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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

If people want to learn how popular Turkish invasion of Syrian territory is, then take a good look at Syrian exclusive coverage of events: https://www.sana.sy/en/


Link: https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=175977

"Citizens of al-Mayadin salute the army, condemn the Turkish aggression on Syrian lands."


Scenes of protests in different towns of Syria are slowly surfacing, and Syrian nationals are calling for withdrawal of Turkish troops in them.

Link: https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=175993

"Hasaka, Raqqa, SANA- Forces of the Turkish occupation and their mercenaries continued their offensive on the Syrian territories through targeting a number of villages and towns in the northern countryside of Hasaka and Raqqa with artillery and warplanes causing the displacement of citizens who fled the brutality of the Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries against the locals."

NOTE: SANA is the primary media outlet of the original pre-war Assad-led regime in Syria; nothing to do with the SDF-YPG regime. So much love for Turkey in there.
If people want to learn how popular Turkish invasion of Syrian territory is, then take a good look at Syrian exclusive coverage of events: https://www.sana.sy/en/


Link: https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=175977

"Citizens of al-Mayadin salute the army, condemn the Turkish aggression on Syrian lands."


Scenes of protests in different towns of Syria, and Syrian nationals calling for withdrawal of Turkish troops in them.

Another: https://www.sana.sy/en/?p=175993

"Hasaka, Raqqa, SANA- Forces of the Turkish occupation and their mercenaries continued their offensive on the Syrian territories through targeting a number of villages and towns in the northern countryside of Hasaka and Raqqa with artillery and warplanes causing the displacement of citizens who fled the brutality of the Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries against the locals."

NOTE: SANA is the primary media outlet of the original pre-war Assad-led regime in Syria; nothing to do with the SDF-YPG regime. So much love for Turkey in there.

You should come with better news, a several people gathered and protest. Turkey not welcome, should go and look place wher Turkey have saved people from yph before you are desperate looking for something:-).
If people want to learn how popular Turkish invasion of Syrian territory

Real Invaders = The US-France and their multinational terrorist organization PKK/YPG who invaded 30% of Syrian territory under the mask of fighting ISIS

Criminal Murderers = Assad Regime , Russia , Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrian People including childs and women to protect dictatorial regime

on the other hand Turkey saved 4 million Syrian People , around 365.000 of them returned to their lands in Turkish Army controlled cities Afrin , Dabıq , Rai , Azez , Jarablus and Al Bab and soon more Syrian refugees will return to their lands in Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Manbij , etc

over 7 million Sunni muslim Syrians are with Turkey .... I can show you tons of photos about it

so keep crying .. Turkey never will allow criminal bandit countries and their ugly smelly terrorists to create terror corridor in Syria for Israeli interests
You should come with better news, a several people gathered and protest. Turkey not welcome, should go and look place wher Turkey have saved people from yph before you are desperate looking for something:-).
If you are under the impression that Turkish incursions in Syria enjoy popular support in Syria then you are utterly clueless, or Turkish exclusive coverage of events is in question.

SANA = Syrian official coverage of developments across Syria, and its coverage does not favor Turkish moves at all.

Syrians, irrespective of their ethnicity, are not not happy with recent developments. SANA will show you protests that Turkish media will not.

Kurd are protesting even in Europe.



If want to take a look at independent coverage of events, then this source is best: https://syria.liveuamap.com/

just for fun: are you shia?
Erdogan has just said that he will not stop the assault until military operation reach its target to create the intended safe zone. I dont know what it is so important for Turkish to do it despite so many potential sanction from US and EU.

Turkey of course will guard the captured safe zone if the military operation is success. And the result of it is that Turkey will get economic, military, and technology sanction from US and European countries for long time. I know that many in US and EU dont want to see an advanced Turkey, so this operation has given them surprising opportunity to hit Turkey progress as nation.
Insistently, you use maps that have nothing to do with reality to support your perceptions. This is definitely not a moral attitude. It is no different from terrorist propaganda.

While accusing others of ethnic changes, you don't even get the amnesty reports of the PKK/YPG. You don't want to remember what you did in Raqqa in Menbic. Look at the TelAbyad report, see what happened in Resulayn a few years ago.

The ethnic structure of Syria is as follows: (1935)


This is the situation that occurred when the civil war began.

