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NATO is now ISIS’s Air Force

Before US intervened your Khamenai terrorists were running from ISIS leaving their boots. Once US came it everything turned around. Ungrateful pathetic clowns.

As far as I know Baghdad was about to fall in the hands of ISIS and American were standing aside doing nothing and even called them militants that seek justice , even they were reluctant to deliver Iraqi F-16s and other weapons that could have been used by Iraq army to push ISIS back ... ISIS advances was stopped and eventually reversed when Iraqi grand Shia Cleric Ayotallh Sistani issued a religious decree and asked all Iraqi people to fight these monsters besides this direct request of Iraq central Gov and also the Iraq region of Kurdistan from Iran to come to their aid per se indicates that Iraqis were left all alone on their own and if it wasn't Iraqi people courage to fight this monster and Iran helps the map of the south west Asia would have been completely different than what we see now ... the biggest problem of this region is American and their plots ... so far American has failed ...
Ungrateful Khamenai clowns. NATO made thousands softies against ISIS saving ur butts.
Before US intervened your Khamenai terrorists were running from ISIS leaving their boots. Once US came it everything turned around. Ungrateful pathetic clowns.
So called Iraqi government are Khamenai puppets, ungrateful like all other Khamenaists.

Iran was sending wave after wave hundreds of thousands trying to take Basra. They did it for 8 years and could not advance 1 cm. Then Americans came and took entire Iraq in 2 weeks.

You guys fled from ISIS leaving boots. Everyone remembers it.

Stop spamming forum with Russian moronic propaganda. They are pathological liars.
This lunatic is insulting members in every of his comments. Please deal with him + he's supporting Syrian Iraqis terrorists for 1.5 years in this forum.

@Manticore @Oscar @Horus @TaimiKhan @Irfan Baloch @Jungibaaz @waz @WebMaster
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As far as I know Baghdad was about to fall in the hands of ISIS and American were standing aside doing nothing and even called them militants that seek justice , even they were reluctant to deliver Iraqi F-16s and other weapons that could have been used by Iraq army to push ISIS back ... ISIS advances was stopped and eventually reversed when Iraqi grand Shia Cleric Ayotallh Sistani issued a religious decree and asked all Iraqi people to fight these monsters besides this direct request of Iraq central Gov and also the Iraq region of Kurdistan from Iran to come to their aid per se indicates that Iraqis were left all alone on their own and if it wasn't Iraqi people courage to fight this monster and Iran helps the map of the south west Asia would have been completely different than what we see now ... the biggest problem of this region is American and their plots ... so far American has failed ...
Advance was stopped thanks to US strikes. If you dont like US strikes tel them to go, dont post crappy articles.

And without Americans all Iraq would be under ISIS (aka Iraqi Baath) control on the first place. You cant argue with this fact.
How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
Well perhaps those member states should leave NATO then if they oppose the US supporting proxy groups for regime change and zionist strategic interests?

Assad is still in government not because of occupied Germany and her Chancellor but because of Russia.

So called Iraqi government are Khamenai puppets, ungrateful like all other Khamenaists.

Iran was sending wave after wave hundreds of thousands trying to take Basra. They did it for 8 years and could not advance 1 cm. Then Americans came and took entire Iraq in 2 weeks.

You guys fled from ISIS leaving boots. Everyone remembers it.

Stop spamming forum with Russian moronic propaganda. They are pathological liars.
And the US and her Zionist ally are honest?!
Well perhaps those member states should leave NATO then if they oppose the US supporting proxy groups for regime change and zionist strategic interests?

Assad is still in government not because of occupied Germany and her Chancellor but because of Russia.

And the US and her Zionist ally are honest?!

russia would be out of business there if those rebels got the weapons washington demanded there. merkel stopped it.

as for italy leaving NATO, if you have a working alternative for us, move on. im interested to hear.​

russia would be out of business there if those rebels got the weapons washington demanded there. merkel stopped it.

as for italy leaving NATO, if you have a working alternative for us, move on. im interested to hear.​
Why not move closer to Russia? An eschatological line is being drawn in the world. It will be hard work. Build up your military and economy so you are not so dependant.
Why not move closer to Russia? An eschatological line is being drawn in the world. It will be hard work.

our technology is not compatible with russia. also russia is a rather small market. culturally very different too
our technology is not compatible with russia. also russia is a rather small market. culturally very different too
So? Make efforts to bridge these gaps. Russia is far far better than the zionist controlled US. The US ship will one day sink and the rest of NATO may go down with her. Start by raising the awareness of this in your country.
So? Make efforts to bridge these gaps. Russia is far far better than the zionist controlled US. The US ship will one day sink and the rest of NATO may go down with her. Start by raising the awareness of this in your country.

you do realize that we sell 9 times more products in usa than russia?
our technology is not compatible with russia. also russia is a rather small market. culturally very different too
Italy , to me , has always been an exception between EU countries.
May you talk about your cultural differences from Russia i'm interested in that.
you do realize that we sell 9 times more products in usa than russia?
The point I am trying to make is that there is an eschatological line being drawn in the world: the Zionist US led alliance vs Russia and co.
Yes the zionist US led alliance is way richer and has great economic benefits but it will sink one day. Do you want your country to go down with her? Try to diversify and not be so dependant. It seems many NATO countries are just pseudocolonies of the US.
Italy , to me , has always been an exception between EU countries.
May you talk about your cultural differences from Russia i'm interested in that.

we are open, interested in art. catholic.mrussians rather closed, orthodox and not artistic like we are.
we are open, interested in art. catholic.mrussians rather closed, orthodox and not artistic like we are.
Orthodoxies , in my opinion , are the best branch of Christianity. They have some similarities to us. I mean ShiA branch of Islam. On the other hand we have Catholics. Why do i feel bad of pope? Forgive me but i don't like his way of thinking. I prefer Ptriarch kirill of Russia as the only man who represent true Christians. Tell me if i'm wrong my friend.

russia would be out of business there if those rebels got the weapons washington demanded there. merkel stopped it.

as for italy leaving NATO, if you have a working alternative for us, move on. im interested to hear.​

really !?
and from when USA care about what Germany says !?
in fact USA is the country that every 5 years goes around world and make chaos , they could give weapon to rebels but they would guarantee that in their NEXT ADVENTURE , they would face more modern russian weapons !!!

this is not when 1990s and 2000s when USA was sole super power and could do as she please ...
Orthodoxies , in my opinion , are the best branch of Christianity. They have some similarities to us. I mean ShiA branch of Islam. On the other hand we have Catholics. Why do i feel bad of pope? Forgive me but i don't like his way of thinking. I prefer Ptriarch kirill of Russia as the only man who represent true Christians. Tell me if i'm wrong my friend.

Kiril...... ROFLMAO


Based on the reflection in the table, it is clear a watch on Patriarch Kirill's wrist was photoshopped out of the image. Image credit: patriarchia.ru
The Russian Orthodox Church issued an official apology for digitally removing a luxury watch from an image of Patriarch Kirill.

He was pictured in a meeting with Russian Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov.

The original photo, dated July 3, 2009, showed Kirill, 65, wearing the expensive watch, according to the BBC. In the edited version, which appeared this month, the Patriarch is seen without the watch.

The deception might have gone unnoticed if not for one slight oversight: the reflection of the watch in the polished, shiny tabletop.

The attempt didn't fool bloggers, who latched on, prompting the church to issue an official


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