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Nuclear weapons development must be consistent

In case you don't know, Iran is an ancient friend of China dating back to the Persian-Tang dynasty. So I am sure you know I am always love playing with our friends. LOL



No hard feeling ... just kidding !

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thank you, maybe if we take it further up the rear we can sit at the grown ups table? You engaged us, because we are a major country, and the Americans started to warm to China due to the political climate at the time. You didn't come to our aid when Americans were embargoing us then or even recently, with the arms embargo.

Even if that weren't true, China has made tons of money for Japan, we have paid you back for whatever it is you did then. You know those stories about Chinese being pushed out of their land? It's not just the Japanese, but you guys were involved. The price of development, it's not to say you are evil, but it is to say we have paid you back, if you must go that route.

You last sentence confirmed my theory, and your entire post really, just confirmed, status quo, the status quo we weren't invited to when created.

So bottom line leaving it to future generations is your way of telling me, Japan is not going to compromise on anything right now, but obviously we should to be responsible.

However, I will add, you leaving it to the future is fine with me, because our strength will be far greater in the future, while Japan will remain more or less the same, you are already developed, and while that doesn't mean no development, it does mean you can't keep pace of development with a developing country.

Thanks for sharing your personal point of view, @Genesis . I do look forward to the results of the APEC summit this November between Japan and China. And look forward to some positive news.
Thanks for sharing your personal point of view, @Genesis . I do look forward to the results of the APEC summit this November between Japan and China. And look forward to some positive news.

seriously are you here to debate or to make friends. If I want to not say what I mean and just say random, mundane things all the time, I stop coming to internet forums.

This is the problem debating with you, you never really debate much. We are all grown men, well almost all are male, we don't need cheer leading, it is what it is. I'm not afraid to say China is in fact doing some things at a faster pace than I like, for example, ECS, I think waiting a few more years would have been wise. Take care of SCS first and just ignore the dispute with India cause that's irrelevant.

I can also say claiming SCS is the right move, but to push so far into the Philippines may not be that great of an idea, even if we do have historical backing today's situation is vastly different.

If you think Japan shouldn't compromise just say that, it's what it's doing anyways. If you think there are room for Japan to compromise then you can also mention your views.
seriously are you here to debate or to make friends. If I want to not say what I mean and just say random, mundane things all the time, I stop coming to internet forums.

This is the problem debating with you, you never really debate much. We are all grown men, well almost all are male, we don't need cheer leading, it is what it is. I'm not afraid to say China is in fact doing some things at a faster pace than I like, for example, ECS, I think waiting a few more years would have been wise. Take care of SCS first and just ignore the dispute with India cause that's irrelevant.

I can also say claiming SCS is the right move, but to push so far into the Philippines may not be that great of an idea, even if we do have historical backing today's situation is vastly different.

If you think Japan shouldn't compromise just say that, it's what it's doing anyways. If you think there are room for Japan to compromise then you can also mention your views.

All excellent points from a realist point of view.

I think Japan should act responsibly and stop stirring the waters in East China Sea. We all cherish friendship with Japan on the basis of equality: But we have two prerequisites:

* Stop challenging the peace status quo between China and Japan

* Stop acting as the Trojan Horse in Asia-Pacific on behalf of the US.

As a responsible and peace-loving country, Japan should uphold its Constitution, stop remilitarization of foreign policy and stop meddling in other countries' internal affairs as a sidekick to the US.
seriously are you here to debate or to make friends. If I want to not say what I mean and just say random, mundane things all the time, I stop coming to internet forums.

This is the problem debating with you, you never really debate much. We are all grown men, well almost all are male, we don't need cheer leading, it is what it is. I'm not afraid to say China is in fact doing some things at a faster pace than I like, for example, ECS, I think waiting a few more years would have been wise. Take care of SCS first and just ignore the dispute with India cause that's irrelevant.

I can also say claiming SCS is the right move, but to push so far into the Philippines may not be that great of an idea, even if we do have historical backing today's situation is vastly different.

If you think Japan shouldn't compromise just say that, it's what it's doing anyways. If you think there are room for Japan to compromise then you can also mention your views.

I believe we have reached an impasse in regards to exchanging views. Ive already posited my points and voiced what needs to be done , and supported the need for both sides to find common ground. Let's leave that for them to do, if it is plausible.
I believe we have reached an impasse in regards to exchanging views. Ive already posited my points and voiced what needs to be done , and supported the need for both sides to find common ground. Let's leave that for them to do, if it is plausible.
you know what this is pointless, I'm done.
All excellent points from a realist point of view.

I think Japan should act responsibly and stop stirring the waters in East China Sea. We all cherish friendship with Japan on the basis of equality: But we have two prerequisites:

* Stop challenging the peace status quo between China and Japan

* Stop acting as the Trojan Horse in Asia-Pacific on behalf of the US.

As a responsible and peace-loving country, Japan should uphold its Constitution, stop remilitarization of foreign policy and stop meddling in other countries' internal affairs as a sidekick to the US.

