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NATO is now ISIS’s Air Force

really !?
and from when USA care about what Germany says !?
in fact USA is the country that every 5 years goes around world and make chaos , they could give weapon to rebels but they would guarantee that in their NEXT ADVENTURE , they would face more modern russian weapons !!!

this is not when 1990s and 2000s when USA was sole super power and could do as she please ...

russia has no modern weapons. most iis older than 25. years.

Kiril...... ROFLMAO



he is banned. beside that i dont answer someone who insults my fate.
How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
Chavez had charisma but its certain you can't say so about Maduro. The problem wit him is he wanted to be another Chavez instead of trying to be maduro.
Chavez had charisma but its certain you can't say so about Maduro. The problem wit him is he wanted to be another Chavez instead of trying to be maduro.

What can he achieve by trying to be Maduro?

Venezuela is dieing. Its a honest question...if you would be president of Venezuela...when you see your people starve. When you see your country cant even produce sugar aymore. When you see your people trying to get food from Columbia.

When would you think the point is reached that you accept you failed?
This is off topic but:

Venezuela is dieing.

Afaik Venezuela is the state with most oil reserves. Maduro was at the Energy Council in Istanbul. Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogan signed contracts with Venezuela. Turkey will modernize infrastructure , build thousands of modern houses for the people (TIKA). Also oil terminal and airport of Caracas will be modernized. Russia will operate and modernize oil refineries. Venezuela will pay Turkey will oil and oil coke. Russia will possibly try to get a base. But that is not confirmed.

Turkish Airforce has deployed 20 F-16 to Diyarbakir AB to fight IS in Iraq.

The missions will be coordinated from joint HQ in Kuwait.
really !?
then it will be ok if they gave some of their MANPADs to anti Nato forces !?

They wont. Russians trust noone and only think about themself. Which is right.

What are Anti NATO forces? Not even Iran is Anti NATO since Iran would never attack NATO. So what Anti NATO forces are you talking about? ISIS? Boko Haram?

As far as i know Iran is not hostile towards us. I was not treated bad the few days i was in Iran.
They wont. Russians trust noone and only think about themself. Which is right.

What are Anti NATO forces? Not even Iran is Anti NATO since Iran would never attack NATO. So what Anti NATO forces are you talking about? ISIS? Boko Haram?

As far as i know Iran is not hostile towards us. I was not treated bad the few days i was in Iran.

You made my day Markus. Iran is a secret ally of the US. Watch Sibel Egmonds ( ex FBI). She told in TV that Turkey is nuclear power since end of 1990 s and Iran was also a part of that deal.
You made my day Markus. Iran is a secret ally of the US. Watch Sibel Egmonds ( ex FBI). She told in TV that Turkey is nuclear power since end of 1990 s and Iran was also a part of that deal.

I know what Iran is. I dont see it as enemy.
They wont. Russians trust noone and only think about themself. Which is right.
This is not written in stone , if USA really hurt them , I'm sure they will do anything to hurt them back ...
Anti-Nato force can be anyone who are ready to attack Nato force and interest around the world ....
This is not written in stone , if USA really hurt them , I'm sure they will do anything to hurt them back ...
Anti-Nato force can be anyone who are ready to attack Nato force and interest around the world ....

Iran is our friend. You see italy as enemy and would want harm us?
Iran is our friend. You see italy as enemy and would want harm us?
I don't talk about my county and We are not some rebels who are in need of Russian weapons so badly ( if we want something , we will try to buy it from Russians ) , but it simple fact is if NATO hurt Russians by arming their enemies , then Russians would try to hurt them back ... this is simple ....

this is no like that Russians are hopless against NATO
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They wont. Russians trust noone and only think about themself. Which is right.

What are Anti NATO forces? Not even Iran is Anti NATO since Iran would never attack NATO. So what Anti NATO forces are you talking about? ISIS? Boko Haram?

As far as i know Iran is not hostile towards us. I was not treated bad the few days i was in Iran.