Now, ignoring this basic reality and defending the truth of the picture created by the US and Russian occupation: in its lightest terms, it is foolish.


Another issue is to persistently try to address this situation in the Kurdish-Turkish dilemma. The truth is that Turkey is the world's largest Kurdish country. Istanbul is the largest Kurdish city in the world. Today there are about 150 Kurdish parliamentarians in 3 different parties in Parliament. About half of them are on the conservative wing and the other half on the nationalist left wing.There is also an extreme religious and pkk enemy structure that fails to enter the parliament. Locally strong but often boycott the elections.

Turkish blood and Kurdish blood are intertwined. It has been a family for generations. My mother is Kurdish and my father is Turkish. How are you gonna separate me? How will you classify millions of families?

Our struggle is related to the Pkk-Kck structure. If there will be a Kurdish state: It cant be created by who located in terrorist activities in the territory of Turkey and Iraq over 40 years or by who killed tens of thousands of civilians without separationor by who international drug smuggler gangs. Come to yourself, what you're defending now is a terrorist organization. Today, you are the advocate of a state that comes from 12,000 kilometers away and what Israel has decided. And with great prejudice. This is an unconscious policy that ruins all such balances here and it decides to destroy everything else.

Until the year 2011, there was a peace process In Turkey . The state showed great common sense against the PKK. We've made our goodwill. So what did we get in return? Powered by the US, and also armed PKK by US, which has used this power to occupy cities in Turkey. Even now, do you know that mortars fall every day in our border areas? Once you have shared our pain? But now you judging us now?

Look, the BBC, came to border areas after operation start. Its purpose is make news that the Kurdish rebellion in Turkey. But what did they see? Turkey flag Kurds celebrating the operation

Anyway, I clearly see that you know these things. You know as a Pakistani. And I see very well what you want to do.

Anyone who has tampered with some message history of you, they can see how different perspective when issues comes to your homeland. This operation will be over soon. And We'il be able to spend more time here. Then we start judging your understandings.

Don't spend time on the legend guy. He is more pro american than Americans themselves even on policies concerning Pakistan.
Can you show me prove that Kurdish rebel has killed 10.000 civilians ? Can you just show me any link in English (international media) about any recent bombing those Kurds rebel done in Turkey ?

Is there any war happen between Kurdish rebel and Turkish military inside Turkey? How big is the scale ?

Oh, my God. That's the level of knowledge

Below is a short list of the mass killings of the PKK. (Assassinations are not included. These are terrorist attacks in which 3 or more civilians are killed, between 1984-2009) The post-2009 process needs to be addressed separately. Two major attempts have taken place.

