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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

"" Security forces pounding militants’ positions by gunship helicopters, fighter jets and heavy artillery in Laddha, Makken, Sam and other adjoining areas. The death toll of militants killed during three-day action has risen to 33.""

I guess victory is around the corner in Waziristan. Bad guys are being killed by the dozens and are being flushed out, general population is on the run, curfew is imposed, check points established. Total blockade has ensured that Mehsud tribes are deprived of food, fuel, medicare.

Is it any different than the Indian policy in Kashmir?

well if the mahsuds decide to lay down their arms and be part of many tribes/tribals who are not rising against the state, then all can change! but the mahsuds and wazirs have a history of not doing so!
I guess Pak Army will capture South Waziristan in 3-4 days. Makin is a rather easy objective; Probably 3000-4000 bad guys will get killed.

But it will take lots of resources to hold on to it .... It will end up being a worse festering wound than Swat is.

i almost get the feeling you want this to happen!
SCENARIOS - Pakistan's offensive against the Taliban

Pakistani forces backed by heavy artillery attacked Taliban insurgents on Monday as the army moved to wrest control of militant strongholds in a lawless region on the Afghan border.

The military launched the offensive in South Waziristan on Saturday after several months of preparation and following a string of brazen militant attacks -- including one on the army headquarters.

The offensive could be the army's toughest test since the militants turned on the state. The army launched brief offensives there before, the first in in 2004 when it suffered heavy casualties before striking a peace pact.

Following are some scenarios that may unfold:


The army has about 28,000 soldiers surrounding an estimated 10,000 hard-core Taliban, including about 1,000 tough Uzbek fighters and some Arab al Qaeda members. With its aircraft and superior firepower, the army will be hoping for quick success, although it has declined to say how long the offensive might last.

The army seldom ventures into much of the semi-autonomous region of arid mountains cut through by hidden ravines and will be taking on fighters who have had years to prepare defences. The army's rear bases and supply lines are likely to come under attack by suicide bombers.

Pashtun tribes in the region have long been hostile to outsiders, and many people -- particularly members of the Mehsud tribe -- support the Taliban.

For the first time, the army, political parties and the public at large are broadly united in their determination to fight the militants, but that unity of purpose could evaporate if the offensive runs into trouble and the army and civilians suffer heavy casualties.


The Taliban are expected to strike back with urban bomb attacks or commando raids. While the general public and investors have largely become inured to such violence, more bloodshed on city streets will put pressure on the armed forces and government to finish off the Taliban as quickly as possible.

Another risk is that other militant factions -- in South and North Waziristan and in Afghanistan -- might come to the help of their comrades. Neither the army nor the government has confirmed speculation that deals have been struck to avert this, but the Daily Times reported on Monday that an Afghan Taliban faction in South Waziristan would stay neutral.

The Pakistani Taliban's bastion does not border Afghanistan and the army says it has secured territory on the frontier to stop them from fleeing or Afghan comrades helping.

The Pakistani Taliban have close links with al Qaeda and anti-Indian militant groups based in Pakistan's Punjab province. While the army has been playing down fears that the Punjabi groups pose a big threat, militants there have been linked to several big attacks in recent weeks and could strike again to divert attention from the South Waziristan offensive.

While the army says it has surrounded the militants, they could slip out of their South Waziristan lair and regroup, perhaps to the south in Baluchistan province which has been largely free of Islamist violence despite U.S. and Afghan assertions that Afghan Taliban leaders are there.


Another danger is that the militants might try to divert the army's attention by engineering a confrontation with India. A militant attack on the Indian city of Mumbai in November ramped up tension between the two old rivals after India accused Pakistani security agents of supporting the militants who carried it out.

Despite Pakistani denials of responsibility, members of the Indian public clamoured for a strike on militants in Pakistan while Islamabad vowed to respond to any such action. In the event of another surge in tension with India, the Pakistani army would have to turn its attention to the border with India.
I do not support or condone Taliban blasts against civilians.

And against the Pakistani State and its institutions?

Do you recognize the authority of a State and authorized institutions (LEA's and Military), in our case democratically elected, to take actions as they deem fit to safeguard the safety and rights of its citizens?
I think PA should ask USA for Humvee for this kind of operation .......
PA can get vehicle like this from china too
Sir dear Fatman what are ur views about that..... must watch from 7:30 to 8:15
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I merged the last few days worth of posts from the previous Rah-e-Nijat thread into this thread that deals with events after the ground offensive began.

The old thread can be linked to from the first post in this thread.

Any other issues please contact one of the moderators.
Dear AgNoStIc MuSliM

You are probably the Chief at this forum, and just banned Fundamentalist for less than friendly comments about the Shia brothers.

I personally do not subscribe to the Shia-Sunni divisions at all; they are all stars in the vast constellation of Muslim ummah. I always ask whether the Holy Prophet PBUH was a Shia or Sunni.

