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Nuclear weapons development must be consistent


China is a major power in the world -- politically and militarily. She is also an economic power house , standing as the 2nd greatest economy in the world. China, in a sobering point, has responsibility not only to the Chinese people, but also to the entire world.

What do I mean by this? China has to prove to the world, she has a responsibility to the world and the region that she will be a force for positive change , for stability. She has to show to regional partners that she is able to reason with, and cares not just for her immediate interests, but to the interest(s) of her partners.

I say this in earnest. And I am sure most Japanese share this view with me.

You don't actually mean that, what you mean is not working together, but servitude based on nothing. I assuming giving up on our claim is first.

I also assume no more development of military is a must and must remain below American GDP and conventional power.

What you ask isn't responsibility, and it certainly isn't equality, it's servitude.

What about HR, democracy, and all that, should we also release Tibet and Xinjiang too, and let Taiwan be independent, maybe sign some pact with the developed world to take away our competitive advantage, and compete with America on level playing field when clearly based on their rules they win 10 times out of 10.

I assume these are all parts of what you call responsible, no?

Let say, for the sake of argument, you convinced me, now you can go convince 1.3 billion more Chinese to take it in the rear and then say thank you sir.
In my view, the world has greater concern for China than Russia based on the shear economic clout of the former. Russia, although a major nuclear power, does not have the economic clout as China -- and thus -- can be pushed to the periphery of western powers and other developed powers in the world.

China is the manufacturer of the worlds' goods. I mean, Japan, alone, has over 4100 companies stationed in China. If that does not speak volume of our vested interests in China -- what does? Both China and Japan own 15% of the United States National Debt (Japan--7%) and (China -- 8%). This is the reason why there is so much concern on China's influence.
Economic interest means very little in potential conflict. Nazi Germany and Britain and Japan and US were major trade partner but that didn't stop them. What stop is really power play. There has to be a balance. If we don't defend our interest, nobody will. The US could give a rat *** about our interest. Only gun will make the US respect you. That is the reality of the world right now.
300 warheads is not enough. You need to closely match the US in warheads to prevent a first strike and stop them from meddling in internal matters. In case of MAD you need to 100% assure they do not survive either.

50 is enough for destruction of the Earth !


China is a major power in the world -- politically and militarily. She is also an economic power house , standing as the 2nd greatest economy in the world. China, in a sobering point, has responsibility not only to the Chinese people, but also to the entire world.

What do I mean by this? China has to prove to the world, she has a responsibility to the world and the region that she will be a force for positive change , for stability. She has to show to regional partners that she is able to reason with, and cares not just for her immediate interests, but to the interest(s) of her partners.

I say this in earnest. And I am sure most Japanese share this view with me.

Who exactly cares about others interests in this jungle world !?
You don't actually mean that, what you mean is not working together, but servitude based on nothing. I assuming giving up on our claim is first.

I also assume no more development of military is a must and must remain below American GDP and conventional power.

What you ask isn't responsibility, and it certainly isn't equality, it's servitude.

What about HR, democracy, and all that, should we also release Tibet and Xinjiang too, and let Taiwan be independent, maybe sign some pact with the developed world to take away our competitive advantage, and compete with America on level playing field when clearly based on their rules they win 10 times out of 10.

I assume these are all parts of what you call responsible, no?

Let say, for the sake of argument, you convinced me, now you can go convince 1.3 billion more Chinese to take it in the rear and then say thank you sir.

What i find rather astounding is the self defeatist attitude. Why must you equate political cooperation and negotiation with servitude ? In politics this is called compromising.

There are definitely many areas that nations can develop and improve upon. Civil development comes with economic vitality and improvement of the human development index. As a Japanese, who tries to be objective at least, do believe that China will realize this and so will all citizens of China -- when China' realizes its GDP per capita even double to what it is now.

China as a potential global power has responsibilities not only to itself, but to the world. It will be inevitable. China needs to acutely and robustly develop its relationships with regional partners and vouchsafing this development is not itinerant on nuclear arsenal buildup.
50 is enough for destruction of the Earth !
Only if that 50 nuke is Tsar Bomba! and strike with 100% success rate. Let be serious here, we can't expect any nuke launch will be a successful hit. That why I give a 1,000 minimum. We have to account for failed delivery and of course a much smaller detonated power from miniature missile nuclear warhead compare to bare bone H-bomb like the Tsar Bomba!