Massacres of 1984

1. November 8, 1984 massacre of the "village of Karagecit"

2. December 15, 1984 "The Cattle Mazra" massacre
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Massacres of 1985

3. January 7, 1985 "Tekçınar village" massacre

4. April 3, 1985 "Şırnak Health Team" massacre

5. June 6, 1985 "The village of Sırmalı" massacre

6. The July 14, 1985 "Kozedirbaz hamlet" massacre

7. August 5, 1985 "Taşbucak hamlet" massacre

8. August 23, 1985 "Kismet village" massacre

9. September 3, 1985 "Tatars" massacre

1986 massacres

10. March 19, 1986 The massacre in the village of Ulasi

11. 25 June 1986 Gechit village massacre

12. July 27, 1986 Goremeçç village massacre

13. July 28, 1986 EKLENCEa hamlet massacre

14. September 4, 1986 Serenköy massacre
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1987 massacres

15. January 22, 1987 The massacre of the "village of Ortabakh"

16. 23 January 1987 Gündükörte hamlet massacre

17. February 22, 1987 Taşdelen village massacre

18. March 7, 1987 Açıkyol village massacre

19. April 12, 1987 Kavuncu village massacre

20. April 12, 1987 Pınarcık village massacre

21. July 8, 1987 Anıklı village massacre

22. July 8, 1987 Pecheneg village massacre

23. July 8, 1987 Haraberk hamlet massacre

24. July 9, 1987 Kermen hamlet massacre

25. July 21, 1987 Akdemir hamlet massacre

26. August 9, 1987 Cirali village massacre

27. August 18, 1987 Milan hamlet massacre

28. August 20, 1987 the massacre of the Dargecit

29. September 3, 1987 Tekkuyu village massacre

30. September 17, 1987 The massacre of the village of Karageçit

31. September 21, 1987 Çiftekavak village massacre

32. 10 October 1987 The massacre of Çobandere

33. November 13, 1987 Yoğurtçular village teacher massacre

1988 massacres

34. 11 January 1988 The massacre of the Kısranık caves

35. March 28, 1988 the massacre of the village of Yağızoymak

36. May 2, 1988 Evil hamlet massacre

37. May 7, 1988 The massacre of the Taraklı hamlet

38. May 8, 1988 Balmimin massacre

39. August 30, 1988 Simone Creek massacre

40. October 19, 1988 Beşkonak-Gürses road crossing massacre

41. November 6, 1988 Teacher massacre in the Sumerian village
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1989 massacres

42. May 27, 1989 Belkis neighborhood massacre

43. May 29, 1989 Anilmish village massacre

44. The massacre of the village of Kuşluca on 28 June 1989

45. July 29, 1989 Gülburnu village massacre

46. August 8, 1989 rejgar plateau massacre

47. 9 August 1989 Bogazoren village massacre

48. August 10, 1989 Massacre of the village of Hisar

49. August 12, 1989 Bahçesaray Massacre

50. August 12, 1989 Çukurca massacre

51. August 18, 1989 Gurcukaya Hill Massacre

52. Aktaş village massacre on August 21, 1989

53. September 6, 1989 siirt-eruh highway teachers massacre

54. September 7, 1989 calnuk plateau massacre

55. September 12, 1989 Tavuklu village massacre

56. October 11, 1989 the massacre of the village of Tepeonu

57. The massacre of the village of Yumurcak on October 17, 1989

58. November 9, 1989 bekirhan hamlet massacre

59. November 24, 1989 Two massacres of the village of Ikiyaka

60. December 12, 1989 The massacre of the Cevizlik village
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The massacres of 1990

61. January 9, 1990 The massacre of the "Düğünyurdu" village

62. February 26, 1990 the massacre of the derebaşı village

63. March 1, 1990 mamrastepe massacre

64. March 5, 1990 Baglıca village raid.

65. March 10, 1990 The massacre of the "Düenli" hamlet

66. May 21, 1990 Elazığ Highway 9 Engineer Massacre

67. March 29, 1990 The "Mezralıkk" massacre

68. April 9, 1990 The massacre of Övecek village

69. April 10, 1990 Örtülü * The hamlet massacre

70. 11 April 1990 The massacre of the village of Övecik

71. 14 April 1990 Massacre of the Aşağıkon hamlet

72. Five Teachers Massacre in Bukardi Village

73. The massacre of the village of Yazlıca * on 4 May 1990

74. May 9, 1990 "Train 3005" massacre

75. June 9, 1990 Bağlar locality massacre

76. 10 June 1990 The massacre of the Çevriml village

77. The massacre of Beşpınarlar village on 17 June 1990

78. 14 August 1990 The massacre of the Kemerli village

79. 28 August 1990 Özyurt village massacre

80. September 30, 1990 Bağlıca massacre

81. October 9, 1990 Lutlu village massacre

82. November 1, 1990 The massacre of the Yukarıkara-Güney

83. December 9, 1990 Cumhuriyet neighborhood massacre

(to be continued)
Don't spend time on the legend guy. He is more pro american than Americans themselves even on policies concerning Pakistan.
It is in the nature of fellow Pakistani to cross each other in different forums, no wonder why our country is in such a mess. At the least, you could stay silent.

What pro-US views I have in regards to policies concerning Pakistan? Only War On Terror come to mind, and even its case, I felt uncomfortable about drone strikes in Pakistan.

I am just getting back at some of the Turkish members here because of their 'attitude'. I want them to see that Turkish moves in Syria are not necessarily favorably received and perceived from within Syria and outside Syria.

My posts in this thread contain references from different sources, and not just American.

