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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

I do not give a shit about zionism and its dreams.

You are working for zionism and its dreams ...nothing else

wth the US , the EU , Israel and pathetic slaves Arab League support PKK/YPG Terror Organization and trying to create so-called Kurdistan ? for the Kurds ? never

everything is for security of Israel
You are working for zionism and its dreams ...nothing else

wth the US , the EU , Israel and pathetic slaves Arab League support PKK/YPG Terror Organization and trying to create so-called Kurdistan ? for the Kurds ? never

everything is for security of Israel
I am not working for Zionism and its dreams, stupid moron.

You have mental problems; you see everything in black and white.

ISIS = serving Israel
SDF = serving Israel
Assad-led regime = serving Israel
Russia = serving Israel
Iran = serving Israel

Everybody in your books is serving Israel.

Did you just forget that Turkey have diplomatic relations with Israel?

Fresh reminder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel–Turkey_relations

Should I show you the location of Israeli embassy in Turkey?

Enough with this shit.
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Refer back to this post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/oper...create-safe-zone.638588/page-56#post-11836596

I put it all together to:

1. Highlight the true picture of the Syrian demographics.
2. Explain how the SDF-YPG regime came into existence and the extent of its administrative mandate in Syria.
3. For what purpose, the SDF-YPG regime was created in Syria.

I clearly recognize the Turkish-PKK issue and I absolutely oppose separatists ambitions of any group in Turkey (no country would want to split on political grounds).

However, Erdogan administration want us all to believe that the SDF-YPG regime and PKK are the same entities in order to justify Turkish excesses in Syria. Turkish members here refuse to acknowledge the fact that Syrian kurd factions have been living near Turkish border for a long time and they will be uprooted by Turkish-led forces in the course of Operation Peace Spring.

PKK elements might be involved in the composition of the SDF-YPG regime at certain capacity but this regime is a recent development and not responsible for prior Turkish-PKK history. This regime is primarily focused on containing ISIS and having administrative autonomy in Syria to the extent of territories under its control - nothing more.

My contention is that Trump administration should have considered a better approach to address this matter, of allowing Turkey to create a buffer zone between Syria and Turkey. Only this.

But here I am, facing members left, right and center, trying to cast me in negative light because I dared to have a difference of opinion about Operation Peace Spring. :rolleyes:


What do you have to say about Turkish and Emirati hands in the most recent chapter of the Libyan Civil War? Whose camp is HALAL and whose camp is HARAM in that theater? :rolleyes:

I shall tell you this much; Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a ruthless politician, and he is not interested in being righteous. He is only interested in strengthening his regime, to the point of meddling in the affairs of other countries if he has to.

For crying out loud man! Stop editing your posts that many times.

It would be unwise to think that YPG/J is just here to counter ISIS just because US said so and because US special forces feel guilty now leaving them.

You need to check the demographic pre-2011 and not what it controls now. Why should the YPG have autonomy have over area that it did not have back then. YPG represents syrian Kurds as much as PTM represents pushtuns. Do not confuse between the two.

Why should the refugees suffer in Turkey at the expense of YPG/J's autonomy.

The refugees have just as much stake in Syria as the Kurds or assadists.

Again not presenting the full picture.

I don't care about erdogan or Libyan politics. However, as a Pakistani I do care about Turkey especially considering they are facing the same situation as we did.

If we did not have an enemy 7 times larger and this economic mess, we would have done the same to create a buffer zone in Afghanistan and seal the border once and for all.
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I am not working for Zionism and its dreams, stupid moron.

are you working for the Kurds from Pakistan ? you liar stupid idiot

You and the US , the EU , pathetic slaves Arab League are working for Zionism and its dreams

keep crying zionist dream so-called Kurdistan is over
everywhere this image pops out


may his supporters be resurrected right next to him on the day of judgemend!

lets look what our soildiers are doing in syria with civilians and children:

are you working for the Kurds from Pakistan ? you liar stupid idiot

You and the US , the EU , pathetic slaves Arab League are working for Zionism and its dreams

keep crying zionist dream so-called Kurdistan is over
No, I am not working for kurd.

I am anti-ISIS, and I have a favorable view of forces which worked to neutralize ISIS in any part of the world.

