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Officially Italy has given the go-ahead for the sale of the two Fremm frigates to Egypt

Yes. All these Italian ships will certainly be FREMM class since they are FREMMs to begin with. We still need to know what the exact fate of the 6 German Meko-200 frigates to Egypt which were approved in April of last year, but then there were some issues. If that deal goes through, the EN will be stacked up pretty nicely in about 5 years from now.

What do you think of this here, Zarvan? Also @Abdelrahman I think you were talking about land-attack capabilities. These two ships and the possible 4 other eventual ones would have this space located behind the Aster 15 & 30 VLS for some type of land attack missile launch system. What are some of the options available to fill them up with viable, weapons? Any ideas? @The SC & @Amun feel free to pitch in any thoughts on that.

I believe they'll stay empty for a while, but this might be something the EN should really think about using and developing now, even before the ships arrive since they have the Tahyia Misr to work with. What are some options for missiles first of all?

Regarding the MIKO A-200 frigates .... it will be equipped with umkhonto AD Missiles with a range of 60 KMs ....

regarding land attack cruise missiles .... this technology will not be given to you except within the range of MTCR .... ( 300 KM ) .... otherwise we need to develop our own Cruise Missile that fits the VLS in our different platforms ....
What issues with Meko A-200!?

Well, has there been a contract or even a tender signed? The only news I've heard is that the Mekos were approved by the German government or congress or whomever they have there to be sold to Egypt. But there really hasn't ever been any formal announcement of a signed agreement with Egypt, has there? That's the issue I'm talking about.

Regarding the MIKO A-200 frigates .... it will be equipped with umkhonto AD Missiles with a range of 60 KMs ....

So how do we know this? I think it's more of an assumption as of now since this is the latest news regarding these missiles and the Mekos. From October 2019.

Denel, Egypt in Talks on Umkhonto Deal
October 1, 2019 - by Derek Bisaccio

Umkhonto Missiles. Source: Wikimedia Commons/Flash 285

The Egyptian military is seeking to move forward with an acquisition of South African firm Denel’s Umkhonto, a surface-to-air missile.

Mail & Guardian, a South African newspaper, reported last week that Denel is working on a ZAR4.5 billion ($294 million) sale of missiles to the Egyptian Navy. According to the report, Egypt is seeking to procure the Umkhonto-R, a radar-guided variant of the Umkhonto missile. The newspaper reported that Denel and Egypt are discussing the supply of 96 Umkhonto-Rs. Its report added, “The state arms company also intends to sell 32 units of an infrared variant of the Umkhonto-R.”

The proposed missile contract comes with a ZAR1.5 billion advance, which would provide crucial support to cash-strapped Denel.

According to the report, Denel said the Umkhonto contract is related to ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems vessels, a possible reference to the Meko 200. Earlier this year, Germany’s government approved an export license for at least three Meko 200s, as well as three other unspecified frigates, to the Egyptian Navy.

It had previously been assumed that Egypt would arm its frigates with surface-to-air missiles from the Aster family.

Darren Olivier, an expert on African militaries who is the director of the website African Defence Review, noted the Umkhonto-R is still in development and has not yet made a test flight, meaning the proposed contract between Denel and Egypt involves funding for development purposes. It is not clear when the missile will be ready for serial production, but external financing from Egypt could speed the process along.

South Africa’s National Conventional Arms Control Commission (NCACC), a regulatory body, must approve the sale before it can move forward. The NCACC is obligated to consider the importing state’s human rights record when determining whether to approve a sale.

If you read those two bolded sections, not only are the missiles not even ready for testing, but there's still a discrepancy on whether they will be used on the Mekos since that deal itself for the frigate is also still up in the air. Ma3lsh o3zourny ana mesh asdi a3mel argument ma3ak ya basha. :-) Bas el deal da mat3amalsh lessa wa7na mesh fahmeen 7aga khales 3al Mekos wella 7at ro7 wella hateegy f'Masr?!?!
Well, has there been a contract or even a tender signed? The only news I've heard is that the Mekos were approved by the German government or congress or whomever they have there to be sold to Egypt. But there really hasn't ever been any formal announcement of a signed agreement with Egypt, has there? That's the issue I'm talking about.

So how do we know this? I think it's more of an assumption as of now since this is the latest news regarding these missiles and the Mekos. From October 2019.

Denel, Egypt in Talks on Umkhonto Deal
October 1, 2019 - by Derek Bisaccio

Umkhonto Missiles. Source: Wikimedia Commons/Flash 285

The Egyptian military is seeking to move forward with an acquisition of South African firm Denel’s Umkhonto, a surface-to-air missile.

Mail & Guardian, a South African newspaper, reported last week that Denel is working on a ZAR4.5 billion ($294 million) sale of missiles to the Egyptian Navy. According to the report, Egypt is seeking to procure the Umkhonto-R, a radar-guided variant of the Umkhonto missile. The newspaper reported that Denel and Egypt are discussing the supply of 96 Umkhonto-Rs. Its report added, “The state arms company also intends to sell 32 units of an infrared variant of the Umkhonto-R.”

The proposed missile contract comes with a ZAR1.5 billion advance, which would provide crucial support to cash-strapped Denel.

According to the report, Denel said the Umkhonto contract is related to ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems vessels, a possible reference to the Meko 200. Earlier this year, Germany’s government approved an export license for at least three Meko 200s, as well as three other unspecified frigates, to the Egyptian Navy.

It had previously been assumed that Egypt would arm its frigates with surface-to-air missiles from the Aster family.

