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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

Our Syrian brothers;

Don't be afraid, the persecution is over!

Now the whole world will watch the smiling face of innocent children!

Turkish Army in TELABYAD 15.10.2019
Westerners are more angry about the Turkish invasion than Assad and Putin lol. But as i said when you are bribed with zionist money you will do anything, from illegal invasions to genocides in order to keep the money floating.

I want to see Assad dividing his army in order to assert the control of whole Syria.His deployment should go short of like this. 10 soldiers at Kobane. 50 soldiers at Raqqah. 20 soldiers at Manbij. Another 50 at Qamishli etc etc. Those 50 soldiers especially in Raqqah will turn the war against the rebels!

They put 1 Russian MP in each city. Russia is super power. No one dares to attack Russians.
If thats the case TAF will have to move all the way down to Deir Ezzor.
US and Turkey reach agreement to suspend military operation in Syria

Halt in fighting for 120 hours would allow Kurdish fighters to withdraw beyond a designated safe zone, Turkish official says

By Ragip Soylu
Published date: 17 October 2019

US Vice President Mike Pence and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have reached a deal to suspend Ankara's operation in northern Syria for 120 hours to allow Kurdish forces to withdraw from a designated safe zone, a Turkish official told Middle East Eye.

Following a long meeting between Turkish and American top officials on Thursday, the two sides came to an agreement amid growing opposition to the Turkish incursion in Syria.

The safe zone would be primarily enforced by the Turkish military, and the two sides will increase their cooperation to implement the deal.

Turkey will take maximum care not to harm civilians in the safe zone, the official added.

US and Turkey reach agreement to suspend military operation in Syria

Halt in fighting for 120 hours would allow Kurdish fighters to withdraw beyond a designated safe zone, Turkish official says

By Ragip Soylu
Published date: 17 October 2019

US Vice President Mike Pence and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have reached a deal to suspend Ankara's operation in northern Syria for 120 hours to allow Kurdish forces to withdraw from a designated safe zone, a Turkish official told Middle East Eye.

Following a long meeting between Turkish and American top officials on Thursday, the two sides came to an agreement amid growing opposition to the Turkish incursion in Syria.

The safe zone would be primarily enforced by the Turkish military, and the two sides will increase their cooperation to implement the deal.

Turkey will take maximum care not to harm civilians in the safe zone, the official added.

Nobody else has reported this yet.
120 hours? "Kazik incoming"

They will not retreat but regroup, and do you guys really believe that the US cares about those civillians :)
If the terms of the agreement are met, the Turkish state will achieve its most of objectives.

- Rojava project destroyed ✔️
- New territory for refugee settlements captured ✔️
- Kobani separated from Qamishli/Hasakah ✔️
- Pentagon policy in Syria in chaos ✔️
- Deep crisis between Kurdish and Arab elements in SDF ✔️
- TAF monitoring will be available at a depth of 20 miles, in the east of Syria ✔️
- YPG removed from Kurdish towns ✔️
- Manbij/Kobane captured ❌
- YPG organizational structure completely destroyed ❌

Otherwise, Erdogan's visit to Russia (next week) will decide Syria's future.
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According to agreement reached,
  • YPG terrorists wthdrawn 20 miles sourth from Turkey’s safe zone immediately.
  • No embargo to Turkiye
  • Ayn el Arab will not be included into security zone
  • Turkey will solely control the security zone.
According to agreement reached,
  • YPG terrorists wthdrawn 20 miles sourth from Turkey’s safe zone immediately.
  • Kobani will be out of Turkey’s safe zone
  • Ayn el Arab will not be included into security zone
  • Turkey will solely control the security zone.

That's shameful... Hope they do not follow such agreement...
Can't they see ffs... what happen in those previous agreement in The western side....

That was the easiest land grab of ASSad/RU... ffs
All that money... martyrs... planning for NOTHING...
According to agreement reached,
  • YPG terrorists wthdrawn 20 miles sourth from Turkey’s safe zone immediately.
  • Kobani will be out of Turkey’s safe zone
  • Ayn el Arab will not be included into security zone
  • Turkey will solely control the security zone.
Bro , Aynel Arab and Kobani are the same towns. You mean Menbij?
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