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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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Apr 25, 2012
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United States
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
Being secular doesn't make you liberal :lol: and may I ask what changed your mind?
Welcome to the club .
good to be in the club bro.
officially stopped hating india as well lol.
never really hated you guys but now I'm more for friendship between us because we are the same people in the end we shouldn't let religion divide us.

Is this some kinda joke? Secular? Liberal?

Now the TTP and the Mullah brigade are gonna get after your a$$!! Head for the hills! Now!
not a joke man lol.

Being secular doesn't make you liberal :lol: and may I ask what changed your mind?
just looking at the situation of our country.
every person should be able to choose how you want to live and you can only do that in a secular country.
quite a few things i will explain it later lol.
good to be in the club bro.
officially stopped hating india as well lol.
never really hated you guys but now I'm more for friendship between us because we are the same people in the end we shouldn't let religion divide us.

did you fall in love with an Indian girl or something? :D
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i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
Welcome to the club :tup:
Could you shed some light on your supposed change. What were the causes for this realization? Did the FBI knock on your door? Thats a joke. But we would like to know what your definition of Secular and Democracy is.
Count me in
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