Darren Olivier, an expert on African militaries who is the director of the website African Defence Review, noted the Umkhonto-R is still in development and has not yet made a test flight, meaning the proposed contract between Denel and Egypt involves funding for development purposes. It is not clear when the missile will be ready for serial production, but external financing from Egypt could speed the process along.

South Africa’s National Conventional Arms Control Commission (NCACC), a regulatory body, must approve the sale before it can move forward. The NCACC is obligated to consider the importing state’s human rights record when determining whether to approve a sale.

If you read those two bolded sections, not only are the missiles not even ready for testing, but there's still a discrepancy on whether they will be used on the Mekos since that deal itself for the frigate is also still up in the air. Ma3lsh o3zourny ana mesh asdi a3mel argument ma3ak ya basha. :-) Bas el deal da mat3amalsh lessa wa7na mesh fahmeen 7aga khales 3al Mekos wella 7at ro7 wella hateegy f'Masr?!?!

I remember seeing all this and reading all the articles etc. The Russian one is the only one that offers anything close to an actual contract and agreement signed between all parties involved yet it still leaves out so much to make it completely convincing that there is an actual, valid contract for a particular sum which includes which armament etc. All that stuff is still somewhat indefinite to say the least lol. But we shall see. Let's hope for 3 from Germany and Thyssenkrupp and 3 locally built and the armament figured out sooner than later!
I remember seeing all this and reading all the articles etc. The Russian one is the only one that offers anything close to an actual contract and agreement signed between all parties involved yet it still leaves out so much to make it completely convincing that there is an actual, valid contract for a particular sum which includes which armament etc. All that stuff is still somewhat indefinite to say the least lol. But we shall see. Let's hope for 3 from Germany and Thyssenkrupp and 3 locally built and the armament figured out sooner than later!
The latest news talked about 4 ships contracted plus an option for another two..3 to be built in Germany and one in Alexandria Egypt..
What you say is true.. But since there was a demand and an offer to match it officially..we can consider it is a done deal.. these are serious matters between responsible states..one can not change his mind about it..otherwise we would have heard it if it did not go through as it was announced when it was approved and also with the bank names and all..

"The German parliament has approved the sale of six Meko A200 frigates to Egypt, providing guarantees of up to 2.3 billion euros for the transaction.
The Bild newspaper on 3 April reported that the Budestag’s Budget Committee gave its approval for an export credit guarantee for the six vessels, making it highly likely that the deal will go ahead."

"There are still potential problems ahead for this frigate sale. The ships will still have to be approved for export on a case by case basis as they are built. So while the overall program has been approved by the German parliament, if relations change between Berlin and Cairo in coming years, Egypt may be short several ships it badly needs."


Sounds like the deal for the submarines!
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"There are still potential problems ahead for this frigate sale. The ships will still have to be approved for export on a case by case basis as they are built. So while the overall program has been approved by the German parliament, if relations change between Berlin and Cairo in coming years, Egypt may be short several ships it badly needs."


Sounds like the deal for the submarines!

Let's hope! I love the part where it says "if relations change between Berlin and Cairo in coming years, Egypt may be short several ships it badly needs." lol! "it badly needs"? In some ways that's quite true, but you wouldn't think that to be the case around here LMFAO! :enjoy:

So assuming all these frigate & corvette deals go through smoothly and let's just pretend it happens in 5 years just for discussion sake (I know it will take a bit longer than that but) so the end goal will be, as far as numbers IF they do keep the Perry & Knoxx class frigates (which I think they should & will for a while after at least) and so we'll assume that for now just for sake of looking at the possible end numbers. The count should be:

Frigates: 1 FREMM, 4 Oliver Hazard Perry, 2 Knoxx, 2 Berghamnni, 6 Mek0 for a total of 15 frigates
Corvettes 4 Gowinds, 1 Pohang, 2 Descubierta and the 20 new Falaj for a total of 27 Corvettes
Fast Attack craft - Wiki says 45+ but I count 40 but who's counting? Oh yeah, we are! lol 45 Fast attack crafts
Submarine Chasers - All Chinese-built Hainan class for a total of Total of 8 Submarine chasers
Mine warfare vessels Total of 23 Mine warfare vessels
Landing craft - includes the 2 EDA-R class from the Mistrals LHDs Total of 18 Landing craft
Transport Ships Total of 2 Transport ships
Fuel Tankers Total of 9 Fuel takers
Mistral LHD Total of 2 Mistral LHDs
Submarines - 4 Chinese-built Romeo class & 4 German Type 209 for a Total of 8 Submarines

I would say these are some pretty impressive numbers, if they stay that way and none are retired but I think there will be some changes as well as I wouldn't be surprised if the list of ORDERED frigates increases from here on out, on top of the 2 Italian FREMMS and the 6 Mekos.
Patrol boats

    • 22 Timsah I/II class
    • 12 Sea Spectre PB Mk III class
    • 9 Swiftships class
    • 6 MV70 class
    • 5 P-6 (Project 183) class
    • 3 Textron class
Patrol crafts
    • 25 Swiftships 26m class
    • 16 SR.N6 class
    • 9 Type 83 class
    • 6 Crestitalia class
    • 12 Spectre class
    • 12 Peterson class
    • 5 Nisr class
    • 29 DC-30 class


I know @The SC & @Amun and several other Egyptian brothers actually already knows this, but for others who might not, if you notice under the Patrol Crafts, the Egyptian Navy actually operates 6 of the Turkish-built Yonka Onuk MRTP-20 Patrol crafts.



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