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Lol True , Only a fool will think Maduro is an exemplary leader. A leader who has made a country with the worlds largest oil reserves virtually bankrupt and people lacking even basic necessities like toilet rolls to clean their *** or even basic food to eat. :hitwall: In fact Venezuelans should have at least the same living standards/wealth as gulf countries.:agree:
Yet look at their current state despite all their oil. Pathetic to say the least.:disagree: Even the most incompetent leader out there could have done better for the country.lol

Seriously,i'm always shocked by how some leftists or naive people from the developing world can praise such incompetent and corrupt leaders just because that said leader is so called 'anti western'. :lol: lol

I'm sure if they were living in Venezuela they wont be saying the same thing. :rofl:

Jeez, if only western countries could have even half of these countries.:cheesy:

Anyway, i heard Venezuela has the most beautiful girls in the world along with other Latino countries(I've been only to Argentina and Mexico though, cant say for the others). Guess its a good time to visit the country. @Hamartia Antidote , @Blue Marlin , @waz :enjoy:

I would not recommend visiting the country....unless you want to die. A co-worker of mine is married to a native Venezuelan and even she refuses to fly there to visit her parents because of safety concerns. She pays them to fly to Dominica instead and meets them there.

I believe waz has been to Brazil...and apparently Venezuela is now far far worse.
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Italy is a friendly nation to Iran. Not long ago there was an Italian naval visit to Iran.
There is zero reason for hostility between Iran and European nation. Differences exists, but we can deal with those like mature adults by sitting down and talking. We may not be able to solve every issue but we can learn to manage our differences. But one thing is for sure, Iran and Italy (and most other European nations) have alot more in common than we have differences.

hey amigo, you have pics about that visit?
What can he achieve by trying to be Maduro?

Venezuela is dieing. Its a honest question...if you would be president of Venezuela...when you see your people starve. When you see your country cant even produce sugar aymore. When you see your people trying to get food from Columbia.

When would you think the point is reached that you accept you failed?
By trying to be himself and not Chavez at least he didn't deceived himself. And if he did not tried to be somebody else he much sooner would have seen what's the problem.

What the hell are some of you on here on about?
without the U.S,U.K, NATO coalition members help and massive airpower/military aid, Iraq will be overrun and under the control of ISIS alias Baath party by now. :lol:
This is a fact, not even a debate.

what domestic products? Venezuela produces nothing anymore. The only product avaivable there right now is diet coke. Do you realize whats going on there? Do you realize that Maduro is a former bus driver who now crashs one of the richest nations under the sun at the wall? People starve there and have no food. They dont even produce sugar anymore because Chavez crushed all that and depended alone on oil. He installed a fee beer dor evryone policy that now collapses.

My brazilian friends hate Dilma and her socialist crooks. Should they first ask Iran for agreement to remover her from power? Its their country. The last thing brazilians need is iranian advice.

So since you talk about diplomacy so much, whats your solution? Because Assad will never be accepted in the west. Its obvious you cant push him into a role he cant fullfill anymore.

Even russia said Assad has no future as president in syria.


Because Russia wants a stable syria and knows pretty much that it needs western acceptance in the end.
what's happening in Venezuela is another work by Americans. the rising number of gangster groups which have no goal but to destabilize the government; The gangsters whom as usual are supported by U.S government, heck they don't even bother to hide this relation, American reporters go there and they are willing to talk about themselves to the world!
The fact that exactly after Chavez death and during election suddenly riots took to the streets, inflation rate soared, oil price dropped,... these are all incidents which are being coordinated from outside of Venezuela.

can you understand why Venezuelans decided to elect a so called bus driver over those fancy pro-U.S politicians,
cause they know the only agenda of those politicians is to keep uncle SAM satisfied, so that he would support them and keep them in power.