What i find rather impeccable is the self defeatist attitude. Why must you equate political cooperation and negotiation with servitude ? In politics this is called compromising.

There are definitely many areas that nations can develop and improve upon. Civil development comes with economic vitality and improvement of the human development index. As a Japanese, who tries to be objective at least, do believe that China will realize this and so will all citizens of China -- when China' realizes its GDP per capita even double to what it is now.

China as a potential global power has responsibilities not only to itself, but to the world. It will be inevitable. China needs to acutely and robustly develop its relationships with regional partners and vouchsafing this development is not itinerant on nuclear arsenal buildup.
Your version of compromise is giving Paracel to the Vietnamese, Spratly to the Phillipines, Diaoyu to Japan. Give Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang independence when they were an inherently part of China. There is no compromise in our book when it comes to territorial integrity. We make this clear to the rest of the world. No amount of rich we gain will make us giving up and hand those territories to an outsider. That is a dead sentence to any regime controlling China.
Only if that 50 nuke is Tsar Bomba! and strike with 100% success rate. Let be serious here, we can't expect any nuke launch will be a successful hit. That why I give a 1,000 minimum. We have to account for failed delivery and of course a much smaller detonated power from miniature missile nuclear warhead compare to bare bone H-bomb like the Tsar Bomba!

How many people killed in hiroshima & nagasaki after nuclear attacks !?
Your version of compromise is giving Paracel to the Vietnamese, Spratly to the Phillipines, Diaoyu to Japan. Give Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang independence when they were an inherently part of China. There is no compromise in our book when it comes to territorial integrity. We make this clear to the rest of the world. No amount of rich we gain will make us giving up and hand those territories to an outsider. That is a dead sentence to any regime controlling China.

I'm stupefied. Did i, ever in my posts, say what you just posted ? Did I mention about the Paracel Islands, the Spratleys, the Senkakus ? Did I also mention Taiwan ? Tibet? Xinjiang ? lol. O my !

I did , however, mention political rapport and finding common ground. Ergo, compromising.
What i find rather impeccable is the self defeatist attitude. Why must you equate political cooperation and negotiation with servitude ? In politics this is called compromising.

There are definitely many areas that nations can develop and improve upon. Civil development comes with economic vitality and improvement of the human development index. As a Japanese, who tries to be objective at least, do believe that China will realize this and so will all citizens of China -- when China' realizes its GDP per capita even double to what it is now.

China as a potential global power has responsibilities not only to itself, but to the world. It will be inevitable. China needs to acutely and robustly develop its relationships with regional partners and vouchsafing this development is not itinerant on nuclear arsenal buildup.

Our development has been stellar, you don't need to worry about that. Our GDP will double by about 2020 more or less.

I don't care about nukes as I previously said.

But the interesting thing is compromise, it's a two way street, tell me are the points I outlined not what you had in mind? How far are you willing to compromise, don't just ask for us to back down.

What are your compromises, we can make it first if we must.
I'm stupefied. Did i, ever in my posts, say what you just posted ? Did I mention about the Paracel Islands, the Spratleys, the Senkakus ? Did I also mention Taiwan ? Tibet? Xinjiang ? lol. O my !

I did , however, mention political rapport and finding common ground. Ergo, compromising.
I sense you are heading toward that "compromise" version. So what exactly is your version of compromise here? How do you expect us to resolve those dispute?
What are your compromises, we can make it first if we must. But would the American alliance make any changes at all, or is it just the status quo, which let's be realistic is not suitable to China's current status and definitely not future status.

I sense you are heading toward that "compromise" version. So what exactly is your version of compromise here? How do you expect us to resolve those dispute?

That my friend, will be discussed when Abe and Xi hold the APEC summit in November. Best wishes for Japan and China.

Kanbatte Kudasai!
what will kill humanity,,,nuclear bomb or microorganism?:undecided:

brain fart
That my friend, will be discussed when Abe and Xi hold the APEC summit in November. Best wishes for Japan and China.

Kanbatte Kudasai!

another way of saying, Japan isn't going to back off an inch. So how is my servitude comment not the realities on the ground, cause all I see is us back off if we were to be, to use your words, responsible.

Please enlighten me.
You can't expect people will die in the aftermath. There is no guarantee. It never happen before. Despite Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear drop, Japan population is thriving in the aftermath.

The way you are talking about people's life is impressive ! :unsure:
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