Well, its kinda tricky to be honest. Funny enough, Iran and Western powers have common interests in many fields. Doing 'business together" and even cooperating indirectly strategically in the middle east might sum up the West and Tehran relationship today. We have overlapping interests in Syria(fight against ISIS) Iraq( the shias we put in power are today aligned with Iran together with shia militias and also take part in fight against ISIS together with western forces), Afghanistan(Iran is even more hostile towards a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan than the West), perhaps even in Yemen(fight against Al Qaeda), as well as the shared goal of an agreement on Iran's nuclear program. However, its true both sides also have conflict of interests in this region in regard to Irans military support to Assad and Hamas for example.
However, baring empty rhetoric and propaganda once in a while,there isn't much both sides cant cooperate or work together on. So i will say the relationship is far less hostile than some naive keyboard warriors might think.:)

Iran is our friend. You see italy as enemy and would want harm us?

There are no real friends in Geo politics. Much less Iran being Italy's friend. lol Since when?
It's all about national interests. Even among E.U countries many powers are still after their own interests first and foremost. lol
Iran is our friend. You see italy as enemy and would want harm us?

Italy is a friendly nation to Iran. Not long ago there was an Italian naval visit to Iran.
There is zero reason for hostility between Iran and European nation. Differences exists, but we can deal with those like mature adults by sitting down and talking. We may not be able to solve every issue but we can learn to manage our differences. But one thing is for sure, Iran and Italy (and most other European nations) have alot more in common than we have differences.
what domestic products? Venezuela produces nothing anymore. The only product avaivable there right now is diet coke. Do you realize whats going on there? Do you realize that Maduro is a former bus driver who now crashs one of the richest nations under the sun at the wall? People starve there and have no food. They dont even produce sugar anymore because Chavez crushed all that and depended alone on oil. He installed a fee beer dor evryone policy that now collapses.

My brazilian friends hate Dilma and her socialist crooks. Should they first ask Iran for agreement to remover her from power? Its their country. The last thing brazilians need is iranian advice.

So since you talk about diplomacy so much, whats your solution? Because Assad will never be accepted in the west. Its obvious you cant push him into a role he cant fullfill anymore.

Even russia said Assad has no future as president in syria.


Because Russia wants a stable syria and knows pretty much that it needs western acceptance in the end.

Lol True , Only a fool will think Maduro is an exemplary leader. A leader who has made a country with the worlds largest oil reserves virtually bankrupt and people lacking even basic necessities like toilet rolls to clean their *** or even basic food to eat. :hitwall: In fact Venezuelans should have at least the same living standards/wealth as gulf countries.:agree:
Yet look at their current state despite all their oil. Pathetic to say the least.:disagree: Even the most incompetent leader out there could have done better for the country.lol

Seriously,i'm always shocked by how some leftists or naive people from the developing world can praise such incompetent and corrupt leaders just because that said leader is so called 'anti western'. :lol: lol

I'm sure if they were living in Venezuela they wont be saying the same thing. :rofl:

Jeez, if only western countries could have even half of these countries resources.:cheesy:

Anyway, i heard Venezuela has the most beautiful girls in the world along with other Latino countries(I've been only to Argentina and Mexico though, cant say for the others). Guess its a good time to visit the country. @Hamartia Antidote , @Blue Marlin , @waz :enjoy:
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As far as I know Baghdad was about to fall in the hands of ISIS and American were standing aside doing nothing and even called them militants that seek justice , even they were reluctant to deliver Iraqi F-16s and other weapons that could have been used by Iraq army to push ISIS back ... ISIS advances was stopped and eventually reversed when Iraqi grand Shia Cleric Ayotallh Sistani issued a religious decree and asked all Iraqi people to fight these monsters besides this direct request of Iraq central Gov and also the Iraq region of Kurdistan from Iran to come to their aid per se indicates that Iraqis were left all alone on their own and if it wasn't Iraqi people courage to fight this monster and Iran helps the map of the south west Asia would have been completely different than what we see now ... the biggest problem of this region is American and their plots ... so far American has failed ...

What the hell are some of you on here on about?
without the U.S,U.K, NATO coalition members help and massive airpower/military aid, Iraq will be overrun and under the control of ISIS alias Baath party by now. :lol:
This is a fact, not even a debate.

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