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NATO is now ISIS’s Air Force

Ungrateful Khamenai clowns. NATO made thousands softies against ISIS saving ur butts.
but you and your Saudi allies dont approve do you?

you couldn't help yourself but to refer to after revolution which Iran didn't have any power while Saddam was being supported by the whole world. actually it was your own puppet who couldn't even capture 1 cm of Iranian soil.

the past is past, now see how you call the Iraq's government as Iranian puppet, see how Iranian and Iraqis are annihilating your beloved terrorists.

those who escape from battlefield are your special forces when meet a Palestinian fighter. keep building the walls around yourself, that's the way for you to stay alive a little longer.
Saudis and the Israelis now dont even bother to hide their alliance and their contribution to violence in the middle east their apologists wont answer you directly but instead curse Syrian government and Iran and Russians.

its a match made in Las Vegas.. Saudis and Israelis.. both have disdain and low view of human life in the middle east.
China is turbo capitalist. It dropped communism and changed a working system. Thats a sign for good leadership. Stop supporting a dead system and change if needed. Something Maduro failed to do.

How will China swallow Italy? Will it eat up russia that is located between us? :D

I know a iranian guy who bashs exactly that way of talking from iranians you use. He says the problem by many iranians is that tehy fall for their own propaganda.

I give you a tip, never fall for your own bullshit.

Your leadership is pro west. Your elites drive italian luxury cars. Ferrari and Lambo.

I understand your paranoia for coups. But you should drop it. Nobody takes bs like this serious.

In the end evry country gets the leadership it deserves. If your country allows a coup to happen so be it.

Nations have interests and no friends. If italy can profit from another regime in your country and your country allows it to happen, tell me why we shouldn´t do it? A government must always do whats best for its own people.
Don't mind that funny guy.
I'm always amazed how naive some people here can be. He is calling China a Communist county. LMAO. :rofl: Even the Chinese will laugh at this statement. :lol:
China abandoned that failed outdated communist model longgggggg ago. It's precisely why China started growing so much and rising to their fill potential after they abandoned that crazy soviet like Communist model which had made them the poorest and most destitute country by far in East Asia compared to their far more wealthy, open, capitalistic and advanced East Asian neighbours. Now look where they are today.

Similarly, Iran after Britain and Russia pulled out of the country following the end of WWII was even ahead of S.Korea development wise. Yet look at where both countries are today. Totally different league/worlds apart.

As you said the people get the government they deserve. If they are happy with their current condition/government then so be it. :)
its a match made in Las Vegas.. Saudis and Israelis.. both have disdain and low view of human life in the middle east.

The Saudis and Israelis are cooperating but they're no match made in heaven and they're natural enemies.I wish people on this forum weren't so simplistic in their picking of camps and portraying everything in black and white.As the Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques Saudi policy was ,from their beginning in their dealings with the West ,the supporters of a Jewish state.....in Bavaria.Even today,they will never support,not even under the table ,a Jewish state with Al Aqsa in it.No ifs,no maybes on this issue.

In the 70's ,in the same ME ,altough not particularly fond of each other,the same Saudis were allied with the Shah of Iran in their disdain for Baathist Irak.We all know how quickly things changed after the Islamic revolution of 1979 because this is how things are in the ME,they change according to the situations on the ground.Even more, Saudi Arabia is not exactly a absolutist monarchy as it's portrayed,having within their ruling system a theocracy also because the Saud family is intertwined with the AL Sheiks ever since the 18th century.

Everything is bizzaro world in there.For instance ,I don't believe that S Arabia supports al qaeda,ISIS,at least not on a state level,and,in recent years ,even private donations had a heavy crackdown under the supervision of Muhammad bin Nayef.As a matter of fact,this guy has scored numerous victories against al qaeda,and even helped US prevent attacks on its soil.He was a target of atleast one failed assasination attempt from al qaeda operatives.But,in a strange twist,Saudia doesn't have natural allies in the region...it pays some countries,Egypt,Somalia,Sudan....but rented allies are just that,rented allies and they tend to be fickle.In the GCC ,Oman stays away from all of the debacle in recent years,Kuwait has a well integrated shia minority and Qatar is rogue as it can get.That only leaves the UAE and its foreign legion we see used in Yemen.

Despite their wealth ,the Saudis can't project power like Iran (with its quds force,hezbollah,shia militias).We sw in Yemen that the Saudis are unwilling or they don't trust their field army,national guard in a large deployement.If they wanted to go the Iranian,militia way,they find themselves in the strange position to have to support groups like isis ,al qaeda(because these groups indeed borough Saudi wahhabism for their ideology) but they can't do that as those groups hate the Sauds and would kill them all given the chance.Maybe you could support them in A'stan,Europe but not so close to home.
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The Saudis and Israelis are cooperating but they're no match made in heaven and they're natural enemies.I wish people on this forum weren't so simplistic in their picking of camps and portraying everything in black and white.As the Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques Saudi policy was ,from their beginning in their dealings with the West ,the supporters of a Jewish state.....in Bavaria.Even today,they will never support,not even under the table ,a Jewish state with Al Aqsa in it.No ifs,no maybes on this issue.

