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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
Read Islam mr than choose weather you want to be Muslim or secular because ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs
Read Islam mr than choose weather you want to be Muslim or secular because ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs
I'm Still a muslims zarvan lol.
secularism just simply means that i don't want to mix religion with politics and keep my faith in islam a private matter.
I'm Still a muslims zarvan lol.
secularism just simply means that i don't want to mix religion with politics and keep my faith in islam a private matter.
Here you are wrong Mr and that is exactly kufr Mr secularism is nothing but straight kufr Islam has politics and it will remain its part for ever and that is why ALLAH said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs
Could you shed some light on your supposed change. What were the causes for this realization? Did the FBI knock on your door? Thats a joke. But we would like to know what your definition of Secular and Democracy is.
secularism to me = complete separation of masjid and state.
democracy= people choose a government of their choice.

Being secular and liberal means accepting diversity. Welcome to the club!
always accepted diversity now i just don't want religion mixed in with politics, if it gets mixed then the other faiths won't be given full rights.

@qamar1990 By Zarvan standards you have now become a Kafir.
idk about zarvan. lol he is just crazy man.
people like zarvan just make me sick man, he so brian washed he doesn't even realize it.
I'm a muslim but if anybody insults my faith or something its not my job to defend it by attacking people, i will try reasoning with people if they don't understand i will simply ignore them.
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
hope you can able to provide your views for benefit of common man in pak
still water gets stinks and mosquitoes
fresh water gets fish and reef ..
those who change with time progress for own and social good at large..
.. it may be personal..
can you just point out recent event if you can..if its not personal.
Here you are wrong Mr and that is exactly kufr Mr secularism is nothing but straight kufr Islam has politics and it will remain its part for ever and that is why ALLAH said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs
islam has politics but people like you can't seem to decide what sharia is!
what is sharia?
nobody knows because everybody has their own definition.
if being secular makes me a kafir ill take my chances.
I'm pretty sure that allah will not send me to hell for simply not forcing islam onto other people living in pakistan, and advocating for the right of people to choose how they want to live their life instead of being forced to fast during ramadan ect.

when you mix religion with politics the result will end being bad.
secularism to me = complete separation of masjid and state.
democracy= people choose a government of their choice.

always accepted diversity now i just don't want religion mixed in with politics, if it gets mixed then the other faiths won't be given full rights.

idk about zarvan. lol he is just crazy man.
people like zarvan just make me sick man, he so brian washed he doesn't even realize it.
I'm a muslim but if anybody insults my faith or something its not my job to defend it by attacking people, i will try reasoning with people if they don't understand i will simply ignore them.
you secularism . more in to western line .. complete separation ...
in india we are more in to separation but with respect to all relgion
exa, no relgion of state or in machinery but state will guarantee freedom of religion to all
hope you can able to provide your views for benefit of common man in pak
still water gets stinks and mosquitoes
fresh water gets fish and reef ..
those who change with time progress for own and social good at large..
.. it may be personal..
can you just point out recent event if you can..if its not personal.

well what really made want a secular pakistan is all this terrorism.
clearly its a result of this. our kids in pakistan are brought up brain washed.
if they were brought up with open minds then terrorism wouldn't be a big problem.
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
islam has politics but people like you can't seem to decide what sharia is!
what is sharia?
nobody knows because everybody has their own definition.
if being secular makes me a kafir ill take my chances.
I'm pretty sure that allah will not send me to hell for simply not forcing islam onto other people living in pakistan, and advocating for the right of people to choose how they want to live their life instead of being forced to fast during ramadan ect.

when you mix religion with politics the result will end being bad.
crux of all fights
when you mix religion with politics the result will end being bad.-- for personal or some pity short term national gains
you secularism . more in to western line .. complete separation ...
in india we are more in to separation but with respect to all relgion
exa, no relgion of state or in machinery but state will guarantee freedom of religion to all
every religion should have the right to do what they want.
like for example france banned hijabs in schools which is actually against humans rights, so i am against that. humans rights are # ONE then separate religion and state completely
Read Islam mr than choose weather you want to be Muslim or secular because ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs

Janay dey yaar your job is done, you will not be asked about him, let him choose his path he is in the mode of exploration someday he might opt for something else how many christians have explored various avenues before coming to Islam so let him.
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
Welcome to the club. God bless you.
bro there is nothing wrong with secularism, you have to understand that making pakistan secular is the best option for everybody. look at the situation we are in because of mixed religion and politics, people can't even decide what is sharia, everybody has their own definition!
we seriously need to move into the modern age and allow our people live their lives how they want. islam will survive weather pakistan is secular or not, it has for the past 1400 years even when there was no pakistan.
look at turkey even with their extreme secularist policies islam still thrives there!.
let the people choose how they want to live each and every person not just the majority and only a secular government can gauruntee that.
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