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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

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lol should we get back to the issue of that what was the actual reason why he did not got the house.... i guess you can help yourself with that. Selective reading isint it?

So you're saying Muslims don't face any discrimination in India because of their religion?
Do you actually live in US? There are like half million khan actors. It must be one of the weirdest discrimination in history of humanity. Your over simplistic comments and know it all attitude towards India saddens me. No doubt you have picked all this valuable info from reliable sources like Pakistan defense and some Pakistani newspaper etc...

It's weird that someone who just started on the PDF thinks he's the know-it-all guy, & that he knows & understands me. Well done kiddo.
So you're saying Muslims don't face any discrimination in India because of their religion?

see just for the sake of argument it aint possible to clarify but if you really wanna know then......

If you talk about day to day and general public with whom i live around.... I dont think so... Because i have ample amount of muslims in my workplace and know many of them from college and school days and still in touch. If they were to be discriminated they would have never reached this place. they cant get admission in colleges like mine nor can they get job into one of the multinationals.

But at the same time if you ask me at the personal level then the thinking of Indian muslims is very diffrent from the muslims in Pakistan and other countries.
So you're saying Muslims don't face any discrimination in India because of their religion?

Nope. Just like Black face no discrimination in US. Person of color doesn't raise any alarm on airport. There is discrimination and there is "discrimination". If anything truly ails Indian Muslim, it's the lack of decent leadership. Most Muslims don't go to school. They prefer running their business. Small Indian cities have all completely segregated. Unfortunately running small business doesn't cut it. How many Indian muslims have seen in US? Far far less than Sikh or Christian I bet.
If you talk about day to day and general public with whom i live around.... I dont think so... Because i have ample amount of muslims in my workplace and know many of them from college and school days and still in touch. If they were to be discriminated they would have never reached this place. they cant get admission in colleges like mine nor can they get job into one of the multinationals.

The Sachar Report (that reported that Muslims were the most underrepresented & impoverished minority that faced systematic discrimination from the state) was written about the general public as well, not only from Delhi; but from all over India. The situation in Delhi is much different from the rest of India, keep that in mind.
So why are Muslim actors discriminated, & why do they face discrimination because of their religion when they're trying to get houses/apartments? Why do Muslims face discrimination in all fields of life in India?
Muslim actors discriminated ??? that's why they are so famous and making good money !! Ironically they are discriminated just because they didn't get a flat !!
So you're saying Muslims don't face any discrimination in India because of their religion?

every kinda people face discrimination in india. be it muslim, hindu, christians or any other relegion. this myth that muslims face discrimination is only created to gain political milage by the pseudo seculars as they are the largest minorities. also this myth serves you guys purpose as well to justify your decision of 1947. so.. instead of worrying about discrimination of indian minorities, you should worry about muslims dying in your own country day in day out in huge numbers!! atleast muslims in india do not have to worry every friday thinking some one of their own would blow them up in broad day light. they can say their prayer in peace!!
The Sachar Report (that reported that Muslims were the most underrepresented & impoverished minority that faced systematic discrimination from the state) was written about the general public as well, not only from Delhi; but from all over India. The situation in Delhi is much different from the rest of India, keep that in mind.

See the situation is not good for hindus also in UP and other states. the main reason for muslim backwardness is the amount of kids one family has which is slowly declining. It is a well known fact that in rural places in India there was this thinking that having more kids would be beneficial. Muslims continued to get more kids for religious reasons.

And see i am not originally from delhi i am just doing job here. i belong to a very small town in UP, and did my schooling from there and so know how backward places in India are like....

But as i said it depends if its an argument hard to explain facts at the objective level but if its for the sake of understanding then its diffrent

As far as the discimination goes, i was not able to get a flat in one of the apartments for the reason i was single and the families were little orthodox about a single girl living with them and thought i will bring on guys and would be bad influence on their girls. But if i was to be muslim this would have become muslim issue. this is what happens most of the time
It's weird that someone who just started on the PDF thinks he's the know-it-all guy, & that he knows & understands me. Well done kiddo.

