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Nuclear weapons development must be consistent

In fact, I was pleasantly surprised that Assad Jr. is a man with an iron will. He dared to challenge the West. It is worthy of all respect.
Of course,He had to respond in a tough manner, it was the west who want his life, not he challenge the west.
Of course,He had to respond in a tough manner, it was the west who want his life, not he challenge the west.
West wanted not only his life, West wanted life of Syria and millions of Syrian inhabitants. As was done in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and so on.
Syria - the first defeat of the West since the USSR ceased to exist.
Don't u think he is still too soft?

You have no idea about al-qaeda monkeys !

Yeah, very strong character indeed.... barrel bombing children. :agree:

Surprisingly you guys don't care about children in Gaza !

Just sayin :whistle:

West wanted not only his life, West wanted life of Syria and millions of Syrian inhabitants. As was done in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and so on.
Syria - the first defeat of the West since the USSR ceased to exist.

I wonder why USSR teamed with USA in Iran / Iraq war !!!
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I wonder why USSR teamed with USA in Iran / Iraq war !!!
This is not quite true. USSR did not want that war and tried to dissuade Saddam. Hussein received a blessing to war from the United States, and not from the Soviet Union.
This is not quite true. USSR did not want that war and tried to dissuade Saddam. Hussein received a blessing to war from the United States, and not from the Soviet Union.

So , what about Migs ... T-72s ... Scuds ... & other weapons delivered to Iraq during war !?

Well, that why I think Assad should act tougher to deal with west backed al-Qaeda sub-human.

This monkeys hiding behind civilians !
So , what about Migs ... T-72s ... Scuds ... & other weapons delivered to Iraq during war !?

This monkeys hiding behind civilians !
The USSR had some obligations to Iraq. However, we can say that Hussein trapped in the Western trap and dragged USSR into this trap.
Surprisingly you guys don't care about children in Gaza !
Just sayin

Not entirely true... but if you look at ME threads, most of the Turkish users don't take part in those threads. Anyways i'm always saying this, let's leave Arab business to Arabs...

If we say something about, Eygpt's Sisi, everybody losing their mind, saying that we are interfering in Arab affairs.
When Israel kills Arabs, they want us to interfere.

You have no idea about al-qaeda monkeys !

What al-qaeda... ISIS is no al-qaeda. o_O

So , what about Migs ... T-72s ... Scuds ... & other weapons delivered to Iraq during war !?

Business is business my friend...You know, those Europeans acting high and mighty about human rights, sold Saddam nerve agents....
Not entirely true... but if you look at ME threads, most of the Turkish users don't take part in those threads. Anyways i'm always saying this, let's leave Arab business to Arabs...
If we say something about, Eygpt's Sisi, everybody losing their mind, saying that we are interfering in Arab affairs.
When Israel kills Arabs, they want us to interfere.

Your performance in syria is a perfect disclaimer !!!
Sleep well, bro. China knows that if they fire one nuke against a Western state, their country will turn into glass.

Let's nuke each other and start afresh。Ok?:enjoy:

Judging by the number of nuclear reactors China is building or plans to build in the near future,it would be a trifle unthinkable for China not to have 2000-5000 warheads in a decade or so。

After all,what are we gonna do with so much nuclear waste?

Dump it in Turkey?Probably not。:D
Your performance in syria is a perfect disclaimer !!!

Well....Erdoğan likes to involve into other's internal affairs.... what can i say .... :meeting:

But Syria had it coming, they first shoot our jet, then their artillery killed 5 of our citizens... though our reaction could have been diferent this is not the exactly right way to make them pay.

Oh , i forget !
they are blessing from the heaven !

They are much worse scum than Al-qaeda... but not al-qaeda.
Your nukes didn't stop them in Iraq & Libya !
We don't stick out for Iraq & Libya because they don't have good relationship with us or russia. A small country got to get a ally with big country to resist west if they are against west. That is why North korea and syria is ok even US hate them more.

Whether you like it or not, Iran will be free of invasion because China and russia will stick out for it no matter what happened. .
because China and russia will stick out for it no matter what happened. .

So maybe Russia and China would have backed Iran about UN sanctions... or Russia and China should deliver some weapon systems where Iran lacks... such as Air defence and Fighter Jets... Talk is cheap my friend, if your talk is not backed with actions, it is worthless...
Well....Erdoğan likes to involve into other's internal affairs.... what can i say .... :meeting:
But Syria had it coming, they first shoot our jet, then their artillery killed 5 of our citizens... though our reaction could have been diferent this is not the exactly right way to make them pay.

You are not worried about these Terrorists in Turkey !?
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