But I am amazed at your tolerance on terms used by other friends like “Najdi Takfiris”, Hezb-al-Tahrir, Lashkar-e-Jangvi, “Wahabi”, Sipah-e-Sahaba etc.

Even worse is the needless ethnic twist added “plz stop being a "PATHAN". Alright, from now on I will act as a Gujjar, Arain, Soomro, Mengal, Kashmiri or a Randhawa?

It is a cold statistical fact that so far all the Army operations have been conducted in the “PATHAN” areas; and they form the bulk of the “bad guys”, IDP’s, generally people on the receiving end of the might and fire power of the State.

As a matter of fact this forum in its present form does not represent microcosm of the true mainstream Pakistan. It does not cater for the opinion of a Swati farmer whose family and house has just become “collateral damage”, or a Karachi Rickshaw wala who feels humiliated, or a shopkeeper in Multan who abhors the carnage from both sides.

The quality and content of this forum is greatly enhanced by an open debate (within bounds of decency off course). Once all members have exactly the same pro-establishment views it will end up being too bland and meaningless. Therefore you are requested to use your discretionary authority with a bit more sensitivity.

If you cannot, I will understand your compulsions.
Members have been warned and banned for engaging in anti-Wahabi, anti-Saudi and anti-XYZ ethnicity comments as well.

'Stop being a Pathan' is an extremely offensive and derogatory comment, and if it has not been addressed yet, send me a PM with a link to the post so that I may.

It is obviously not possible for me to see all comments, and it just so happens that before banning Fundamentalist I had to go through multiple posts of his where he was throwing out anti-Shia barb.

I have no issue with a wide array of opinions being reflected here, provided no hate speech (anti XYZ faith, sect, ethnicity, race, religion etc. is involved).

The forum's position however is that the TTP and associated groups have proudly claimed responsibility for their terrorism against civilians and the state, and therefore we will not allow expression in support of them.

Members are welcome to articulate opinions and analysis that address the TTP-AQ issue in a manner different from the current military approach, but there is little patience anymore for arguments that we just sit back and make 'deals' that do not involve the TTP militias disbanding and AQ/foreigners not being kicked out.

Constructive solutions that will lead to an enforcement of the writ of the State in FATA and elsewhere are welcome.
78 terrorists killed in SWA operation so far: DG ISPR :tup:

ISLAMABAD: Military spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas Monday said 18 terrorists have been killed in the last 24 hours in the ongoing operation is South Waziristan, brining the total number of terrorists killed to 78.

Giving a press briefing along with Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira, DG ISPR told the reporters that the security forces after facing stiff resistance managed to gain control of Sher Bangai and Kotkai – center of suicide bombings trainer Ustad Qari Hussain.

The security forces have also established its control in Kondka in the last 24 hours.

Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said so far 9 security men have been martyred.

Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Karia said all the terrorist activities in the country have links in South Waziristan.

He said state within state will not be tolerated in Pakistan. The government will take a sigh of relief only when it succeeds in cleansing the country of terrorists.

The Information Minister said so far 14,500 families have migrated from South Waziristan.

78 terrorists killed in SWA operation so far: DG ISPR
SWA operation to target terrorists, Gen. Kayani’s letter to Mehsud tribes

SWA operation to target terrorists, Gen. Kayani’s letter to Mehsud tribes

Updated at: 1930 PST, Monday, October 19, 2009

RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Monday clarified that the objective of the operation in South Waziristan is not to target peace and country loving people of Mehsud tribes, instead the aim is to eliminate Uzbek, local and foreign terrorists.

In a message addressed to Mehsud tribes, the COAS said he admits that the tribes in question including the Mehsud tribes are loyal to Pakistan. “The tribes have always served as Pakistani troops without remuneration,” he added.

He said the objective of the military operation in South Waziristan is to pull the Mehsud tribes form the clutches of terrorists elements and provide an opportunity to the Mehsud tribes to live in their area in peace.
They are progressing towards Mehsuds stronghold, and have captured Qari Hussain's village.

May our army succeed in whipping the tar out of these barbarians.

SWA operation to target terrorists, Gen. Kayani’s letter to Mehsud tribes

SWA operation to target terrorists, Gen. Kayani’s letter to Mehsud tribes

Updated at: 1930 PST, Monday, October 19, 2009

RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Monday clarified that the objective of the operation in South Waziristan is not to target peace and country loving people of Mehsud tribes, instead the aim is to eliminate Uzbek, local and foreign terrorists.

In a message addressed to Mehsud tribes, the COAS said he admits that the tribes in question including the Mehsud tribes are loyal to Pakistan. “The tribes have always served as Pakistani troops without remuneration,” he added.

He said the objective of the military operation in South Waziristan is to pull the Mehsud tribes form the clutches of terrorists elements and provide an opportunity to the Mehsud tribes to live in their area in peace.

A bold move I hope it pays us..:pakistan:
PA can get vehicle like this from china too
Sir dear Fatman what are ur views about that..... must watch from 7:30 to 8:15

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