paralysis of the NATO is showing something is better than nothing....

6) The shelf life of our AMRAM -120 is about to come to an end in the next 5 yers assuming we bought those in 2010 -2015 and a 10 year shelf life

Hopefully, Turkey's WVR/BVR missiles along with AESA radar are ready by then for integration with F16s....
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Learning from Ukraine conflict, Air Force and artillery is the most important assets in modern warfare for any military. Pakistan should induct J-10C in high numbers. Since we’re a smaller military we must always have a edge over Indians in the air. Whoever controls the air wins the war nowadays. We should aim at getting at least 90 J-10C.

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