Japan's Position:

1. Japan's right to collective self defense and re-militarization is our internal affairs.

2. Japan has not challenged any status quo, rather, we have maintained status quo. The creation of China's ADIZ is the one that has challenged the status quo.

3. China's claim to Senkaku Islands is an afront to Japanese national territorial integrity. The Senkaku Islands are non-negotiable.
They are Japanese Islands.

4. Japan will continue to work with our partners in South East Asia -- Viet Nam and the Philippines to provide the framework of regional stability.

5. Japan has welcomed our new strategic partnership / alliance with Australia for the wider Asia-Pacific-Oceania stability.
Japan's Position:

1. Japan's right to collective self defense and re-militarization is our internal affairs.

2. Japan has not challenged any status quo, rather, we have maintained status quo. The creation of China's ADIZ is the one that has challenged the status quo.

3. China's claim to Senkaku Islands is an afront to Japanese national territorial integrity. The Senkaku Islands are non-negotiable.
They are Japanese Islands.

4. Japan will continue to work with our partners in South East Asia -- Viet Nam and the Philippines to provide the framework of regional stability.

5. Japan has welcomed our new strategic partnership / alliance with Australia for the wider Asia-Pacific-Oceania stability.

finally you said something.

1. don't talk about Japanese threat? Don't talk Chinese threat, that's a good middle ground. Each to his own. We only spend 1.4% GDP, so just .4% more, that's not threatening is it.

2. Status quo didn't involve China when made, and today the situation is we double your GDP and catching up to America, so what? ADIZ was also made by Japan, so you having one and we don't is not really a middle ground is it. We challenge the status quo because we are stronger, but you got weaker, so obviously you want status quo.

So pretty much we remove our ADIZ but you keep yours? What's the criteria, you made it first and America support it, so it's legit.

Not so middle ground is it.

3. ISlands are non negotiable, you finally said it, so we just back off then and be responsible. I knew that was your response the moment you didn't say what middle ground is. See we are not all just idiots here, we can infer.

4. That's irrelevant, work with whoever, nobody stopped you.

5. That's even more weird, why would we object to Australia Japan relations, it's not like you didn't recognize them before.

So what exactly is Japan doing to compromise with us? Exactly? Cause I don't see it.

Don't talk compromise if you don't want to compromise.
finally you said something.

1. don't talk about Japanese threat? Don't talk Chinese threat, that's a good middle ground. Each to his own. We only spend 1.4% GDP, so just .4% more, that's not threatening is it.

2. Status quo didn't involve China when made, and today the situation is we double your GDP and catching up to America, so what? ADIZ was also made by Japan, so you having one and we don't is not really a middle ground is it. We challenge the status quo because we are stronger, but you got weaker, so obviously you want status quo.

So pretty much we remove our ADIZ but you keep yours? What's the criteria, you made it first and America support it, so it's legit.

Not so middle ground is it.

3. ISlands are non negotiable, you finally said it, so we just back off then and be responsible. I knew that was your response the moment you didn't say what middle ground is. See we are not all just idiots here, we can infer.

4. That's irrelevant, work with whoever, nobody stopped you.

5. That's even more weird, why would we object to Australia Japan relations, it's not like you didn't recognize them before.

So what exactly is Japan doing to compromise with us? Exactly? Cause I don't see it.

Don't talk compromise if you don't want to compromise.

I thought you were done ? :lol:

Can't get enough ? ;)
谢谢您, Nihonjin 先生,

1. Japan's right to collective self defense and re-militarization is our internal affairs.

So is China's nuclear deterrence policy. Better keep preaching responsibility to each other, then.

2. Japan has not challenged any status quo, rather, we have maintained status quo. The creation of China's ADIZ is the one that has challenged the status quo.

No, nationalization of Diaoyutai changed the status quo. Again, I know it is your internal affair. So is China's ADIZ. So, let's stop the sermon of fraternity and responsibility.

3. China's claim to Senkaku Islands is an afront to Japanese national territorial integrity. The Senkaku Islands are non-negotiable.
They are Japanese Islands.

For China' they are not; hence, disputed. Repeating it over and over again will not change China's position. Morally, we are all on the same grounds.

4. Japan will continue to work with our partners in South East Asia -- Viet Nam and the Philippines to provide the framework of regional stability.

China will do a similar thing with Korea, Russia and other partners in ASEAN.

5. Japan has welcomed our new strategic partnership / alliance with Australia for the wider Asia-Pacific-Oceania stability.

China signed various agreements with a number of regional and extra-regional countries ever since Xi Jinping assumed power. We will see greater activity and engagement with every friendly nations.


I repeat can't respond? :china:

And you defiantly did come from Japan, cause that last two words are really creepy in America. Try saying it to your students.:omghaha:

Let's wait to see what happens this November, mon ami.

Besides, all our talking won't do anything since we don't dictate policy.
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