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On Insulting Muslims

On this positive note lets agree that there is no point purposely insulting other's religion, but lets accept that people take offence at different things and some people out of 7 billion will be there who will purposely offend too. And these people are from all religions and all religions get their share of ridicule (- but not quite enough in my opinion :))

So if someone offends or if one feels offended, one should react peacefully and let their displeasure known. Using violence is equally if not more deplorable than ''saying'' something.
What a moronic clue less post.

Why the hindus killed 20000 Sikhs in 1984, why they just didn't let the law take its course ?

I am not sure why the modi loving muslim killing indian hindus are getting all worked up.

Jagdish Tytler is Christian & HKL Bhagat is an imbecile.

True hindus ll never hurt a True Sikh.
Please go and read biography of Indian PM MMS, during those riots against Sikhs by Hindus, the house of MMS was also under attack and the attackers only spared them when Hindu son-in-law of Manmohan Singh went outside and assured them he was a Hindu and it was his house.

As far as your statement that killing of Sikhs was reaction to assissanation of Indira by a Sikh bodyguard , very true but amazingly the killeres were HINDUS who targeted own Sikhs as a community and many were burnt alive by Hindu mobs on streets of Delhi.

its disgusting but its a fact that Hindu extremists in the history always burnt non-Hindus alive on many such ocasions

This story is so fake,

MMS was an ardent leftist congress intellectual and a hardcore Congress asslicker,nobody can touch him.
So you accept that values are worth fighting for, figuratively speaking?
No. I'm being clear here: the values one believes in ARE what one is willing to fight for. If you insult the Prophet and I kill you for it, then I'm holding the Prophet to a higher value than human life.

Would you also accept that a universally valid value is that of equality, one that should be a fundamental right of every individual?
No. Just as not everyone in class gets an "A" on their report card, or that convicted felons are entitled to live in a nice house with their wife and children along with everyone else.

Is it not the fundamental right of citizens of any democratic society to lobby peacefully for their cause?
Peacefully means not just without violence but without unduly disturbing other people going about their business.

Remember, we are not debating the tactics of the protesters, which are admittedly wrong, but the issues they raise about double standards in free speech.
I kind of doubt that. Instead, you want to impose your own value of "truth" on others upon the point of violence, crying that your opinion is just as good as others. That's a fallacy, easily seen: if you said one plus one equals three and you got a crowd together to assert that, that doesn't mean all of you are correct. One plus one still equals two. At some point, if you yell loud enough that nobody can speak about anything else, then you are violating others right to free speech and you're going to be arrested - or suppressed - for disturbing the peace.
The crux you mention is very valid. But as soon it's applied to justify provocation or one's own side of the story; the essence becomes nullified. Since starting with self means we all do it.

In all, it's a neutral point and not something to score with...
Umm, no, I don't understand this.
Jews have again and again proved that they are the enemies and they will remain the enemies -
The Jew Weinstein, kidnapped in Pakistan and held prisoner by Al Qaeda, spent most of his life trying to assist Muslims. I've helped Muslims coming to beg at my door. Are you going to explain how you can reconcile your opinions with the reality of experience? Can you even describe how "Jews are the enemies?"
The "moronic post" seems to be evident for every one here. Sikhs were killed not specifically by Hindus but for retaliation of Indira Gandhi's assassination by a Sikh bodyguard for Operation Blues star she ordered. There is no case of similarity here, ur post was an evident troll.

The Chief Minister of Tamilnadu openly asked if god Rama ever existed a clear shot at Hindu sensitivity but how many were killed

This is what he is talking about. Please apply brain some times atleast.

Why the peace loving hindu folks didn't wait for the law to take it course ? The Indians claim higher moral ground 7 days a week, twice on a Sunday. Why they acted as pure blood thirsty savages and not wait for the LEO to do its work.

How do you even justify the act of killing tens of thousands of Sikhs. The inaction and the failure of the successive Govts to bring the hindu culprits to justice.

Why after 28 years not a single hindu ever charged much less convicted. It seems that you are claiming the higher moral ground on this one. What is stopping you now to deliver the long delayed justice this time around ?

Not to mention the fact that beef (a much needed source of nutrition) is banned almost all over India to appease the sensitive belief of the hindu Indians.

I don't mind criticism from fellow Americans, but the Indian hindu posse should clean their own house first before spewing hateful comments.
I am confused,
How can the name of our prophet who was blessing for all worlds
and the religon of Islam which meant peace

be used to Kill ?

If we as Muslims followed half of our prophet's ways, then humanity would ask and explore who our prophet was and learn from his teachings.

Today we as Muslims present the absolute worst and people of the world ridicule our prophet.

We must fear, if on the day of judgement we are asked to pay for the damage we the muslims have done to the prophet's name and Allah's religion.
Why the peace loving hindu folks didn't wait for the law to take it course ? The Indians claim higher moral ground 7 days a week, twice on a Sunday. Why they acted as pure blood thirsty savages and not wait for the LEO to do its work.

How do you even justify the act of killing tens of thousands of Sikhs. The inaction and the failure of the successive Govts to bring the hindu culprits to justice.

Why after 28 years not a single hindu ever charged much less convicted. It seems that you are claiming the higher moral ground on this one. What is stopping you now to deliver the long delayed justice this time around ?

