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Mustafa Kamal, look what our politics does lol

Innocents who have suffered during the operation can still smell the stench of the vicious broth army cooked to suppress, demoralize, dominate and disgrace their very own people, the people of Karachi in case of Karachi Operation. At the end of the day, Altaf Hussain nor Army didn’t suffer anything but the people of Karachi did. Half of the posters on this threads where in their diapers when people were being butchered just because they were voicing for individual rights. Every political party has its history and so does MQM but to justified what happened in Karachi during the operation is a low blow.
Innocents who have suffered during the operation can still smell the stench of the vicious broth army cooked to suppress, demoralize, dominate and disgrace their very own people, the people of Karachi in case of Karachi Operation. At the end of the day, Altaf Hussain nor Army didn’t suffer anything but the people of Karachi did. Half of the posters on this threads where in their diapers when people were being butchered just because they were voicing for individual rights. Every political party has its history and so does MQM but to justified what happened in Karachi during the operation is a low blow.

Do you deny MQM was involved in terrorism and bhatta collection, badmashi etc??

Dont get me wrong mate... a distant relative of mine working for the Army assassinated more than fifty members of MQM alone using a sniper gun... Everyone knows that MQM is an asset of the Indians inside Pakistan... The very reason that the Army does not go down so harsh on Karachi in a once and for all extermination of these vermin is because there is fear innocent people will be harmed...
I am however all for a commando operation against that animal Altaf Hussain within London... We should gun him down when we get a chance and make it look like an accident or something...
It was against criminals........Everybdy knows even today tht MQM takes extortion and is involved inmurders n kidnappings.

And the guys who shot at my father didnt fall frm the sky either........ Nor did the mutilated bodies of our soldiers...... Even today we know abt the ANP vs MQM tussle....... Which MQM is winning as of now ....

I dnt know ur relatives so i wont comment on tht...... But Rangers wouldnt have killed anybdy just for the sake of enjoyment.

P.S=Altaf bhai:bad: also burnt a National flag remember? aswell as spoke alot of crap abt Pakistan in india......Calling her to attack Pakistan and crappy stuff like tht.

Basically labelling all criminals as urdu speakers/mqm workers is a good strategy. These "criminals" that were killed were mostly youth that had never even seen a gun in their life. These so called Rangers used to raid houses and didn't even spare little kids or women. Women in Hyderabad were begging with the Quran on their heads to turn back on the water and gas because their children were dying.
It easy for you to talk about it because you like the majority of Pakistanis were watching this behind the tv sitting comfortably in your house but it was us Karachiites and Hyderabadis that saw our homes being burnt and wrecked by killings. I was probably a few years old at that time when my dad got the call that his brother and whole family have been murdered.
Majority of Pakistanis don't know the real truth behind this, all of Pakistan was silent then but there was only one party that supported us and spoke out for us and it was MQM. This is why majority of Karachi continues to vote for MQM.

About that Altaf Hussain stuff, well those are just cheap lies.
^^ It is true that people in Karachi have been discriminated against. The word 'Muhajir' is still used derogatively by some stone-age people and even the educated ones. This archaic mentality persists even now in many parts of the country. I have faced this issue even here.
But the truth about some things is still unheard of. Ask the Urdu-speakers who were killed by the same party that was supposed to be speaking for their rights.
And it is not just one person, everyone who has betrayed Pakistan is able to get a safe-haven in the UK. Musharraf, the Sharifs and the Bhuttos are just some of the names.

If you look at things from a neutral point-of-view, you'll see that the only real grass-root level political party today is probably PTI. The best thing about them is that they had refused to adopt the gun culture in their youth-wing, unlike the other parties. Imran Khan has proven that you don't a gun to fight for our right to better governance.
There are many people that collect bhatta, murder and kidnap using MQMs name. Most of those people are actually Haqiqis and Jamatis. As for PTI most of their members are ex pml-n members so no thanks. Also Imran Khan seems to have a negative attitude towards Karachi and Sindh in general.
My support will always be for MQM because they oppose Feudals and are truly for and from the middle class, also they are educated and don't hold fake degrees. MQM perhaps is the only true secular and liberal party in Pakistan.
Bring it on. Send your army and then watch what happens to them.

This time, the entire corps will be eliminated.