Kiddo? Never mind. Your attitude towards all things India is pretty open book. "Hindutva" bad, Muslims oppressed, Modi bad,...Basically these 3 sum up everything you have said (just put some variation here and there). Perhaps if you have feigned ignorance and asked someone how things were for Muslims in India..Never mind, you have figured it all out. Now tell if I am wrong about you?
So why are Muslim actors discriminated, & why do they face discrimination because of their religion when they're trying to get houses/apartments? Why do Muslims face discrimination in all fields of life in India?

Use ur common sense if u can instead of beating around the bush,

There would be no muslim actots earning millions of $$ ,had there been any perceivable discrimination or hatrd toward them from among the majortuty hindu community who watch movies.

what you harping as discrimination is mostly personal preference or at worst human bias that exist every where.

Most guys would fall for hot chick, does that constitute discrimination for plain looking gal??
Lol, no need to go into the semantics here. No one is stupid enough to be talking publicly something they did not commit unless they have been asked to do so by others, its pretty much common sense.

Apparently though not stupid, you have a bit of comprehension problem in understanding that they did not apologize but condemned.. You dont have to do something to condemn it. We are not talking about Pakistan foreign policy where one part of the govt is responsible for terror attacks and another part condemns it.. ;)
See the situation is not good for hindus also in UP and other states. the main reason for muslim backwardness is the amount of kids one family has which is slowly declining. It is a well known fact that in rural places in India there was this thinking that having more kids would be beneficial. Muslims continued to get more kids for religious reasons.

And see i am not originally from delhi i am just doing job here. i belong to a very small town in UP, and did my schooling from there and so know how backward places in India are like....

But as i said it depends if its an argument hard to explain facts at the objective level but if its for the sake of understanding then its diffrent

These are some of the findings of the Sachar Commission Report:

The lack of representation of the Indian Muslims is reflected in every field of life:

In rural areas: 94.9% of Muslims living below poverty line fail to receive free food grain.

Only 3.2% of Muslims get subsidized loans,

Only 2.1% of Muslim farmers have tractors, while just 1% own hand pumps.

54.6% of Muslims in villages and 60% in urban areas have never been to schools. In rural areas, only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates, while in urban areas despite 40% of the Muslims receiving modern education only 3.1% are graduates. Only 1.2% of Muslims are post-graduates in urban areas.

While West Bengal has 25% Muslim population, only 4.2% are employed in state services. In Assam , with a 40% Muslim population, only 11.2% are in government employment. Kerala has 20% Muslims, but only 10.4% of government employees are Muslim.

A better picture is projected by data collected in Karnataka, where against Muslim population of 12.2%, 8.5% are employed in government services. While in Gujarat, of the 9.1% Muslim population, 5.4% are in state jobs , in Tamil Nadu, against a 5.6% Muslim population, 3.2% are employed in government.

Though West Bengal is known as a political bastion of the left bloc, the ones who have always spoken strongly against parties entertaining communal bias, the state has zero% Muslims in state PSUs. While Kerala has 9.5% in state PSUs, Maharashtra has only 1.9%.

Though the Sachar committee was not able to secure data regarding the presence of Muslims in the armed forces, it is fairly well-known that their percentage here is not more than three.

Muslims form only 10.6% of the population in Maharashtra , but 32.4% of the prison inmates here are Muslims. In New Delhi , 27.9 % of inmates are Muslims, though they form only 11.7% of the population here. While in Gujarat , Muslims form 25.1% of the ones imprisoned, they form 9.1% of the population. In Karnataka, Muslims form 12.23% of populace and 17.5% of those imprisoned.
Please provide your proof for these claims.

Unlike non stop proof from you and all your claims based on those proofs? My proof comes from being born in UP which has highest number of Muslims in India. I have lived in city that used to have annual riot holiday. And no Muslim gets denied a flat in UP because he won't try finding one in Hindu area (there are some exceptions).
Apparently though not stupid, you have a bit of comprehension problem in understanding that they did not apologize but condemned.. You dont have to do something to condemn it. We are not talking about Pakistan foreign policy where one part of the govt is responsible for terror attacks and another part condemns it.. ;)

Why were they asked to condemn the actions of some fanatic Muslims they were not responsible for?
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