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No interest in Kashmir of celebrating Pakistan Independence Day

Hurriyat leader Ali Gilani greets Pakistan on Independence Day

ISLAMABAD: Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani has greeted the people and government of Pakistan on their Independence Day, saying that after Allah Almighty, Pakistan is the only visible support to people of Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Ali Gilani in a statement issued in held Srinagar said, “We extend our heartiest felicitations to the people, government and army of Pakistan on their I-Day celebrated on August 14.

Kashmiris are highly grateful to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for extending its wholehearted moral, political and diplomatic support to our just cause and struggle since 1947. “We pray to Almighty Allah for peace, strength, stability, progress and prosperity of Pakistan. Strong and stable Pakistan is very important for the resolution of Kashmir dispute. It is Pakistan that is taking up Kashmir dispute in every forum at international level.”

He said “We in particular felicitate Pakistan army that has the responsibility of protecting and safeguarding the geographical borders of Pakistan and its ideological borders as well.”

Ali Gilani said that the existence of Pakistan had proven to be a great blessing for the Muslims of the entire world especially for the Muslims residing in South Asia. “Its creation has played a vital role in the recognition of the existence of a community which was known as minorities in the sub-continent,” he added.

He said that till 1947, Jammu and Kashmir was an independent state, but India with its military might forcibly occupied this state against the wishes of its people. “We do not nurture any grudge or enmity with the people of India but we do not accept its military occupation of our land. We will continue our struggle against forcible occupation of Jammu and Kashmir till the achievement of the goal of freedom,” he added.

India has no moral right to celebrate its Independence Day if it continues to occupy forcibly and illegally Jammu and Kashmir, he maintained.

Meanwhile, Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) General Secretary Nahida Nasreen, Muslim Khawateen Markaz Chairperson, Yasmeen Raja, Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khwateen Chief, Zamrooda Habib, Mass Movement leader, Fareeda Behanji and Tehreek-e-Muzahamat Chairman Bilal Sidiqi also congratulated the people and government of Pakistan on their 70th Independence Day, today. –app
YOu are creating propaganda by sharing false news related to Kashmiri resistance fighters.

You people are good for nothing but posting on PDF. Even if India settles outsiders inside Kashmir to change the demographics, your foreign office will issue a simple statement condemning it, and do nothing afterwards. Let me tell you...you people have no guts take on India. And that is the underlining point. So why should these Kashmiri separatists look up to Pakistan?
You give fanatics a free hand and you can see ISIS flags all over Pakistan

That is what you've been made to believe. There is no free hand in India and fanatics like Modi and Aditiyanat are your leaders today.

You people are good for nothing but posting on PDF. Even if India settles outsiders inside Kashmir to change the demographics, your foreign office will issue a simple statement condemning it, and do nothing afterwards. Let me tell you...you people have no guts take on India. And that is the underlining point. So why should these Kashmiri separatists look up to Pakistan?

Pakistan came for Kashmir in 1947, 1965 and 1999. You can stop fooling yourself.
That is what you've been made to believe. There is no free hand in India and fanatics like Modi and Aditiyanat are your leaders today.

Pakistan came for Kashmir in 1947, 1965 and 1999. You can stop fooling yourself.

And when are you coming next?
By that logic many Karachites and Baloch would start loving India if Pakistan increases the security measures :azn:

You give fanatics a free hand and you can see ISIS flags all over Pakistan
by this logic, even you would hate India if you are blinded by Indian army or your brother is killed in fake encounter.

That was bound to happen once we busted the hurriyat's remittance of hawala money from Pakistan.
This along with wiping out of the Hizb terrorists leadership and Kashmiris are not fearful of celebrating their love for India anymore.
after this Indian propaganda, they have realized that Pakistan will always be with them and always was. they love Pakistan even more now. they know we also care for them and are helping them in their just struggle.

but for your information. heated was complete shut down in IOK, according to Indian media.

and that's why Indian never saw Kashmiri's yesterday and saw peace, which was symbol of hate for India.
Things are so bad that Indians have to open threads on fake random tweets just to comfort their tiny egos.
Lest you forget there is one Friday every week .... you know the display of Pakistani flags etc.
Kashmiri freedom struggle has our unconditional support. They celebrate our independence day or not.
Things are so bad that Indians have to open threads on fake random tweets just to comfort their tiny egos.
Lest you forget there is one Friday every week .... you know the display of Pakistani flags etc.

The thing is that Kashmiris have realised that Pakistan is SO WEAK ;
that it can do NOTHING for them
The thing is that Kashmiris have realised that Pakistan is SO WEAK ;
that it can do NOTHING for them
Really, is that why Indians can't even openly hoist their Tiranga while Pakistani flag flies all over the valley.

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