You keep talking about your unhappy friends in Brazil, and I already answered yet you didn't get it, there is a huge distance between unhappy people and coup. filling that distance is American's job, let's see what this new president would do for the happiness of your friends!

and about Asad, your view is really narrow, problem in Syria isn't personal at all, in one of his interviews Asad mentioned that he was offered a deal to cut his relations with Iran and in return not only he would remain in power, but they would even support him. American's problem with Syria is it's policies and not individuals. diplomacy already ended when they resorted to military act against Syria.

and about Russians position on future of Asad, you are repeating the American's lies which has been denied by Russia already. in fact it's Americans who had no choice but to accept the Asad:
Russian Deputy FM Says US Agrees Not to Discuss Syrian President Assad Future
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what's happening in Venezuela is another work by Americans. the rising number of gangster groups which have no goal but to destabilize the government; The gangsters whom as usual are supported by U.S government, heck they don't even bother to hide this relation, American reporters go there and they are willing to talk about themselves to the world!
The fact that exactly after Chavez death and during election suddenly riots took to the streets, inflation rate soared, oil price dropped,... these are all incidents which are being coordinated from outside of Venezuela.

can you understand why Venezuelans decided to elect a so called bus driver over those fancy pro-U.S politicians,
cause they know the only agenda of those politicians is to keep uncle SAM satisfied, so that he would support them and keep them in power.

You keep talking about your unhappy friends in Brazil, and I already answered yet you didn't get it, there is a huge distance between unhappy people and coup. filling that distance is American's job, let's see what this new president would do for the happiness of your friends!

and about Asad, your view is really narrow, problem in Syria isn't personal at all, in one of his interviews Asad mentioned that he was offered a deal to cut his relations with Iran and in return not only he would remain in power, but they would even support him. American's problem with Syria is it's policies and not individuals. diplomacy already ended when they resorted to military act against Syria.

and about Russians position on future of Asad, you are repeating the American's lies which has been denied by Russia already. in fact it's Americans who had no choice but to accept the Asad:
Russian Deputy FM Says US Agrees Not to Discuss Syrian President Assad Future

lol yeah. It was USA that forced Chavez to give all farmland and private corporations to his communist party thugs snd they also forced Chavez to stop investions in his national,oil company. USA forced him to make the decission to depend only on imports. His party thugs who did nothing with the farmland and let it rott away were US agents, When oil prize collapsed and nothing could imported anymore it became obvious that Venezuela was unable to produce anything anymore. All work of evil USA!

I heared that Marx and Engels were mindfucked by USA agents to invent communism. The lomg planned goal was zo destabilze Venezuela 150 years later by injecting the idea of communism into his brain.

You guys crack me up. Best Satire ever.

Its all evil USA! The fact that communism always goes directly into doom cant be the reason!
lol yeah. It was USA that forced Chavez to give all farmland and private corporations to his communist party thugs snd they also forced Chavez to stop investions in his national,oil company. USA forced him to make the decission to depend only on imports. His party thugs who did nothing with the farmland and let it rott away were US agents, When oil prize collapsed and nothing could imported anymore it became obvious that Venezuela was unable to produce anything anymore. All work of evil USA!

I heared that Marx and Engels were mindfucked by USA agents to invent communism. The lomg planned goal was zo destabilze Venezuela 150 years later by injecting the idea of communism into his brain.

You guys crack me up. Best Satire ever.

