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Mustefa Kemal Ataturk: The greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary?

@Czar786 what is the point of mud slinging, when most of the Islamic nations are in bad situations other than Turkey and some Arab countries .
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Yes i started HATIM,read the first 10 pages then stopped because of circumstances.
Dont come to me with your bs.
You are talking to the wrong man.
My belief is for me not for my government.

Like i said, you are clueless about Islam the religion you claim to fallow because Islam is not just a "personal" belief

@Czar786 what is the point of mud slinging, when most of the Islamic nations are in bad situations other than Turkey and some Arab countries .

Who the F said these are "ISLAMIC" nations! Thats just utter BS! Do you know what Prophet Mohammed PBUH has prophesied about these so called "Islamic" nations?

The Messenger of God said: The nations are about to flock against you [the Muslims] from every horizon, just as hungry people flock to a kettle. We said: O Messenger of God, will we be few on that day? He said: No, you will be many in number, but you will be scum, like the scum of a flash-flood, without any weight, since fear will be removed from the hearts of your enemies, and weakness (wahn) will be placed in your hearts. We said: O Messenger of God, what does the word wahn mean? He said: Love of this world, and fear of death
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Like i said, you are clueless about Islam the religion you claim to fallow because Islam is not just a "personal" belief

Who the F said these are "ISLAMIC" nations! Thats just utter BS! Do you know what Prophet Mohammed PBUH has prophesied about these so called "Islamic" nations?

The Messenger of God said: The nations are about to flock against you [the Muslims] from every horizon, just as hungry people flock to a kettle. We said: O Messenger of God, will we be few on that day? He said: No, you will be many in number, but you will be scum, like the scum of a flash-flood, without any weight, since fear will be removed from the hearts of your enemies, and weakness (wahn) will be placed in your hearts. We said: O Messenger of God, what does the word wahn mean? He said: Love of this world, and fear of death

What ever rises will eventually fall nothing is constant for ever. According to Quran Ummah will end after 1500 years of Islam.

This is 15th century.
Who the F said these are "ISLAMIC" nations! Thats just utter BS! Do you know what Prophet Mohammed PBUH has prophesied about these so called "Islamic" nations?

The Messenger of God said: The nations are about to flock against you [the Muslims] from every horizon, just as hungry people flock to a kettle. We said: O Messenger of God, will we be few on that day? He said: No, you will be many in number, but you will be scum, like the scum of a flash-flood, without any weight, since fear will be removed from the hearts of your enemies, and weakness (wahn) will be placed in your hearts. We said: O Messenger of God, what does the word wahn mean? He said: Love of this world, and fear of death

What do you think about those hadiths?

If you (Muslims) don't fight with these little eyed, pug nosed, shield faced, thick skinned people , the doomsday won't come.(Bukhari, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Cihad/96; Muslim, e's-Sahih, kitabu'l-Fiten/62 hadith #: 2912; Abu Dawod, Sünen, hadith #: 4304; Tirmizi, hadith #: 2251; İbn Maja, hadith #: 4096-4099)

“This is a sign for the doomsday, too: You will fight the people who wear shoes which are
made of bristle and kill them. The fight against the people with wide shield faces is a sign for the doomsday. The doomsday won't come until you kill the little eyed, red faced, pug nosed, shield faced, thick skinned Turks.."( Bukhari, e's-Sahih, kitabu'l-Cihad/95; Muslim, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Fiten/66, hadith #: 2912; İbn Maja, hadith #: 4097-4098).

“You (Muslims) and the little eyed people, Turks are going to fight. You are going to run after them 3 times. Finally you are going to meet them in the Arabic peninsula. At first, *whoever can run away will survive. In the second time, *some will escape and some will be killed. In the third time, all of them will be destroyed.(Abu Dawod, sünen, hadith #: 4305.)

‘‘Muslims! The doomsday won't come until the Turks are all killed.''

(Muslim, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Fiten/62-65, hadith #:2912; Abu Dawod, Sünen, Kitabu'l-Melahim/9 Babun fi Kıtali't Türk, hadith #: 4303; Nesei, Sünen, Kitabu'l-Cihad/ Babu Gazveti't-Turk)

From the "KITALUT-TURK" ("WAR WITH TURKS") hadiths: In the end Turks will be slaughtered... (Abu Dawod, Kitabu'l-Cihad/9, hadith #:4305.) *
you asked for example i gave em to you.
dont act like your stupid or something, you wana compare the fire power of us allhu akbar sayng countries vs you?
pakistan has more firepower then turkey and we are a allahu akbar saying country.
dont act like you have your head up your ***.
we can wipe out turkey and turn it to dust within 30 mins if you want to test us allahu akbar saying people.

Not true. Turkey has the advantage in airforce and navy (conventional terms) & economy. Im not too familiar with their ground units. And history is on the Turks side, not the muslim south asians.

Economically you are smaller than Israel. Turkey can afford better weapons.
Not true. Turkey has the advantage in airforce and navy (conventional terms) & economy. Im not too familiar with their ground units. And history is on the Turks side, not the muslim south asians.

Economically you are smaller than Israel. Turkey can afford better weapons.
Let the kid believe whatever he wants,such islamists have only their strong deeply rooted belief that evry war is won by religion only.
There is no way you can get some sense out of him so gl to him.
What do you think about those hadiths?

