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Naswar Corner

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Yeah, I know how hard it must be. I do not mind actually, its just another institution and pointing a problem helps any institution fix itself but the ones doing it-thats what worries me and they are doing it just to bash the army. Especially what worries me is the level of politicization of those making these posts. For example PPP supporters and PMLN ones. A look into history will tell us Nawaz was Chief Minister under Zia and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was foreign minister under Ayub and later supported by Yahya Khan. So basically when those supported by military once are bashing army the best thing to do is ignore them.

But I do not think we should see this as a problem. Some mistakes were committed by all of us. Better to accept them. Historically I have always been with the army, even supported Musharraf in the old days.

I guess people are lucky they did not meet us guys in Canada.

I am on the verge of a major discovery-Do you know what? :D

Sometimes I have no clue how to reply because I don't understand the post you have made. What is "still way to go?"

Sometimes I get the feeling you don't like me much though. :D
Is it true batman? I never said anything bad about you. I just joke around a lot.

BTW congratulations. Qadri got something in the end at least.

way to go, means miles to learn the art of trolling?:lol:
i never disliked you, bt you need a bit NASWAR to control. your unlimited intellectulity?;):lol:
62, 63, a dagger in the hands of angels, now thats good?;)
just can say, u never met me when i go funny!:welcome::lol:
What did you guys eat today?


Al0o ka paratha made by chef HUDA :P
@Hyperion , @Talon now i understand! @Aeronaut is deleting everything zoology related ! Ill still ask @Talon what should i preserve of my cat so i can clone him when it becomes commercial. And BTW nothing happend to my cat after eating choclate!

Anything with DNA...lots of it...coz cloning aint easy and loads of trials takes 1 success
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way to go, means miles to learn the art of trolling?:lol:
i never disliked you, bt you need a bit NASWAR to control. your unlimited intellectulity?;):lol:
62, 63, a dagger in the hands of angels, now thats good?;)
just can say, u never met me when i go funny!:welcome::lol:

Thanks mate! Keep visiting Naswar Corner.

One time i tried to make it... but all potatoes slipped out of it at the end it was only bread :confused:

Thats why we always use aluminum foil at the end. You never thought of that? :P
BTW I hate aloo ka paratha roll. I am a real gosht-khor. There is no meat and I can't eat anything unless there's no choice.
@huda : Huda Apa, akeileiii akeileiii aap khaa gaiiin ! :angry:

Apneii choteiii bhai, Armstrong, ko bhiii khilaa deiteiiin ! :cray:
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Well, Monotheism says no GOD but 1....so we can not udnerstand MANY DIFFERENT GODS then we have these other Hindus who claim that ALL HINDUS will tell u 1 god...then there are your types who have no prob with Polytheism...THAT itself is confusing!

There is nothing confusing in it, being atheist myself I won't equate polytheism to Shirk neither any practicising hindu as there is not single valid source indicating towards it in hinduism.
Hinduism is more of culture than organised religion, so it has tremendous potential for reform itself as per changing world. People don't need to be religious to be true hindu. I will give you here two examples about hinduism is being culture,
1. Polygamy of Lord Krishna
As you know lord Krishna was having multiple wives but there is no hard and fast rule or single authentic source in hinduism which states that polygamy is allowed,We consider it as an exceptional situation. As a result pologamy have became illegal in India for hindus, You can argue that Hinduism being culture,it is evolved in such a way that from last 65 years pologamy is not allowed.
2.Polyandry of Draupadi
Again exceptional case, no single authentic source, being culture it is evolved such that now it is illegal.
So for hindus, there is no hard and fast rule that life of Lord Rama or krishna or Parashuramawere ideal way of life, So people are free to ask questions.
You will see more number of agnostic population in Dharmic religions specially in Buddhism incountries like China and Japan where culture ie way of life has more importance than praying tosome imaginary supernatural power.
Thanks mate! Keep visiting Naswar Corner.

Thats why we always use aluminum foil at the end. You never thought of that? :P
BTW I hate aloo ka paratha roll. I am a real gosht-khor. There is no meat and I can't eat anything unless there's no choice.

ask the peoples here guss was there from the begening!:rofl::angel:
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