Its all evil USA! The fact that communism always goes directly into doom cant be the reason!
Yeah, it was all U.S.A.
it was U.S and their backed thugs who kept the whole Latin America countries (and not just Venezuela) in chaos and corruption, U.S.A and no one else.
as long as independent politics are in power in Venezuela, U.S will keep sabotaging their economy and investments. Venezuela is dependent on oil cause it has no technology to use in its industries, an industry which heavily relies on foreign techs. so they have two choices; either bow to Americans, accept their policies and surrender their whole economy to them or keep resisting and relying on domestic potentials.
The first choice will relief their economy to some extent while guaranties that Venezuela will remain the same backwarded sh!thole forever, and the second one is the only way to real advancement while will be really painful cause bullies wont let any other way.
Yeah, it was all U.S.A.
it was U.S and their backed thugs who kept the whole Latin America countries (and not just Venezuela) in chaos and corruption, U.S.A and no one else.
as long as independent politics are in power in Venezuela, U.S will keep sabotaging their economy and investments. Venezuela is dependent on oil cause it has no technology to use in its industries, an industry which heavily relies on foreign techs. so they have two choices; either bow to Americans, accept their policies and surrender their whole economy to them or keep resisting and relying on domestic potentials.
The first choice will relief their economy to some extent while guaranties that Venezuela will remain the same backwarded sh!thole forever, and the second one is the only way to real advancement while will be really painful cause bullies wont let any other way.


dude whatever you smoke, stop it.

This guy believes communism could work and blames the tital downfall of evry single communist system on USA. :D
lol yeah. It was USA that forced Chavez to give all farmland and private corporations to his communist party thugs snd they also forced Chavez to stop investions in his national,oil company. USA forced him to make the decission to depend only on imports. His party thugs who did nothing with the farmland and let it rott away were US agents, When oil prize collapsed and nothing could imported anymore it became obvious that Venezuela was unable to produce anything anymore. All work of evil USA!

I heared that Marx and Engels were mindfucked by USA agents to invent communism. The lomg planned goal was zo destabilze Venezuela 150 years later by injecting the idea of communism into his brain.

You guys crack me up. Best Satire ever.

Its all evil USA! The fact that communism always goes directly into doom cant be the reason!
Yes EVIL U.S/WEST are omni-potent and omni-present GODS who manipulate and control every leader and person in the world. They have devilish powers. :devil:

Heard that so many times on here. If your country is a failed state ruled by a corrupt despotic dictator, then it's obviously always the fault of the U S/West. :chilli:

I would not recommend visiting the country....unless you want to die. A co-worker of mine is married to a native Venezuelan and even she refuses to fly there to visit her parents because of safety concerns. She pays them to fly to Dominica instead and meets them there.

I believe waz has been to Brazil...and apparently Venezuela is now far far worse.
Yea I heard the crime rate/criminality there is crazy. Well, can't blame them, the country is a poor bankrupt shithole. :disagree:
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Venezuela is dependent on oil cause it has no technology to use in its industries, an industry which heavily relies on foreign techs. so they have two choices; either bow to Americans, accept their policies and surrender their whole economy to them or keep resisting and relying on domestic potentials

What the hell do you want ? After he nationalised the oil industry and told US firms to get out,costing them billions in the process,the US should say :"ok,but let us give you our oil extraction tech for free so you won't starve" ....LMAO
What the hell do you want ? After he nationalised the oil industry and told US firms to get out,costing them billions in the process,the US should say :"ok,but let us give you our oil extraction tech for free so you won't starve" ....LMAO

well , USA should sign fair deal with them in first place not to try to steal their resource .... what happen to legalism in western countries !?
half of western are greedy and that why they killed each other in millions and they will do it again in next 50-100 years ...
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What the hell do you want ? After he nationalised the oil industry and told US firms to get out,costing them billions in the process,the US should say :"ok,but let us give you our oil extraction tech for free so you won't starve" ....LMAO
Yes the U.S should have done that. Be good and nice to others even if they curse you , GOD will compensate you for that in another world. :enjoy:
Yes EVIL U.S/WEST are omni potent an omni present GODS who manipulate and control every leader and person in the world. They have devilish powers. :devil:
Heard that so many times on here. If your country is a failed state ruled by a corrupt despotic dictator, then it's obviously always the fault of the U S/West. :chilli:
No, U.S has no role in Supporting coups and dictators, except a few tens of recorded ones!

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Coups Arranged or Backed by the USA
United States involvement in regime change


dude whatever you smoke, stop it.

