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No interest in Kashmir of celebrating Pakistan Independence Day

Why do they need to celebrate?
What did they get from Pakistan to till date? except for bomb, gun, terrorists and violation.

Few paid dogs and pigs will celebrate from J&K, there is no doubt.

Personally, I would like a wish to Pakistan for 70 independence day as a Indian. Also, i have don't a problem if someone wants to wish Pakistan as Indian included J&K people.
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A report by Indian Newspaper's journalist........yah!...that's really credible.....:p:
Indian media usually tries to cover up things that hurts their national interest.we know how Muslim journalists are getting paid by Indians just to portray negative image of Pakistan inside Kashmir.your lies will never stop Kashmir from celebrating.entire world accepts Kashmir as an issue between India and Pakistan.
Problem solved, now Indian can remove half a million army instead of firing on unarmed civilian to Chinese borders
Terrorist womanizers!
They were burning schools and hospitals, killing sarpanches and decapitating innocents who refused to toe their line.
For their own good Kashmiris have realized as to which side of the border their interest really lies.

YOu are creating propaganda by sharing false news related to Kashmiri resistance fighters.
Indian media usually tries to cover up things that hurts their national interest.we know how Muslim journalists are getting paid by Indians just to portray negative image of Pakistan inside Kashmir.your lies will never stop Kashmir from celebrating.entire world accepts Kashmir as an issue between India and Pakistan.
Opinions, are something that never remains static. It can change. A century ago most, Indians believed they needed to be ruled by the British. That changed quickly in a decade. What I know is this, Pakistan, is quickly toning down Kashmir support especially compared to the 90's. The latest stone throwing and militantism is final flicker IMO of dying base support. The Kashmiri militant organizations are being destroyed from inside out with intelligence and moles. It was a self perpetuating wheel, that shoots security forces, kills hindus and when gets shot back at, spins the news in Urdu to martyrdom etc... Too kill these organizations, from the inside requires some, inside help perhaps from Pakistans own higher ups. Because if Pakistan creates terrorists organizations, in Kashmir, India will create them in Baluchistan. Judging by the ease of BLA and supporters demise made me realize India abandoned them at some point.
Musharraf was the guy who did this. Because he realized, gaining Kashmir was not possible, and loosing Baluchistan was more of reality than winning Kashmir.
YOu are creating propaganda by sharing false news related to Kashmiri resistance fighters.


How 'womanising' terrorists drop their guard in Kashmir valley

Pakistan proved to be a big disappointment for these separatist forces when Saladin was declared international terrorist, putting the whole Kashmir movement of these separatists as terrorism. And Pakistan did nothing to stop this or influenced the world community to reverse it. So no wonder separatists are expecting nothing from Pakistan
YOu are creating propaganda by sharing false news related to Kashmiri resistance fighters.

Propaganda comes from your side when you call terrorists, resistance fighters. Get used to the rats being sent to hell.

Keep changing your profile pic. That is the best you can do, because the soft gloves are off. And these terrorist scum are being dealt with the way we dealt with the Khalistanis. The way they should have been dealt with a long time ago.

Curfew imposed in parts of Occupied Kashmir on 14 August

The curbs have been imposed in Nowhatta, Rainawari, Khanyar, M.R. Gunj, and Safakadal areas of the city.

Albeit, the officials stated that these restrictions have been imposed to maintain law and order situation after killings of two civilians but many political analysts view restrictions as an attempt to prevent Kashmiris holding pro-Pakistan demonstrations on its 70th Independence Day.

All educational institutions including schools, colleges and universities have been closed in the valley.

Section 144 of the CrPC – prohibits an assembly of more than four people in an area – has been imposed. Officials said the precautionary steps were taken to avoid law-and-order incidents in the aftermath of Sunday’s violence.

On Sunday, two youngsters — Owais Shafi and Mohammad Sayeed Bhat — were killed in security forces’ action against stone-pelting mobs in Pulwama and Shopian districts respectively.

22-year-old Shafi sustained multiple pellet injuries who succumbed to his injuries during treatment. Another youth 25-year-old Bhat was killed in a separate incident of firing by security forces.

Meanwhile, Pakistan is celebrating its 70th Independence Day on Monday with patriotic fervour with commemorative ceremonies across the country.

He is unable to grasp, as to how these terrorists are getting sent to hell so rapidly. These chaps were living on borrowed time. An IPS officer once told me, the State can be the person with the biggest gun provided there is political will. Today, there is political will to put these scumbag womanizing terrorists in bags. And to send these Hurriyat beggars to the jails.

And Article 35A is just the precursor. Next will be 370.

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