One of the centers of Zionism is in Istanbul: https://embassies.gov.il/Istanbul-en/Pages/Default.aspx

And here you are accusing others of working for Zionism and its dreams. :rolleyes:

Members of the Syrian National Army, which is fighting YPG/PKK terrorists alongside the Turkish army, welcomed civilians who were returning to their homes in Tal Abyad after they were forced to leave.

  • A US delegation, including Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, went to Turkey on Wednesday to ask its president for a ceasefire in northern Syria.
  • But Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he will ignore Pence and Pompeo because he will only deal with President Donald Trump.
  • "I am not going to talk to them, they will be talking to their counterparts," he told Sky News. "When Trump comes here I will talk."
I am anti-ISIS, and I have a favorable view of forces which worked to neutralize ISIS in any part of the world.

Do you think are Turks stupid ? We Turks very well know about dirty plans
stop lying ... all of you are working for Zionism and its dreams under the mask of fighting ISIS

wtf ISIS ? The US-The UK-Israel created ISIS for their dirty plan in Syria and Iraq

Turkish Army is only Army in NATO and Coalition Forces that fought against ISIS in Syria
and Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS Terrorists and cleaned Jarablus , Dabıq , Rai , Azez , Al Bab

so Turkey said that lets clean Raqqa too from ISIS Terrorists but the US said NO ,
and the US has started working with PKK/YPG Terrorists , because of the US had its own dirty plan in Syria under the mask of fighting ISIS

Kurdish Population is about 5% in Syria ..... but the US backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded Arab cities including Munbij , Telabyad , Rasulayn , Raqqa ,Deir al Zour , etc (30% of Syrian territory ) under the mask of fighting ISIS

smart the US,The UK,Israel uses PKK/YPG and ISIS terrorists as pawns for their dirty plans in the region

now Turkish Army re-take Arab lands from the US,The UK,Israel,France,S.Arabia backed PKK/YPG terrorists

therefore all of you are so crying

Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Israel are set to implement a strategy to combat importantly Turkey

so Syria has led to serious conflict between Turkey and Israel- Arab States alliance
and smart Israel uses stupid Arab States in Syria for its own zionist dream

also smart Israel uses stupid Arab States to take the holy city of Jerusalem ... pathetic slaves MBS ( S.Arabia ) and MBZ (The Uae ) support zionist KUSHNER's plan about Palestine
Do you think are Turks stupid ? We Turks very well know about dirty plans
stop lying ... all of you are working for Zionism and its dreams under the mask of fighting ISIS

wtf ISIS ? The US-The UK-Israel created ISIS for their dirty plan in Syria and Iraq

Turkish Army is only Army in NATO and Coalition Forces that fought against ISIS in Syria
and Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS Terrorists and cleaned Jarablus , Dabıq , Rai , Azez , Al Bab

so Turkey said that lets clean Raqqa too from ISIS Terrorists but the US said NO ,
and the US has started working with PKK/YPG Terrorists , because of the US had its own dirty plan in Syria under the mask of fighting ISIS

Kurdish Population is about 5% in Syria ..... but the US backed PKK/YPG Terrorists invaded Arab cities including Munbij , Telabyad , Rasulayn , Raqqa ,Deir al Zour , etc (30% of Syrian territory ) under the mask of fighting ISIS

smart the US,The UK,Israel uses PKK/YPG and ISIS terrorists as pawns for their dirty plans in the region

now Turkish Army re-take Arab lands from the US,The UK,Israel,France,S.Arabia backed PKK/YPG terrorists

therefore all of you are so crying

Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Israel are set to implement a strategy to combat importantly Turkey

so Syria has led to serious conflict between Turkey and Israel- Arab States alliance
and smart Israel uses stupid Arab States in Syria for its own zionist dream

also smart Israel uses stupid Arab States to take the holy city of Jerusalem ... pathetic slaves MBS ( S.Arabia ) and MBZ (The Uae ) support zionist KUSHNER's plan about Palestine
Oh dear...

My sincere advice to you [as a potential friend - take this as a friendly gesture from me towards you] is that you need to revisit your homework. I am not sure who are mentoring you but it looks like that they are misleading you, or you are looking at wrong sources.

You continue to lambast Arab states for warming up to Israel; please tell me why Turkey have diplomatic relations with Israel?

Principles, man. Principles.

I do not wish to have further arguments and do not wish to put you on the defensive further.

Let us 'disengage' at this stage, and I wish you all the best.
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