This guy believes communism could work and blames the tital downfall of evry single communist system on USA. :D
1.know the difference between socialism and communism, then open your mouth.
2.soon the communist China will swallow you,
3.there is a difference between not working and not letting to work.
4.Communism/Socialism is usually adopted by weak countries cause they are sick of corruption in American's capitalism and liberalism.

Yes the U.S should have done that. Be good and nice to others even if they curse you , GOD will compensate you for that in another world. :enjoy:
No, Venezuelans should let American companies steal their resources for free, they deserve it!
well , USA should sign fair deal with them in first place not to try to steal their resource .... what happen to legalism in western countries !?
half of western are greedy and that why they killed each other in millions and they will do this again in next 50-100 years ...
Seems the propaganda the Mullah regime has been feeding you people is even stronger than I thought. Lol

For your info Venezuela is already owing tens of billions of dollars to the 'not so greedy' Chinese. In exchange, Venezuela also grants Chinese companies priority in government projects sponsored by Chinese loans. The Chinese now make them pay with their oil at a discount/cheaper rate.lol Good for them, they get cheap oil and keep Venezuela addicted to debt they will probably never get rid of totally(more than $80-$100billions they now owe the chinese alone a d growing with each passing year. Lol ). They might as well just give them all their oil reserves to service the debt. Lol
Even the loans they got from the chinese, the Venezuelan public has little information on where the money was/is being spent. There are railways that were announced and financed but abandoned(read corruption/embezzlement), plants that never went far beyond the ribbon-cutting ceremony. :lol:

To be honest I feel bad/pity for the poor innocent Venezuelan people. Their corrupt incompetent despotic leaders have failed them so badly. The sheer incompetence of these so called socialists revolutionary regime is astounding. I'm shocked some delusional people on here still support their failed policies just because they took a somehow so called 'anti western' rhetoric. :disagree:

In fact, It is hard to exaggerate the magnitude of the Venezuelan collapse. People are queueing for hours to buy basic food, stores are empty, severe shortage of health products and medicines (they even ration common paracetamol, many are dying as a result)and the country is in a deep recession(GDP contracted by over 8% last year and is expected to contact even more this year). Venezuela has the fastest inflation in the world, while its government debt is the most expensive to insure against default. On top of that they are importing light crude(since they lack capability to refine their crude themselves due to lack of investment in this high tech sector) and their oil mining and refining capabilities are going down from lack of maintenance. :hitwall:Maybe soon the oil rich country might not have any oil to give.lol :disagree:

So much for the bolivarian socialist revolution. :rofl: This is the inevitable end result of going full-on socialist/communist. Socialism is for the people, not the Socialists. The lights don't/never go out at the government residences in Caracas afterall. :partay:
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No, U.S has no role in Supporting coups and dictators, except a few tens of recorded ones!

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Coups Arranged or Backed by the USA
United States involvement in regime change

1.know the difference between socialism and communism, then open your mouth.
2.soon the communist China will swallow you,
3.there is a difference between not working and not letting to work.
4.Communism/Socialism is usually adopted by weak countries cause they are sick of corruption in American's capitalism and liberalism.

No, Venezuelans should let American companies steal their resources for free, they deserve it!

China is turbo capitalist. It dropped communism and changed a working system. Thats a sign for good leadership. Stop supporting a dead system and change if needed. Something Maduro failed to do.

How will China swallow Italy? Will it eat up russia that is located between us? :D

I know a iranian guy who bashs exactly that way of talking from iranians you use. He says the problem by many iranians is that tehy fall for their own propaganda.

I give you a tip, never fall for your own bullshit.

Your leadership is pro west. Your elites drive italian luxury cars. Ferrari and Lambo.

I understand your paranoia for coups. But you should drop it. Nobody takes bs like this serious.

In the end evry country gets the leadership it deserves. If your country allows a coup to happen so be it.

Nations have interests and no friends. If italy can profit from another regime in your country and your country allows it to happen, tell me why we shouldn´t do it? A government must always do whats best for its own people.

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