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New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

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These people celebrate every single one of our holidays, worship our people, even use Persian names to name their children, but go around acting so hard to clinge on to a fascist ideology which dictates that they must force themselves to adopt a new identity.

Somebody forgot to tell them to do away with OUR practices, history and culture if they are so keen to adopt a new identity.

Go ahead, stop celebrating the Norouz, stop giving your children Persian and Iranian names, stop stealing our culture, stop drooling over our history. Nobody's gonna miss your Soviet behinds.

You guys are confused, nothing more, nothing less. Either become full on Turks, or stay true to your identity and accept what you are. Right now you're trying so hard that it's beyong pathetic.

Novruz is celebrated by all of Turkic nations, it is not a exclusively Iranian thing. And rest of your post is simply nonesense. If someone is stealing someones history and figures, its you. You are the ones stealing Khatai, Nadir Shah and so on.
and also we have no problem with u guys
i love azerbaijan and i know how its people r......
they r not like u at all.......
we love that u have almost adopted our culture ......
its your culture too since azerbaijan was a part of iran , so we r brothers
its even possible that our grand grand grand father were same person:rolleyes:
Novruz is celebrated by all of Turkic nations, it is not a exclusively Iranian thing. And rest of your post is simply nonesense. If someone is stealing someones history and figures, its you. You are the ones stealing Khatai, Nadir Shah and so on.
wow, it's worse than I thought.

you guys are OBSESSED with everything persian. You're more true to the PERSIAN culture and identity than PERSIANS inside Iran.

How does it feel to be a self hating PERSIAN? Eh soviet azari?

create a new identity for yourself soviet. It's as if Iran is your daddy and you're the spoiled little teen age girl that runs from home and tries to find its path by acting like a rebel!

Well, it's very simple. Change your identity and start from scratch. As I said, nobody will miss you. No need to put a sticker on PERSIAN culture.
Novruz is celebrated by all of Turkic nations, it is not a exclusively Iranian thing. And rest of your post is simply nonesense. If someone is stealing someones history and figures, its you. You are the ones stealing Khatai, Nadir Shah and so on.
okey refer to my last post , iwas trying to be nice with u
u and other turkic countries r eating a bowl of s*** (i wanted to say sugar!!!)
that u r celebrating nowruz ......
its not exclusively iranian???
wow u r making a histroy for ur self!!!
flatter ur self too much?
Nice attempt, but you still evaded my question. So you should stop stealing ours aswell, and specially Khatai and Safavids.
look im a turk iranian okey?
and u r our remains:woot:
u r the remains of our safavid era , nothing more:lol:
Novruz is celebrated by all of Turkic nations, it is not a exclusively Iranian thing. And rest of your post is simply nonesense. If someone is stealing someones history and figures, its you. You are the ones stealing Khatai, Nadir Shah and so on.

We had this discussion not more than a few months ago for the last Nowruz celebrations.

Regarding Khatai - as far as I am aware - only a small part of his Persian poetry survived. That alone doesn't imply that he mainly wrote in Azari. But I don't know much about him otherwise.
Ignorance is truly a bliss for an uneducated mind...

That is because he wrote almost exclusively in his native Turki, and using the logic implied in this thread, Farsistan should stop laying claims on him and the empire he established. After all Nizami did not had a single poem in Turki and wrote in Persian and thus was a Persian and "Iranian", and nothing Azerbaijani about him, and the same logic can be applied to Khatai.
Articles from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th Edition (1875) and 10th Edition (1902)

It clarifies that Nizami´s father was from Qom (Kumm) and Nizami himself spent most of his Life in Ganjah in Arran (the present Elisabethpol) and he is generally known as Nizami of Ganjah or Ganjawi.

Encyclopaedia Britannica is one of many academic institutions that describes Nizami as a Persian poet.

See the following links for detailed information:

Nizami, Persian poet (1141-1203)

1902 Encyclopedia (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th and 10th Editions)

If anyone still has a shred of doubt that Nizami is Persian, it is highly recommended to Watch this video:

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That is because he wrote almost exclusively in his native Turki
I have not seen any evidence for that. If you have a source backing up your claim, I would like to see it. However, I find it interesting that he named all his sons after characters in Shahnameh.

As I mentioned before, I agree with you that language does not imply nationality. But in this case, we are dealing with a poet who wrote more than 30.000 verses in total, and not a single one is in Turkish. Not only that, he doesn't refer to Turkic folklore in any of his work.
I have not seen any evidence for that. If you have a source backing up your claim, I would like to see it. However, I find it interesting that he named all his sons after characters in Shahnameh.

The notion that "only few of Khatai's Persian verses has survived" is a false one and nothing else than pure assumption, one can say that many other verses of Khatai in Turki "is lost" aswell in that case, how would they know that? The fact is that he wrote almost exclusively in Turki (1500 verses, he only has 50 verses in Persian). And we do know that Turki had always a significant position in Safavid empire, but specially during the reign of Khatai.

Also you should go back and read what I wrote about Nizami's legacy. Like said it was Fuzuli who revived his works, and translated them to Azerbaijani Turkish. So the relation of Nizami's works to Azerbaijani literature is obvious.
Nizami was as Persian as you get. There was a Persian/Iranian population in Ganja at that time. Turks are famous for falsicating history, due to their own lack of history. Backward Azerbaijani Turks are no different.
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