If you (Muslims) don't fight with these little eyed, pug nosed, shield faced, thick skinned people , the doomsday won't come.(Bukhari, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Cihad/96; Muslim, e's-Sahih, kitabu'l-Fiten/62 hadith #: 2912; Abu Dawod, Sünen, hadith #: 4304; Tirmizi, hadith #: 2251; İbn Maja, hadith #: 4096-4099)

“This is a sign for the doomsday, too: You will fight the people who wear shoes which are
made of bristle and kill them. The fight against the people with wide shield faces is a sign for the doomsday. The doomsday won't come until you kill the little eyed, red faced, pug nosed, shield faced, thick skinned Turks.."( Bukhari, e's-Sahih, kitabu'l-Cihad/95; Muslim, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Fiten/66, hadith #: 2912; İbn Maja, hadith #: 4097-4098).

“You (Muslims) and the little eyed people, Turks are going to fight. You are going to run after them 3 times. Finally you are going to meet them in the Arabic peninsula. At first, *whoever can run away will survive. In the second time, *some will escape and some will be killed. In the third time, all of them will be destroyed.(Abu Dawod, sünen, hadith #: 4305.)

‘‘Muslims! The doomsday won't come until the Turks are all killed.''

(Muslim, e's-Sahih, Kitabu'l-Fiten/62-65, hadith #:2912; Abu Dawod, Sünen, Kitabu'l-Melahim/9 Babun fi Kıtali't Türk, hadith #: 4303; Nesei, Sünen, Kitabu'l-Cihad/ Babu Gazveti't-Turk)

From the "KITALUT-TURK" ("WAR WITH TURKS") hadiths: In the end Turks will be slaughtered... (Abu Dawod, Kitabu'l-Cihad/9, hadith #:4305.) *

They obviously don't apply to you, unless you have little eyes, pug nose, shield face and thick skin. Turks in anatolia are not genetically related to central asian turks except for a small minority of 10%. Anatolian turks are much more closely related to their non Turkish neighbors and have nlt been culturally and linguistically Turkified.
Nope. His only case of Generalship was at the Gallipoli siege, and it was another unnamed commander he stole credit from. And in the Gallipoli siege in WWI, he was responsible for unusually high casualties among Turks. During the later war against the Greeks, he did show leadership, but this time, he had support of the British and the Soviet Union. Don't be fooled by Turkish propaganda.
As, per my reading, i'd consider Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Ataturk the greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary after General Sultan Fateh Ali Tipu in the 19th Centuary.


Do you have any more worthy candidate, in the 20th Centuary?
Its one of my wishes, to visit his tomb and pay my respects.

Please discuss....

He should not be called Muslim general as he crushed and then kicked Islamists out of his country.

He even removed ARabic script from their language.

So please select some other adjective that is not religious.

He was a Turkish nationalist of nth degree with zero tolerance for public use of Islam.


p.s. Saw another thread on Ataturk but my comment suits this thread better even if the thread is a bit old.
He should not be called Muslim general as he crushed and then kicked Islamists out of his country.

He even removed ARabic script from their language.

So please select some other adjective that is not religious.

He was a Turkish nationalist of nth degree with zero tolerance for public use of Islam.


p.s. Saw another thread on Ataturk but my comment suits this thread better even if the thread is a bit old.

Please do describe the word 'Islamist' in one line for me. I am not sure what this word means as you throw it around with luxury.
Please do describe the word 'Islamist' in one line for me. I am not sure what this word means as you throw it around with luxury.

Not that difficult Aero bhai. Not that difficult. I thought you knew.

Here it is:

people who support political Islam.

Now I hope you genuinely wanted to know and will not use this sentence for a flame bait.
Not that difficult Aero bhai. Not that difficult. I thought you knew.

Here it is:

people who support political Islam.

Now I hope you genuinely wanted to know and will not use this sentence for a flame bait.

Politics is an indispensable part of the Religion Islam, so is a politicized Muslim. How can you degrade one without doing the same to the other. If Islamists are bad than Islam is too, because politics is proven by authenticated theological beliefs.

Disclaimer | I'm not talking about any political model an X band of Muslims subscribe to or don't. I am talking about 'authentic beliefs' in the religion itself, in the authentic ahadith and the Quran.

Please enlighten me.
Politics is an indispensable part of the Religion Islam, so is a politicized Muslim. .

This is the argument often forwarded by pan-Islamists or simply Islamists.

However Mustafa Kemal proved that such an idea is just a hocus pocus


Turkey made great economic and military strides under Kemalist approach.

Thank you.

Islam as a religion is no panacea for political and economic issues in a multi cultural multi-religious society.

The more Islamism is mixed with politics in such a society, the more death and destruction and poverty prevails.

People who cannot speak truth, be honest, and nice to others, suddenly become champions of religion and thus destroy the society.
As, per my reading, i'd consider Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Ataturk the greatest Muslim general of the 20th centuary after General Sultan Fateh Ali Tipu in the 19th Centuary.


Do you have any more worthy candidate, in the 20th Centuary?
Its one of my wishes, to visit his tomb and pay my respects.

Please discuss....

"Muslim general"...in what sense, a Muslim who is a general or a general who fights for Muslims?
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