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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

What is Turkish opinion on the rebel organisations holed up in Indilib. Do you consider them terrorist or freedom fighters?
What is Turkish opinion on the rebel organisations holed up in Indilib. Do you consider them terrorist or freedom fighters?
All organizations that have a direct or indirect relationship with al-Qaeda are considered terrorists. After the termination of the existence of YPG, Turkey's other priority will be this terrorist structures.
All organizations that have a direct or indirect relationship with al-Qaeda are considered terrorists. After the termination of the existence of YPG, Turkey's other priority will be this terrorist structures.

Like Al Nusra front and Tahrir al Sham. Do you know there many extremist elements like Tahrir al Sham in the FSA. I hope they dont become a threat to Turkey later on.
Like Al Nusra front and Tahrir al Sham. Do you know there many extremist elements like Tahrir al Sham in the FSA. I hope they dont become a threat to Turkey later on.
Again ?

You threw a bait in the middle of tittle and no one eats, then you make such a vague expression now. I don't take serious without proof. Because the only purpose of these subjective interpretations is to have a perceptual manipulation. Knowingly or unknowingly.

What is NSA? What is the difference from FSA? Whose are in military command cadres of NSA ? What is the political wing of the NSA and whose are? Which factions -now within the NSA- have fought where in the past, and from whom have they received support? Whose project is the fact that the factions within the NSA are extinguished one by one and become a regular army?

Basic level of knowledge you need about these issues is under this heading. Please read past pages.

It is true that Turkey is in a delicate balance. In order to defeat radicalism, the Syrian opposition must move to a regular army structure. We do this step by step.

Turkey is working on this program since 2016. And we've come to a serious point.

The old fragmented structure has no chance against the Aq-linked organizations in Idlib. However, we have seen that even the NSA, which has not yet been ready, can show serious success here, even against the most equipped and prepared terrorist organization in Syria.

However, it must be a complete hypocrisy for a person who hinted at these possibilities about NSA while completly blind about Regime's secterian milita groups or pyd/pkk terorist structure. I don't want to believe you're one of those people. Our priority here is the elimination of ypg. All other agendas are second to us. But I see that our priorities grimace everyone, included "brothers".

Could you share your opinions about Pyd? Can you compare it to AQ affiliated groups?

God Sake, say something about our dozens of martyred childrens and babies for once , which are victims of PYD / PKK terrorist's , just since 2015.

Such a huge media campaign ongoing with lies and manipulation effort that even the US president can no longer handle it.

Again ?

You threw a bait in the middle of tittle and no one eats, then you make such a vague expression now. I don't take serious without proof. Because the only purpose of these subjective interpretations is to have a perceptual manipulation. Knowingly or unknowingly.

What is NSA? What is the difference from FSA? Whose are in military command cadres of NSA ? What is the political wing of the NSA and whose are? Which factions -now within the NSA- have fought where in the past, and from whom have they received support? Whose project is the fact that the factions within the NSA are extinguished one by one and become a regular army?

Basic level of knowledge you need about these issues is under this heading. Please read past pages.

It is true that Turkey is in a delicate balance. In order to defeat radicalism, the Syrian opposition must move to a regular army structure. We do this step by step.

Turkey is working on this program since 2016. And we've come to a serious point.

The old fragmented structure has no chance against the Aq-linked organizations in Idlib. However, we have seen that even the NSA, which has not yet been ready, can show serious success here, even against the most equipped and prepared terrorist organization in Syria.

However, it must be a complete hypocrisy for a person who hinted at these possibilities about NSA while completly blind about Regime's secterian milita groups or pyd/pkk terorist structure. I don't want to believe you're one of those people. Our priority here is the elimination of ypg. All other agendas are second to us. But I see that our priorities grimace everyone, included "brothers".

Could you share your opinions about Pyd? Can you compare it to AQ affiliated groups?

God Sake, say something about our dozens of martyred childrens and babies for once , which are victims of PYD / PKK terrorist's , just since 2015

I don't see any manipulation or as you say "bait" from my ends. I was only trying to understand this situation at a deeper level. I certainly dont agree with the Muslim Brotherhood and their use of Islam as a political tool so this is why I wanted to learn more about Turkish plans for Syria Zone and the FSA. The Syrian government has many extremists fighting for its government but also has many baath nationalists. I consider PKK, YPG as terrorist organisations as they seek harm to Turkey and it's people. The same position is taken by the Pakistani government.

New map. Looks like Turkey is making alot of progress in short timing


Old map
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Well US foreign policy is controlled by zionists who want an independent Kurdistan in order to arm Kurd terrorists and threaten the area.
Well US foreign policy is controlled by zionists who want an independent Kurdistan in order to arm Kurd terrorists and threaten the area.

smart Israel ( Jews ) uses pathetic nations as slaves for Israeli interests

Kurds = are dying for zionist plan
Arabs = are giving money for zionist plan

ZIONIST EMPIRE control The US ,The UK , Frrance , Germany to work for Israeli interests
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