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On Insulting Muslims


Religion is often abused by charismatic leaders to manipulate people. It turns out the troublemakers in yesterday's Sydney protest were Hizb-ul-Tahrir members. These idiots hijacked an otherwise peaceful protest and ruined it for everybody.

HT is the worst of the lot.. and probably represents the greatest danger to Islam today.
@Hyperion: thanks buddy for letting us know especially me. Should have told me earlier :D

P.S. How are you ?
Fine yara, just came back from walking the dog. It's still hot as hell out there!

How are you doing? I see that you have fixed your internet problems! :D
Yup......main issue was my work yaar......Now little relaxation time...:D

@Oscar: Funny thing is if I say same things to Hindus or Indians, they go berserk on me. I have to post many things to keep these so called Vanguard of Hinduism diverting their attention to other problems.
@Oscar: Funny thing is if I say same things to Hindus or Indians, they go berserk on me. I have to post many things to keep these so called Vanguard of Hinduism diverting their attention to other problems.

Buddy, let them be. Forget about others and stop trying to help them. Live your life, and if you come across fundamentalism of any sort, just ignore it. There is absolutely no need to engage any one of them.

I used to be like you in my 20's, taxed my brain a lot worrying about people, later learned the hard way that most can't be helped. Said to myself, **** it. :D
Yup......main issue was my work yaar......Now little relaxation time...:D

@Oscar: Funny thing is if I say same things to Hindus or Indians, they go berserk on me. I have to post many things to keep these so called Vanguard of Hinduism diverting their attention to other problems.

Thats typical of Sub-continent people..
They will be very critical of others.. but refuse to accept that they are at fault.
Even if they are completely down in the dumps because of their own idiocy.. its somebody else's fault..
This somebody else can be from within their community too.. just as long as it is not themselves.
Their last resort is then either "Haye Ram" or "Ya Allah".."meri Kismat".. etc..
Never will they get up and realize they are at fault.. for their own account..and it has nothing to do with God trying to mess them up.
I don't lecture them, rather post sarcastic comments, most of them are good friends, few of them best, but their hypocrisy is very funny.

They are good sport. Good time pass to have a break with coffee. :D
Good time pass to have a break with coffee. :D

Sometimes I envy you guys with 9-5 jobs. I'm working 24/7/365 as there is always something to do, and no free time as such. Although, I like our chitty chats here on the forum, while I am scheduling work for the next week! :D
I don't do 9-5 job buddy. I have to think and research a lot everyday. And wait for the result of my work for more than a year. In my field their is no rest, i keep my laptop on always just to jot down any new idea that comes into mind.

I also envy these 9-5 guys. Eve non marriages of my friends, couldn't attend for which they bashed me good.

While I chat with you guys, i am busy reading research articles :D
Oh stop using Babri masjid, Godhara and Samjhauta every freaking time. You all get all riled up when people reiterate OBL raid, terrorist safe havens, Mumbai attack etc. if used by Indians. If you want to bring dozens of incidents, so can we. We are talking about present. Keep it focused to recent years.

If you all want to go back to history, why not go back centuries and discuss desecration of temples by Invaders. Its a slippery slope. Don't start same old debate which end at no conclusion and more flame posts and finally derailment of thread.

As for jews, how many Muslims have they killed ?

US killed more Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and numerous other countries, yet you were and still ally with them in their war. At one point you say Jews control US govts., its foreign policies, politics and media. Israel is the puppet master of US, then why for so many decades you had relations with them? Where was the solidarity for Palestinians ? Its completely.

If you want to hate one religion or race, hate Christians, not Hindu or Jews if common HATE has to be present in your country for social order (similar case exists in India too).

and for mumbai attacks we cant resist to bring ajmaj bhagwaan kasab in it too, aint it?
Actually I think Kasab did good for our country than bad. Of course many innocent lives were lost, but man, we got a live example to show Pakistan funded terrorists. We don't care about proofs. We just keep showing him on TV and releasing his statements. Many foreigners died, we will keep them updated.

May be growing international pressure on Pakistan and India playing victim card, it made things difficult for these terrorists which may have saved potential loss of thousands of lives.

I think it was a good bargain even if it was heinous attack.
Ignoring might've been the best approach to this incident. But I see these various protests more like the expression of the Muslim world against USA and the Western World. If USA/WW was more moderate towards Muslims today, we would see another type of reaction or no reaction at all.
The reality is quite opposite.

Muslims have been the perpetrators of invasions, rapine, genocide and slavery on a vast number of people.

The only provocation was that those people existed and were kaffirs.

What the Mongols, and to a smaller extent the crusaders, did to the Muslims was on a much lower scale.

Their bigotry in India has not been punished significantly as well.

So far.
Here comes a person who is tell bullshit in the name of history Mr go first read Muslims history from many sources you will know Muslims have proven the best people for whole humanity even those areas we conquered Non Muslims lived in security and in those times they made most progress but when ever some Non Muslims invaded areas they have killed thousands oppressed other nations
Here comes a person who is tell bullshit in the name of history Mr go first read Muslims history from many sources you will know Muslims have proven the best people for whole humanity
how has barbaric invader like Timur been proven the best people for whole humanity
even those areas we conquered Non Muslims lived insecurity and in those times theymade most progress
never knew that the parts of india which timur conquere people people there lived peacefully and made progress
how has barbaric invader like Timur been proven the best people for whole humanity

never knew that the parts of india which timur conquere people people there lived peacefully and made progress
Taimur is considered nothing more than a .............. among Muslims too he is not even considered good among Muslims most areas which Muslims conquered made progress Mr

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