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New pic of China's WZ-10


Nov 19, 2009
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Orignal Link: ³¬¼¶Õ𺳣ºÄϾ©½­ÄþÅĵ½¸ßÇåÎäÖ±10»ú£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡[Page:1] - ËÄ´úÕ½»ú³©Ì¸°æ - ¡º ³¬¼¶´ó±¾ÓªÂÛ̳ ¡» ³¬È»ÎïÍâ ÓÐÈÝÄË´ó - Super Military Base
I noticed that too.... Both have pilot and co-pilot..... And both fly too.... Another similarity ...Both are attack choppers. :disagree:

Copy of Eurocopter Tiger. Period.(Just like most chinese weapons are). Doubtful Quality. Israel should lock its weapons blue prints carefully else the Barak system will be Beijing system in no time!
The original thread seems to mean this WZ-10 just formally entered service.
It's no longer in test stage. No wonder there is a TV series about it these days.
Copy of Eurocopter Tiger. Period.(Just like most chinese weapons are). Doubtful Quality. Israel should lock its weapons blue prints carefully else the Barak system will be Beijing system in no time!

Don't forget that China is under embargo unlike India which could purchase everything it wants. Doubtful quality certainly not for China a country which despite technological embargo and bullying by the West is the second largest economy in the World , a country which has its own bullet train, a country which is No 1 in cargo and ship building, a country which can build the tallest building and longest sea bridge on earth, a country which can send 20 satellites per year despite US embargo on the Chinese Long March rocket launcher, a country which can send unmanned and manned spacecraft, a country which can build its own stealth combat aircraft, a country which can build civilian jet, etc. We cannot say the same thing regarding India which despite all the full support of the US, EU and Israel is still lagging behind, a country which cannot launch a rocker without exploding, a country with the largest slum, a country with crumbling and shameful infrastructure, a country which still cannot host a world class event like the OLympic and the World expo, a country which cannot collect its garbagges, a country which has become the World No 1 weapon importer, a country which cannot provide decent toilet, basic education, hygiene and health care to its 800 million undernourished etc. India is a fake forthcoming superpower and promoted superpower by the West in an attempt to contain CHina. That's the reality my friend, the West is using India as a vulgar and shameful muppet just like the UK had exploited India for centuries and don't believe that using whitening cream will make you becoming a white westerner. Wake up bollywood daydreamer.:pakistan::china::pakistan:

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