In case you do not know, Trump administration gave the green light to Erdogan administration to commence Operation Peace Spring in order to create a buffer zone in Syria and abandoned the SDF-YPG to its fate (betrayal). Therefore, American government is onboard with this chapter of madness. As an independent observer, I do not have to toe the line of either administration.
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SANA = Syrian official coverage of events, and its coverage does not favor Turkish moves.

over 7 million Sunni muslim Syrians favor Turkish moves

We dont care about bandit countries the US , the EU , Israel , criminal murderer ASSAD Regime Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrian People including childs and women to protect dictatorial regime

Turkey has right to be in Syria to fight terrorism ( UN article 51 self defense )

1991 massacres

84. April 15, 1991 Kantarmacı village massacre

85. The Solhan massacre of April 28, 1991

86, June 28, 1991 Şenoba village massacre

87. July 6, 1991 The Yunağlı Plateau Massacre

88. July 13, 1991 Harmancık village massacre

89. July 13, 1991 Çağlayan massacre of cerites

90. July 22, 1991 Yemişli locality massacre

91. 27 August 1991 tamarisks village massacre

92. September 2, 1991 Kasımlı village massacre

93. September 12, 1991 Selamet hamlet massacre

94. September 18, 1991 Bardakci village massacre

95. 3 October 1991 Bahçebaşı village massacre

96. November 15, 1991 Shirvan massacre

97. November 17, 1991 Tarlabaşı massacre

98. 25 December 1991 Massacre of the Çetinkaya store
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Massacres of 1992

99. March 3, 1992 Tepeköy massacre

100. April 20, 1992 The massacre of the Tulgali area

101. April 20, 1992 Çalpınar locality massacre

102. May 21, 1992 The massacre of the Bulmuşlar village

103. May 23, 1992 The massacre of the village of Dumanli

104. May 28, 1992 Asmaaya massacre

105. 10 June 1992 The massacre of the village of Kokarsu

106. June 16, 1992 The massacre in the Ardıçdibi area

107. 18 June 1992 Massacre of the village of Bulumuşlar

108. 21 June 1992 The massacre of the Elmasırtı village

109. 22 June 1992 The massacre of the village of Karahacılı

110. 22 June 1992 The massacre of the village of Seki

111. 25 June 1992 The massacre of the Yolaç village

112. 26 June 1992 Massacre in the Tepeköy locality

113. The 26th of June 1992 Erencik massacre

114. July 2, 1992 Yaniktaş village massacre

115. July 11, 1992 Yolindi village massacre

116. July 16, 1992 Isiklar neighborhood massacre

117. July 22, 1992 Seyran hamlet massacre

118. 4 August 1992 The massacre of the village of Doğançay

119. August 15, 1992 The massacre in the village of Özyar

120. 24 August 1992 The massacre of the Yolaç village

121. August 31, 1992 Massacre in the village of Gürmeşe

122. September 5, 1992 Bingöl-young road massacre

123. September 12, 1992 Kozluk three engineer massacre

124. September 15, 1992 The massacre of the district of Kozluk

125. September 17, 1992 The massacre of the village of Ulubahçe

126. September 20, 1992 The massacre of Savur

127. September 22, 1992 Bağıvar village massacre

128 29 September 1992 massacre in the village sugel

129. September 29, 1992 the massacre of the Derecik hamlet

130. The massacre of the Cevizdali village on 1 October 1992

131. October 9, 1992 Gzlu massacre

132. October 9, 1992 the massacre of the village of Yarımca

133. The first uludere massacre of 11 October 1992

134. The massacre of the Kaledibi Village on 17 October 1992

135 19 October 1992 belenoluk village massacre

136. On December 20, 1992 hazarşah village massacre

137. The massacre of the village of Dedebağ on 22 October 1992

138. 25 October 1992 The Kizilagac massacre

139. November 7, 1992 Cizre massacre

140. November 10, 1992 HANI massacre

141. November 14, 1992 Bademli village massacre

142. November 15, 1992 The massacre of the village of Ortaalişan

143. November 19, 1992 Massacre in the village of Aydınlık

144. 1 December 1992 massacre of the village of hakverdi

145. Massacre of the first Derik hamlet on 7 December 1992

146. 17 December 1992 The massacre of the Tepecik-arkbaşı road

to be continued
Kurd demographics at a glance.




"That splash of red in the middle is really important: ethnic Kurds, who have no country of their own but big communities in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey."



So how are you going to single out PKK individuals from all that?

SDF-YPG is a Syrian kurd regime. Members of PKK might be involved but they do not represent this organization on the whole. Syrian kurd regime was created by US to counter ISIS in the region because ISIS posit greatest threat to modern civilizations and peace in the world at present.

Maybe it is time for you to grow up.

We must help these oppressed people to form their own nation. We'll call it GINGERstan.
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