In the 70's ,in the same ME ,altough not particularly fond of each other,the same Saudis were allied with the Shah of Iran in their disdain for Baathist Irak.We all know how quickly things changed after the Islamic revolution of 1979 because this is how things are in the ME,they change according to the situations on the ground.Even more, Saudi Arabia is not exactly a absolutist monarchy as it's portrayed,having within their ruling system a theocracy also because the Saud family is intertwined with the AL Sheiks ever since the 18th century.

Everything is bizzaro world in there.For instance ,I don't believe that S Arabia supports al qaeda,ISIS,at least not on a state level,and,in recent years ,even private donations had a heavy crackdown under the supervision of Muhammad bin Nayef.As a matter of fact,this guy has scored numerous victories against al qaeda,and even helped US prevent attacks on its soil.He was a target of atleast one failed assasination attempt from al qaeda operatives.But,in a strange twist,Saudia doesn't have natural allies in the region...it pays some countries,Egypt,Somalia,Sudan....but rented allies are just that,rented allies and they tend to be fickle.In the GCC ,Oman stays away from all of the debacle in recent years,Kuwait has a well integrated shia minority and Qatar is rogue as it can get.That only leaves the UAE and its foreign legion we see used in Yemen.

Despite their wealth ,the Saudis can't project power like Iran (with its quds force,hezbollah,shia militias).We sw in Yemen that the Saudis are unwilling or they don't trust their field army,national guard in a large deployement.If they wanted to go the Iranian,militia way,they find themselves in the strange position to have to support groups like isis ,al qaeda(because these groups indeed borough Saudi wahhabism for their ideology) but they can't do that as those groups hate the Sauds and would kill them all given the chance.Maybe you could support them in A'stan,Europe but not so close to home.

Agree. The region is a very complex one. Only a very naive person will see things from a black and white perspective.
Agree. The region is a very complex one. Only a very naive person will see things from a black and white perspective.

There is so much to talk about this and I would really enjoy these kind of conversations but,unfortunately in here you'll just the usual "gypsie","you dog","western bootlicker","crusaders","whhabi scum"......kind of "debate"
There is so much to talk about this and I would really enjoy these kind of conversations but,unfortunately in here you'll just the usual "gypsie","you dog","western bootlicker","crusaders","whhabi scum"......kind of "debate"

Was called a "crusader" often enough here. Wonder what for? Italian republics never participated in crucade. We just organized it :D

It was profitable and positive. I dont get that kind of thinking.

perfect example is when some muslims bragged here about the fact that arabs were able to conquer sicily for a short period of time. When i teached them the outcome...that we re took it a few years later and cleansed it from evry arab presence...it was suddenly racist, crusade. :D

P.s.: Isabella from spain is my favorite monarch xD
Don't mind that funny guy.
I'm always amazed how naive some people here can be. He is calling China a Communist county. LMAO. :rofl: Even the Chinese will laugh at this statement. :lol:
China abandoned that failed outdated communist model longgggggg ago. It's precisely why China started growing so much and rising to their fill potential after they abandoned that crazy soviet like Communist model which had made them the poorest and most destitute country by far in East Asia compared to their far more wealthy, open, capitalistic and advanced East Asian neighbours. Now look where they are today.

Similarly, Iran after Britain and Russia pulled out of the country following the end of WWII was even ahead of S.Korea development wise. Yet look at where both countries are today. Totally different league/worlds apart.

As you said the people get the government they deserve. If they are happy with their current condition/government then so be it. :)
tell Chinese communist party that you are not communist :lol:.

and about Iran, looks like you are drowned in your own B.S. after world war II, They never pulled out of Iran, they chose a dictator to execute their wills and ruin the country, Iran became an absolute dependent country (what you call advancement), they were stealing Iranian oil with the lowest price, The same not important coups overthrown a government who tried to cut their hands from Iranian oil.
it was just after revolution that things started to change.
Obama confirmed this in 2015 that USA is funding ISIS.

Hillary Clinton also confirms that she created Al Qaeda.