Not to mention the fact that beef (a much needed source of nutrition) is banned almost all over India to appease the sensitive belief of the hindu Indians.

I don't mind criticism from fellow Americans, but the Indian hindu posse should clean their own house first before spewing hateful comments.

lol - talk to even the extreme right wing elements of the hindus and they will ask that the the people who killed sikhs in 1984 be hanged or they might propose the extreme form of punishment for these b****s who killed the sikhs. And most hindus hang their head in shame when they talk about the 1984 pogrom(though the actual fact is the congress mfs are responsible for this) . This shows only your ignorance about where the hindus stand as far as the sikh pogrom is concerned.
If we as Muslims followed half of our prophet's ways, then humanity would ask and explore who our prophet was and learn from his teachings.
I think that's what's happening today: you as Muslims are following only half of your prophet's ways, the rest of humanity is asking and exploring who Mohommed was and based on the conduct of his sworn followers what his teachings are.

What it boils down to is that Islam is, or has become, the religion of no-risk mob violence against innocents, for glory, power, and profit. That attracts some and repels others. Of course, once everyone in a culture is that kind of Muslim, their violence must then turn inward - hence all the bombings and corruption Pakistan experiences today.
I think that's what's happening today: you as Muslims are following only half of your prophet's ways, the rest of humanity is asking and exploring who Mohommed was and based on the conduct of his sworn followers what his teachings are.

What it boils down to is that Islam is, or has become, the religion of no-risk mob violence against innocents, for glory, power, and profit. That attracts some and repels others. Of course, once everyone in a culture is that kind of Muslim, their violence must then turn inward - hence all the bombings and corruption Pakistan experiences today.

Please, shut up, Solomon. It may not appear on your country's media, but those protests have actually been small and they are, of course, very recent. If people are going to take conclusions of a millenia-old religion on the basis of something that has been happening over the past 5 five days in localized protests, then they are idiots -- as I suspect you are, and very much so. And apart from an idiot, you also have some personal beef against Muslims due to your own background and attachment to Israel. No wonder you have a penchant to take only the worst conclusions about Islam and Muslims. What happens in Pakistan, by the way -- the work of Taliban and other militants against minorities which doesn't even of necessity reflect the attitudes of most Pakistanis -- doesn't happen in the majority of Muslim countries. Ever hard of Muslims going about massacring Buddhists in Malaysia, for example? Countries are influenced not only by religion, but also by geography and local culture. If you can find so many instances of ethno-religious hostility in Pakistan, it's not of necessity because of Islam, or only because of it, but perhaps because this sort of strife has been common in South Asi, including in the non-Muslim parts of it. See, in India, the anti-Sikh riots of 1984 and the anti-Christian pogrom of 2008 in Orissa; and also the habitual anti-Muslim and anti-Christian riots in Burma; the Buddhist radicalization in Sri Lanka, etc. See also how that doesn't necessarily happen in more distant Muslim countries.

Anyway, can I ask you how are the people protesting the film seeking glory or profit? Perhaps because you're Jewish, you see everything from the perspective of profit-seeking, but I don't think you're on to something here.

By the way, did you know that a large percentage of the neocon establishment in the US media and government is of Jewish extraction? How would you feel, then, if I asked why Judaism, historically a religion of greed and profit seeking, provokes so many wars over the world -- for instance, in Iraq now trying one in Iran -- specially if you consider that so few Jews are willing to do the dying themselves instead of sending in the Goyim?
Please, shut up, Solomon. It may not appear on your country's media, but those protests have actually been small and they are, of course, very recent. If people are going to take conclusions of a millenia-old religion on the basis of something that has been happening over the past 5 five days in localized protests, then they are idiots -- as I suspect you are, and very much so.
I can't reach conclusions at this time. We'll see how it pans out - especially if in the future it continues to be seen as socially acceptable to brag about participating in such attacks and if prosecutions of suspected participants and leaders actually succeed by accepted legal norms.

For it isn't just how many participate in such violence, but who among Muslims are willing to actually stand and confront their co-religionists, stopping them from doing so and punishing those that do. Values are what you are actually willing to fight for, not platitudes one is content with merely mouthing.

Anyway, can I ask you how are the people protesting the film seeking glory or profit?
From the media reports I've read the protesters say they are on the street committing violence to show they are powerful. That's glory.

How would you feel, then, if I asked why Judaism, historically a religion of greed and profit seeking -
You're doing an awfully good job of showing your prejudices and ignorance here but is this really the proper thread for doing so?
The Jew Weinstein, kidnapped in Pakistan and held prisoner by Al Qaeda, spent most of his life trying to assist Muslims. I've helped Muslims coming to beg at my door. Are you going to explain how you can reconcile your opinions with the reality of experience? Can you even describe how "Jews are the enemies?"
Jews have been enemies since 1400 years ago Sir they have always planed against Islam and tried to harm Muslims in any way possible their are thousands of such cases Sir and Jews will face the most brutal end from the hand of Muslims really very soon
Jews have been enemies since 1400 years ago Sir they have always planed against Islam and tried to harm Muslims in any way possible their are thousands of such cases Sir and Jews will face the most brutal end from the hand of Muslims really very soon

Sir, You are dreaming too much and over estimating muslims. Now a days countries don't fight with hand and swords. Have you heard about hellfire missile and remote controlled drons. Terrorist in muslim country are chased and killed with joy stick for away.

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