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New Azerbaijani banknotes to feature Heydar Aliyev and Iranian poet Nizami

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And if you ask him what his ethnicity is, he will tell you that he is a Turk. Learn to distinguish between nationality and ethnicity. You Farsis go ahead of yourself and deny the ethnic and language identity of a separate ethnic group, that is already turning into a big problem that will result in ethnic conflict in future in Iran.

I do not care about ethnicity or nationality. What is important is identity. Most Azeris in Iran feel more Iranian than Turkish. They are Iranian, by culture and genetics, and nobody could take that away from them. And there is no big problem in Iran with Azeris. Most are perfectly integrated in Iranian society, and would never betray their home country. Torke khar.
They are Turks, thats how they see themselves as, and also how Farsis see them. It is only retarded Farsis from outside of Iran that doesn't seem aware of this. In Iran the term "Azeri" is rarely used in comparision to "Turk". Your genetics is Arab-Mongol-Turk you deluded Farsi, what "genetic"? Do you think you are descendents of a Sassanid or something? Just how many peoples have passed over your grand grand grand mother?
Your genetics is Arab-Mongol-Turk you deluded Farsi, what "genetic"? Moron, do you think you are descendents of a Sassanid or something? Just how many peoples have passed over your grand grand grand mother?

We do not cluster with Arabs, Turks or Mongols. Every genetic test shows that. Unlike Turks in Anatolia, who are mixture of Greek, Armenian, Kurdish and Turkic nomads, and Azerbaijanis in Azerbaijan who are a mixture of Iranian, Caucasian and small element of Turkish nomads. Azerbaijanis in Iran on the other hand are more Persian.

And a self-claimed Turk who calls other Mongols. :lol:
You are the people who have produced something such as Ahmadinejad, you should not talk about genetics...Because it is clearly not even fully human. You still have some time to evolve into a modern-day human.
And why do you need stories when I can see it on you, deluded gypsy who happens to speak Farsi? You are the people who have produced something such as Ahmadinejad, you should not talk about genetics...Because it is clearly not even fully human.

Gypsies. Nice, never heard that one before. But the only people who are living like gypsies are Turks, whether Azerbaijanis or Turks from Anatolia, who are famous in Europe for having bad manners. Your backward brothers are still coming to this gypsy land to enjoy health care, buy goods, etc. Look at your own unique fugly people, torke khar.
LOL, now please go back to kindergarten and stop wasting my time.
Wow, didnt know that some iranians hate Turks so much, just wow...:what:
"Türkün dili täk sevgili, istäkli dil olmaz,
Özgä dilä qatsan, bu äsil dil, äsil olmaz."

There is no other language as dearful & keen as Turk's language,
If you mix it to a foreign language, this noble language wouldn't be noble.

"Fars şairi çox sözlärini bizdän aparmış,
Türkün mäsäli, folkloru dünyada täk dir."

Farsi poet has borrowed many of his words from us
Turk's deeds, folkore is one of its kind in the world.


Of course I'm not an "Azari" you moron, as there is no such thing. Even you freaky Persians call people of Azerbaijan as "Turk". The fake term of "Azari" was developed during the reign of Reza Shah for assimilation purposes. And let me tell you that this fake term does not exist in Azerbaijan Republic in first place.

You should be still banned for claiming a fake identity for trolling purposes.
Now have fun with this...

تو همــایون مهـد زرتشتی و فرزندان تو
پــور ایراننـد و پاک*آئین نـژاد آریان
اختلاف لهجــه ملیت نزاید بهـر کس
لتـی با یک زبان کمتـر به یاد آرد زمان
گر بدین منطق تو را گفتنـد ایرانی نـه*ای
صبح را خوانند شام و آسمان را ریسمان


this beautiful poem tells:Azarbaijan is the birth-place of Zarathustra and your children are all Aryan.diffrence in accent and language doesn't change the nationality.calling you non-Iranian is similar to calling day,night by this logic.

By the way, since you are an Iranian and you probably know Persian as well, I dont translate the following verses.
روز جانبــازیست ای بیچــاره آذربایجــان
سر تو باشی در میان هر جا که آید پای جان
هر زیانی کو قضـا باشــد به ایران عزیز
چون*تو ایران *را سری، بیشت *رسد سهم*زیان

If Shahriyar was close to you,he would slap on your flat head while saying this poem.

Wow, didnt know that some iranians hate Turks so much, just wow...:what:
Sir,this is an internal problem.please stay out of this.
Nizami was as Persian as you get. There was a Persian/Iranian population in Ganja at that time. Turks are famous for falsicating history, due to their own lack of history. Backward Azerbaijani Turks are no different.


You have forgotten about your false flagging days obviously :)

İ want to ask you a question since you're a former false flagger. Why?
Why do İranians false flag this much? Why do you guys feel the urge to hide your identity?

Even in this thread another false flagging İranian again.

İ want to know why?

An example of Persian propaganda. Because in a state like Iran such "modifications" are not possible, right? I posted and wrote translation for his "Turkun dili" poem, so read that and shut up. There are other poems from him aswell.

I'm not Eyranian and I don't know your ugly sissy Afghan language.
An example of Persian propaganda. Because in a state like Iran such "modifications" are not possible, right? I posted and wrote translation for his "Turkun dili" poem, so read that and shut up. There are other poems from him aswell.

I'm not Eyranian and I don't know your ugly sissy Afghan language.
and of course,he loved his beautiful language like everyone do,you pathetic mongol.you were talking about modifications,right?

I Love azari too.so,this gift to you:
Agazina siciyim
I do not care about ethnicity or nationality. What is important is identity. Most Azeris in Iran feel more Iranian than Turkish. They are Iranian, by culture and genetics, and nobody could take that away from them. And there is no big problem in Iran with Azeris. Most are perfectly integrated in Iranian society, and would never betray their home country. Torke khar.
excactly though dont agree with torke khar part!!!:omghaha:
im an iranian azeri
and i love my country more than anything
yashasin persia
hoy feyen fosh nade be ma baba:P
love u bro


You have forgotten about your false flagging days obviously :)

İ want to ask you a question since you're a former false flagger. Why?
Why do İranians false flag this much? Why do you guys feel the urge to hide your identity?

Even in this thread another false flagging İranian again.

İ want to know why?

u r not worth replying idiot
anyways if u start trolling here i will shyt all over your section ok?
and dont forget u will get banned like your friend if u mess with me

@kollang : ultra nice posts thank u bro
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actually whole Islamic culture is based on arab persian turks mixed

persians did a lot for Islam no doubt about that.

but its funny u guys r fighting over racism. :pop:
An example of Persian propaganda. Because in a state like Iran such "modifications" are not possible, right? I posted and wrote translation for his "Turkun dili" poem, so read that and shut up. There are other poems from him aswell.

I'm not Eyranian and I don't know your ugly sissy Afghan language.
persian language is the mother of all languages
its much more beautiful than your english vocab , russian shyt
afghanistan , azerbaijan , bahrain and.....
are all iranian, dont worry we will free u from zionists ;)
and the ugly sissy afghan language will once again be your countries official language:kiss3:

actually whole Islamic culture is based on arab persian turks mixed

persians did a lot for Islam no doubt about that.

but its funny u guys r fighting over racism. :pop:

nice comment but can u clarify more?
who is fighting who over racism?
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