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Oliver Hazard Class Frigate Acquisition by Pakistan

The USS McInerney crew is training Pakistani officers and sailors to take over the frigate in August. The Pakistani crew are all seasoned sailors with knowledge in their fields. They only need to apply that knowledge to a different ship and system.


Below the main deck 3rd class Petty Officer Allen Littleton explains the inner working of the ship to Pakistani sailors.


On the weather decks outside the bridge, a Pakistani sailor looks at his notebook.


Pakistani sailors gather for a study session on the mess decks of the USS McInenery.


1st Class Petty Officer David Woodruff answers a question about the power system of the McInerney in the engineering department.


1st Class Petty Officer Jacob Streufert watches in the dimly lit Combat Information Center aboard the USS McInerney Pakistanis learn the newer radar systems aboard the ship they will soon get.


Pakistani sailors go through a check list reassembling a 25 mm gun on the deck of the USS McInerney

Pakistani sailors check out the controls on the bridge of the USS McInerney. Toggling switches and speaking into the phones and learning the system of the ship their govenment is getting



A Pakistani sailor is reflected in the lenses of the large binoculars outside the bridge of the McInerney


1st class Petty Officer Andrew Clouse is stopped in a passageway, onboard the McInerney, by two Pakistani sailors asking questions about what he taught in the morning


On the stern of the ship where the Officer Of the Day (OOD) stands there is an American flag and a Pakistani flag displayed together.


The USS McInerney crew is training Pakistani officers and sailors to take over the frigate in August.



So i am assuming 6 are needed to replace the 6 old Amazon type.
4 f-22p and 4 more bigger 4000 ton frigates.

Hmm, so by 2015 PN would be having 14 Frigates and assuming the Chinese Sub deal goes through then 6 Subs.

Agosta 70 has to retire sometime soon.
Pakistan to get US guided-missile frigate!
US always Guide us and then give us Guided Missile, with this guidence don't share this to other guide.

These pictures and the article tells a totally different story than what the posters have been trying to portray---.

It is a story of camaraderie, sharing the knowledge and getting the other party ready to do the job right in the best possible manner.

Americans are known to share each and everything opetraqtional they know about the equipment---they would want to see the ship well operated and in good preofessional hands---.

It also tell me that pak navy is looking forward to having a bi--trilingual naval fleet---.

Udru and english on one side----urdu and chinese on the other side---.

Going back---getting out of the old ships that the pak navy had and going into this 30 years old Alamgir would still be a big learning experience for the pak navla forces---. There are so many expansion plans going in---all at one time for the pak armed forces in all the fields that it would get really cumbersome to keep up with the progress---.

In two to three years from now---pak armed forces would not be recognized by many----.

My only concern and where I see a lack of professionalism is in the hair cuts---paks have very long hair for millitary men----if I have my way----my first words would be---cut them short---.

These pictures and the article tells a totally different story than what the posters have been trying to portray---.

It is a story of camaraderie, sharing the knowledge and getting the other party ready to do the job right in the best possible manner.

Americans are known to share each and everything opetraqtional they know about the equipment---they would want to see the ship well operated and in good preofessional hands---.

It also tell me that pak navy is looking forward to having a bi--trilingual naval fleet---.

Udru and english on one side----urdu and chinese on the other side---.

Going back---getting out of the old ships that the pak navy had and going into this 30 years old Alamgir would still be a big learning experience for the pak navla forces---. There are so many expansion plans going in---all at one time for the pak armed forces in all the fields that it would get really cumbersome to keep up with the progress---.

In two to three years from now---pak armed forces would not be recognized by many----.

My only concern and where I see a lack of professionalism is in the hair cuts---paks have very long hair for millitary men----if I have my way----my first words would be---cut them short---.

Correction sir! Urdu, Punjabi, and English. LoL:)

I agree with your observation. Setting aside the larger political games that countries do play, the committment to teach and the will to learn is evident in the video.

Things are not all that bad between US and Pak contrary to what some of us would want all of us to believe.:pakistan:
Correction sir! Urdu, Punjabi, and English. LoL:)

I agree with your observation. Setting aside the larger political games that countries do play, the committment to teach and the will to learn is evident in the video.

Things are not all that bad between US and Pak contrary to what some of us would want all of us to believe.:pakistan:

Hi Aamir,

You know that the last crew of a retiring ship is the most highly trained crew---and giving that crew to pakistan is like giving the other party a part of you.

This crew knows the innards of the the ship like nobody else would---these are the actual people who got the ship running to it max capability under all circumstances and they will share this information over with the new crew.

Thast says a lot about the committment from the americans. In this scenarios---one tech says to the other---look this works fine under all conditions but you need to keep an eye on this item----or here is how to take care of this unique problem---.

I mean to say say the crew will train the other crew for all the temperamental attitudes of the ship. You can't pay any price for that kind of knowledge.:pakistan::usflag:
Hi Aamir,

You know that the last crew of a retiring ship is the most highly trained crew---and giving that crew to pakistan is like giving the other party a part of you.

This crew knows the innards of the the ship like nobody else would---these are the actual people who got the ship running to it max capability under all circumstances and they will share this information over with the new crew.

Thast says a lot about the committment from the americans. In this scenarios---one tech says to the other---look this works fine under all conditions but you need to keep an eye on this item----or here is how to take care of this unique problem---.

I mean to say say the crew will train the other crew for all the temperamental attitudes of the ship. You can't pay any price for that kind of knowledge.:pakistan::usflag:

What is surprising - at least so I gather from what is said in the vid - that this apparently is a first for the US crew to be conducting training this way (in spite of numerous earlier ship transfers by the US).

It really is surprising---that kind of handover and training ---it is totally unbelievable. For a crew---a ship is like a living and breathing thing---and they themselevs are the operating extensions of that entity.

What I am looking at is, is these extensions are removing themselves from he machine and attaching the pakistanis extensions in person in a manner that the machine keeps operating without knowing who the master is---and the extensions keep on working as they did.

Now if I was in marketing----this what I would bring out to the pakistani public on the TV media---that is what they really need to see.

It truly is remarkable.
You know it is quite ironic, most Pakistanis don't like us, but when uncle Sam gives them toys, they would be happy to accept. :usflag::)


At one time the highest grossing Pizza hut in the world was in pakistan----it is not a matter of disliking----it is a problem with how america is being marketed without anyone speaking up for it.

At one time the highest grossing Pizza hut in the world was in pakistan----it is not a matter of disliking----it is a problem with how america is being marketed without anyone speaking up for it.

Sir, Hello!

Yep, you are right, I know this for a fact, I was at one time associated with the group runing this franchise in Pakistan.

The problem has been that US Aid has never properly marketed their work in Pakistan. NICVD, IBA, PINSTECH, NIPA, Faisalabad Agri University, Punjab Univ. New Campus, our Special Forces/Airborne School, etc. are just a few of the projects undertaken by US MAP/US Aid in Pakistan in the past.

This in conunction with hundreds of thousands of officers, civil servants, scientists have been imparted trainnig in US.

However, now the realization is there that the work being done in providing clean drinking water, the Benazir Income Support Fund, Rural Education, and Modern Curriculum for Teaching Science in Madrassahs needs to be brought to the fore front.:pakistan:
6 of them we will get atleast something came only 10 ships we have with nave 6 of them are old due to retire navy is sleeping just waitting for ships from usa and uk to retire so they apply and get them in free
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