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Nuclear weapons development must be consistent

I don't understand why Chinese mems think of nuclear weapon as offensive weapons, while the fact that they are a rather defensive weapon. Nuke existance ensure that the enemy cannot use nuke against the country without a nuke retaliation. No country will dare to fire the first nuke to attack another country, because whether that country wins or loses, it will go down on history as a black spot. Thousands of years later, if human does not extinct yet, they will teach children at school about how a nation commit the greatest crime against mankind: starting a nuclear war.
Sleep well, bro. China knows that if they fire one nuke against a Western state, their country will turn into glass.

And the entire world (including the West) knows anyone that fires a nuke at China will be wiped off the map in ruthless and uncompromising fashion.

One thing you don't mess with is communists in all out war.

Chinese communists are cold, brutal and utterly ruthless human beings. All out war with China is a war to the end.
Chinese communists and PLA generals are cold blooded killers, they don't give a damn if China is destroyed just as long as the enemy is completely and utterly annihilated.

Messing with Chinese communists when our territory is under threat is a death wish for anyone, don't believe me? Just ask the US and the Soviet Union. Both got spanked during the Korean War and Soviet War.

If mickey mouse military powers like Japan ever dare attack China, the entire Japanese population will be turned into human sushi. Japan or the US has absolutely NOTHING to counter the vast missile arsenal of the PLA.

No one, and I mean NO ONE is touching China militarily.
One single Type 096 SSBN will carry around 24 JL-3 SLBM's, with 10 MIRV warheads each.

That's already a maximum of 240 warheads on one nuclear submarine alone.

Now are we only going to have only one Type 096, and scrap all our existing Type 094 SSBN's, and all our ground-based road mobile ICBM's? No way, we're going to have loads of each.

And at least six Type 096 SSBN's alone. To complement the existing fleet of Type 094 SSBN's.
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`China is not a party to the NPT, but its stance on the question is clear-cut and above-board . . . it stands for nuclear disarmament and disapproves of nuclear proliferation . . . In recent years, the Chinese Government has more and more, time and again reiterated that China neither advocates nor encourages nuclear proliferation'.
-Ambassador Ho Qian Jiadong, speech given at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, 6/27/85 (quoted by Amb. Richard Kennedy in congressional testimony, 7/31/85).

...the Chinese government has consistently supported and participated in the international community's efforts for preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.'

-Ambassador Hou Zhitong, Xinhua, 4/1/91.

`China's position on nuclear proliferation is very clear . . . It does not advocate, encourage, or engage in nuclear proliferation, nor does it assist other countries in developing nuclear weapons. It always undertakes its international legal obligations of preventing nuclear proliferation . . . China has always been cautious and responsible in handling its nuclear exports and exports of materials and facilities that might lead to nuclear proliferation.'

-Statement by Foreign Ministry spokesman Cui Tiankai, Beijing, Xinhua, 9/15/97.


Let us have confidence in China's obligations and promises to prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons and stockpiles.
As far as i know Star Wars failed.... but it will be naive to think that no country is trying to develop a system which will stop the means of ICBMs...

@Sinan ,

What's the consensus with the Leadership in Turkey? Any plans to proceed with nuclear research?
Japan and China should no fight with each other. Rather than they should become strong enough to fight with the US and European
As far as i know Star Wars failed.... but it will be naive to think that no country is trying to develop a system which will stop the means of ICBMs...

& what if they find another ways to deliver !? :drag:

@Sinan ,

What's the consensus with the Leadership in Turkey? Any plans to proceed with nuclear research?

They can have power plants ... but enriching uranium will end up in sanctions !
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ppl should not comment on things they have no clue about. So many naive teenagers here seeking for Noble peace prize.
As far as i know Star Wars failed.... but it will be naive to think that no country is trying to develop a system which will stop the means of ICBMs...

That's why we are currently testing Hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) technology.

Which travels far above Mach 10 speed, has a very low and flat trajectory (making it very hard to detect), and is highly maneuverable during flight. No modern system currently has the ability to intercept it.

It is always cheaper to build more missiles and add more countermeasures (decoys/chaff), and to make the missile maneuver during mid-flight, compared to intercepting it with ABM.

Look at how Israel's Iron Dome performs miserably even against home made unguided primitive rockets. Cheap home made rockets that cost almost nothing per unit, compared to the insanely expensive Iron Dome (though it's paid for by America not Israel).

Submarine launched HGV will leave almost no time for detection, let alone interception.
@Sinan ,

What's the consensus with the Leadership in Turkey? Any plans to proceed with nuclear research?

Oficial policy of Turkey is "we don't own and don't want any WMD"... but i have seen interesting reports and gathered them under a single thread... https://defence.pk/threads/turkey-aiming-for-nuclear-weapons.294606/

& what if they find another ways to deliver !?

What if they are unaware of such a system ? Nobody will unveil such a thing IMO.
They can have power plants ... but enriching uranium will end up in sanctions !

You will never know that. ;)

U better hope China build as much nuke as possible, so the USA will think twice before they want to invade Iran in the name of looking for WMD.

China is neutral in world politics especially in ME. You do business with everyone but lack any political power.

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