You guys have no idea what we MQM are capable of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
news.. proven .. etc??
apart from that PR drive in India??
Everybdy knows abt it.

And PR drive in india?:rofl:

Maligning ones own country in ur enemys house........ wat a PR tactic.

Basically labelling all criminals as urdu speakers/mqm workers is a good strategy. These "criminals" that were killed were mostly youth that had never even seen a gun in their life. These so called Rangers used to raid houses and didn't even spare little kids or women. Women in Hyderabad were begging with the Quran on their heads to turn back on the water and gas because their children were dying.
It easy for you to talk about it because you like the majority of Pakistanis were watching this behind the tv sitting comfortably in your house but it was us Karachiites and Hyderabadis that saw our homes being burnt and wrecked by killings. I was probably a few years old at that time when my dad got the call that his brother and whole family have been murdered.
Majority of Pakistanis don't know the real truth behind this, all of Pakistan was silent then but there was only one party that supported us and spoke out for us and it was MQM. This is why majority of Karachi continues to vote for MQM.

About that Altaf Hussain stuff, well those are just cheap lies.

Im not saying tht all urdu speakers are guilty but its a fact tht MQM is the badmash party of karachi...... it thinks it OWNS Karachi and now its killing its opponents the ANP guys and they r returning the favour.

But abt kids n women thts all lies....... Why would the army kills its own ppl for nothin? For fun? i dnt think so.... The guys who shot at my father were they not MQM workers?The weapons n the mutilated bodies of soldier was tht a joke?

Think abt it......

Bring it on. Send your army and then watch what happens to them.

This time, the entire corps will be eliminated.

You guys have no idea what we MQM are capable of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a life.......... Wonder why u havent been banned after so much trollin...... go join altaf f.. in london............

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Everybdy knows abt it.

And PR drive in india?:rofl:

Maligning ones own country in ur enemys house........ wat a PR tactic.

Im not saying tht all urdu speakers are guilty but its a fact tht MQM is the badmash party of karachi...... it thinks it OWNS Karachi and now its killing its opponents the ANP guys and they r returning the favour.

But abt kids n women thts all lies....... Why would the army kills its own ppl for nothin? For fun? i dnt think so.... The guys who shot at my father were they not MQM workers?The weapons n the nori band bodies of soldier was tht a joke?

Think abt it......

Get a life..........

Everybody or those out to gripe at the MQM...
perhaps the Jaag Punjabi Jaag slogan has been forgotten..
Or others by the PPP, ANP etc..

How easy it is to pick on parties that represent minorities, be it religious or ethinic..
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Bring it on. Send your army and then watch what happens to them.

This time, the entire corps will be eliminated.

You guys have no idea what we MQM are capable of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a karachiite as well and a proper urdu speaking from lucknow, but can only feel sorry for your stupid and shameful comments.
Everybody or those out to gripe at the MQM...
perhaps the Jaag Punjabi Jaag slogan has been forgotten..
Or others by the PPP, ANP etc..

How easy it is to pick on parties that represent minorities, be it religious or ethinic..

Im not punjabi nor pashtun........ nor i give a damn.

Its a well known fact tht MQM is involved in illegal activities in Karachi n so is ANP.... Which is doin nothin but ruining the city.

And LOL at the PR drive...
U dnt need enemies when u have frnds like altaf.
Lol most of the fools are talking for Army operation in Karachi, even after they saw what happened in 90's. & let me tell you that Army is Army they know that UrduSpeakers & Karachities are most patriotic Pakistanis & most of the great achievments of Pakistan are due to us.

Nawaz takla tried to kill all Urduspeakers in 90's by sending Army, & Pakistan suffered heavy loss by deaths of our own Pakistanis (be it Army or Urduspeakers) & also in terms of economy as our economy depends on Karachi.

MQM is the only patriotic party who talks for freedom of every indivisual Pakistani by feudalism,talibanism,corruption, & all stupid those stuff. & don't call any other Pakistani that you are less Pakistani or you don't love Pakistan it creates hatred our country needs unity.:pakistan:
Bring it on. Send your army and then watch what happens to them.

This time, the entire corps will be eliminated.

You guys have no idea what we MQM are capable of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's Army?????

This is our own Army, the indivisuals who are talking for army operation nonsense don't represent Army, even i doubt for their correct nationality.
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