The problem is this. People United States have been brain washed by Hollywood, celebrities and Justin Bieber. They do not care about what happens in middle east. Because after the Vietnam war USA decided to make their own citizens stupid. See during the Vietnam war millions of Americans protested against their own governments. The American citizens were not brainwashed during this period. But after Vietnam war the White House decided. This must never happen again. So they made their own citizens stupid. And because of this. The Americans does not protest against the white house anymore. If Americans were not brainwashed by their own governments. The war in middle east would have stopped long time ago. All they care about now is Kim Kardashian and the next Star Wars movie.

Millions of Americans protested the Vietnam war. Americans was not brainwashed in this period.

The reason why 0% Americans protest middle east war in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lybia.
Is because they have been brainwashed by their own government. This is an example of brainwashing Americans.

Agree. The region is a very complex one. Only a very naive person will see things from a black and white perspective.

Well Iraq and Iran has been fighting each other for ages. Then came USA and defeated Iraq making Iran more powerful.
After USA left Iraq a power vacuum was created. ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda & Al Nusra. American spies that are funded by USA, Israel, European Union and Saudi Arabia. These terrorist groups that fights for USA took over the middle east.

ISIS says they are the real Islam. Well lets compare them to the real Islamic Caliphate.
- ISIS destroys knowledge and culture to other civilizations.
- Khilafah protected knowledge and culture to other civilizations

- ISIS kills Muslims who does not agree with them. Both Shia and Sunni are being killed by ISIS.
- Khilafah protected all Muslims, Jews and Christians.

- ISIS destroys Churches
- Khilafah built churches for Jews and Christians

- ISIS destroys Roman cultures in the middle east
- Khilafah protected Roman cultures and knowledge in middle east

- ISIS hate western knowledge, philosophy and science. But they use AK47 and western weapons.
- Khilafah protected western knowledge, philosophy and science. Even used it to build up Muslim world.

- ISIS kills prisoners with hesitation.
- Khilafah learns paper making wisdom and knowledge from Chinese prisoners after the Battle of Talas.

- ISIS wants to conquer the world. They do not need trading partners.
- Khilafah traded products with India, China and many Asian nations. The story of Aladdin comes from China.
When Chinese merchants traveled to Arabia [now Saudi Arabia] for trade. Knowledge of Islam was spread throughout the Buddhist world by trading with foreigners. Yes guys Aladdin is Chinese :D but has become a popular Arabian bed time story.


I could go on and on. But Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra, Boko Haram are not real Muslims. They are American soldiers created to make Muslim fight Muslim.
Video: US-led coalition strike killed dozens of civilian mourners 30km from Kirkuk – Russian MoD

The Russian Ministry of Defense says that the US-led coalition is responsible for striking mourners in the Iraqi city of Daquq on Friday, killing dozens of civilians, including women and children.
The coalition jets apparently identified the mourning procession as Islamic State terrorists, said General Igor Konashenkov, spokesperson for the Russian Defense Ministry.

“Judging by the eyewitness accounts, the mourning procession was mistaken for terrorists by the coalition aviation. Dozens of Iraqi civilians died, including women and children,” Konashenkov said.

“Russian reconnaissance pinpointed two jets conducting airstrikes on Daquq, located 30 kilometers to the south of Kirkuk, where, according to our data, there are no ISIS fighters,” he added.

Read more

US admits fighting ISIS in Mosul risks civilian lives

Initial reports on the attack came on Friday, with AFP citing local officials and medics as saying that 15 women were killed and 50 more injured.

Konashenkov noted that such incidents bear the mark of war crimes.

“These deadly attacks on civilian areas, which have all the marks of war crimes, are becoming almost a daily routine for the international coalition.”

The spokesman also noted that civilians and civilian infrastructure are increasingly finding themselves in the crosshairs of the coalition bombardment.

“Too often weddings, funerals, hospitals, police stations, and humanitarian convoys are being hit by the coalition warplanes,” Konashenkov said. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova also weighed in, slamming the coalition’s action.

“Yesterday the ‘human rights defenders’ again bombed a funeral ceremony, this time in the Iraqi Daquq where there are no terrorists.” Zakharova said in a Facebook post.

In a statement to RT, the Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF), which is in charge of the international anti-ISIS operation in Iraq and Syria, said that it has no evidence that jets of the alliance carried out the Daquq strike.

“At this time, we cannot associate this incident with any Coalition strikes in the area,” the response says.

On Friday, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) ‘sleeper cells’ launched attacks on government buildings in Kirkuk, sparking clashes with security forces.

At least 80 people, died in the fighting while some 170 have been injured, according to AP.

The attack on Kirkuk comes at a time when the Iraqi military is conducting a full-scale military operation to retake the country’s second-largest city, Mosul from the jihadists.

Read more

Iraqi army repels attack in Kirkuk, moves on ISIS-held Christian town amid Mosul offensive

The city was captured by Islamic State fighters in 2014 and became IS’ main stronghold in Iraq.

“During the past 24 hours alone, the international coalition has conducted 22 sorties using tactical aviation and four unmanned flying vehicles, which launched 19 strikes on various sites on the territory of Iraq,” Konashenkov said, noting that Russia is closely monitoring the developments.

The Security Council member for Baghdad province, Saad al Mutlabi, believes that the airstrike on Daquq "is definitely a war crime" and "a deliberate act because Daquq is far away from Kirkuk and has nothing to do with ISIS."

"This is a huge criminal act. I am sure it will go unanswered," he told RT. "There is no way you can mistake one city for another city and a funeral procession with a city that has no history of ISIS," Mutlabi said, when asked if there might have been any kind of intelligence mistake.

The Iraqi politician added that whoever is responsible for the tragedy is likely to go unpunished.

"Unfortunately we don't hear a condemnation from the Iraqi government because of the sensitivity of the subject, which is really a shame that such an event, such a criminal act, takes place without any questioning," he said.

and the story continues, ISIS advances and ISIS air-force also known as the NATO air force provides air support by bombarding Shiahs who are defending against ISIS.
Obama confirmed this in 2015 that USA is funding ISIS.

Hillary Clinton also confirms that she created Al Qaeda.

The problem is this. People United States have been brain washed by Hollywood, celebrities and Justin Bieber. They do not care about what happens in middle east. Because after the Vietnam war USA decided to make their own citizens stupid. See during the Vietnam war millions of Americans protested against their own governments. The American citizens were not brainwashed during this period. But after Vietnam war the White House decided. This must never happen again. So they made their own citizens stupid. And because of this. The Americans does not protest against the white house anymore. If Americans were not brainwashed by their own governments. The war in middle east would have stopped long time ago. All they care about now is Kim Kardashian and the next Star Wars movie.

Millions of Americans protested the Vietnam war. Americans was not brainwashed in this period.

The reason why 0% Americans protest middle east war in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lybia.
Is because they have been brainwashed by their own government. This is an example of brainwashing Americans.

Well Iraq and Iran has been fighting each other for ages. Then came USA and defeated Iraq making Iran more powerful.
After USA left Iraq a power vacuum was created. ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda & Al Nusra. American spies that are funded by USA, Israel, European Union and Saudi Arabia. These terrorist groups that fights for USA took over the middle east.

ISIS says they are the real Islam. Well lets compare them to the real Islamic Caliphate.
- ISIS destroys knowledge and culture to other civilizations.
- Khilafah protected knowledge and culture to other civilizations

- ISIS kills Muslims who does not agree with them. Both Shia and Sunni are being killed by ISIS.
- Khilafah protected all Muslims, Jews and Christians.

- ISIS destroys Churches
- Khilafah built churches for Jews and Christians

- ISIS destroys Roman cultures in the middle east
- Khilafah protected Roman cultures and knowledge in middle east

- ISIS hate western knowledge, philosophy and science. But they use AK47 and western weapons.
- Khilafah protected western knowledge, philosophy and science. Even used it to build up Muslim world.

- ISIS kills prisoners with hesitation.
- Khilafah learns paper making wisdom and knowledge from Chinese prisoners after the Battle of Talas.

- ISIS wants to conquer the world. They do not need trading partners.
- Khilafah traded products with India, China and many Asian nations. The story of Aladdin comes from China.
When Chinese merchants traveled to Arabia [now Saudi Arabia] for trade. Knowledge of Islam was spread throughout the Buddhist world by trading with foreigners. Yes guys Aladdin is Chinese :D but has become a popular Arabian bed time story.


I could go on and on. But Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra, Boko Haram are not real Muslims. They are American soldiers created to make Muslim fight Muslim.

Better listen more carefully next time...


What the hell are some of you on here on about?
without the U.S,U.K, NATO coalition members help and massive airpower/military aid, Iraq will be overrun and under the control of ISIS alias Baath party by now. :lol:
This is a fact, not even a debate.

No they weren't able to take Baghdad. The IS advances were halted at one point, it took the US ~2-3 more months before they started launching airstrikes after IS attacked Kurds and got very close to Arbil, during that time IS didn't advance on the ISF.

You would be right if you said that without coalition airpower the ongoing counter offensive might have been impossible or slowed down by far.
actullay they are the airforce of irgc and your puppets in iraq.

death to america the great satan.:partay:
I don't know about an airforce but thanks to the great Iraqi army Isis probably does have a couple of tank divisions as well as Scud missiles:partay:
They will never admit it, but US/NATO are really screwed and checkmated by Russia and Iran as far as ISIS goes. The worst part is that this war has no ending. US/NATO are going to be fighting a very lengthy war in the Middle East. Russia, Iran and the likes are going to make sure of that.
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