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Mustafa Kamal, look what our politics does lol

how could one possibly deny this !!
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Im not saying tht all urdu speakers are guilty but its a fact tht MQM is the badmash party of karachi...... it thinks it OWNS Karachi and now its killing its opponents the ANP guys and they r returning the favour.

But abt kids n women thts all lies....... Why would the army kills its own ppl for nothin? For fun? i dnt think so.... The guys who shot at my father were they not MQM workers?The weapons n the mutilated bodies of soldier was tht a joke?

Think abt it......

First off are you even from Karachi? Because majority of Karachiites love MQM due to the great things they have done for Karachi. Karachi was peaceful before ANP stepped in Karachi and started their drug mafia, land mafia, murder for ransom etc. ANP is the same party that is hiding Taliban terrorists in the Sohrab Goth area in Karachi. Don't forget that it's MQM workers that have suffered the most because of these target killings. Ex Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza of PPP was openly known for being friends with Lyari gangsters like Rehman Baloch, Uzair Baloch, Ghaffar Zikri etc. These Lyari gangsters were the killers when they murdered dozens of innocent Urdu Speakers in Shershah Market.
Do you even know why MQM was started? Altaf Hussain and co were forced to make a student organization due to the discrimination against Urdu Speakers. Back then urdu speakers were denied jobs, it was made clear in the job ads. Even now majority of Karachi's police is made up of non Sindh residents.

And no the Army killing innocent women and kids aren't lies but the reality of Pakistani Army. The army did the same against Bengalis in 1971. They did worse stuff in 92 that I wont even mention. The fake separatist movement of Jinnahpur was made by our great Army as well. It was a sad excuse to exterminate MQM workers and urdu speakers. Go to Pakka Qila in Hyderabad and you will still see the buried dead bodies of women near the entrance.

Only the victims of the 1992 operation feel the pain. The rest were watching the Army killing "bad guys" in Karachi on their tvs far away from Karachi. Now I know why millions of other Muslims remained in India during the partition this is what they probably feared. Still to this date we are called Hindustanis/traitors etc. This is the price Muhajirs paid for leaving all their wealth,property, family, jobs behind in India and migrating to Pakistan and dying in the process.
@karachite.......can u tell me why ranger n army killed urdu speakers?

And chose an army chief who thn became the countries president n ruled for more thn 9 yrs?
@karachite.......can u tell me why ranger n army killed urdu speakers?

And chose an army chief who thn became the countries president n ruled for more thn 9 yrs?

Why did Army kill Bengalis in '71? Nawaz Takla was equally responsible for the operation. And can you explain why the Army made fake maps of Jinnahpur?
Do you remember what happened to Muhajirs in Qasba Aligarh? Those innocent people were massacred by Afghan refugees with the backing of Pakistani Govt in 1986. Hundreds of innocent Muhajirs were killed that day where was the govt or army then? That was one of the darkest spots in Pakistan's history.

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i have meet mustafa kamal in person my first and honest opinion was of a man steeped in alcohol and s** .i wish i was wrong he was also very good in expressing grief emotions .
@ Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

Politics is dirty business. iss Hamam Mein Sab Nange Hain.

And it takes a special kind of scum to gloat over the misery of others. Use of snipers in urban warfare, no wonder why general public in Karachi has reservation about the army who uses sledgehammers for mosquito instead of a flyswatter. and trust me if this were to happen now, a lot of army dirty laundry will be hanging on private media outlets.

@ Pakistani Nationalist

Ask your dear daddy to tell you who raped and murdered innocents in 71. Everyone has their bag of dirt. The weaponization in Karachi started back in early 80’s when there was no MQM. It was not MQM who flooded the streets of Karachi with AKs. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction basic physics.

If you are fed with present players in the political playground, then you need to bring your own team and show them how to play fair, it’s pretty stupid to cry from fences about fair play when you never ever played the game yourself.
Im a common man in Karachi and no life hasn't become hell for me. It's normal like it always was. You don't live in Karachi and I doubt you've ever been here yet your making assumptions. There was a military operation in the early 90s when innocent Urdu speakers were targeted and exterminated.

People who dislike the MQM don't even know why the MQM was even formed in the first place. I suggest people to read the history of the '70s to realize what the 'Mohajir'/Urdu speaking community had to face then in Karachi & Sind, as a result of which the MQM was formed in 1984. And Karachiite has mentioned certain events that transpired in the 90's as well, so no need to go there. Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:
Mqm aka clean shaved talibans are more dangerous than TTP they are providing cover to the Xe contractors and killing our people
Governor and mustafa kamal retard regularly pay visit to US state dept without informing FO wats it all about.
I hope all political parties will untie to eliminate these dogs for ever. :guns:
You can tell Clinton is just playing around with Kamal. He doesn't seem to be interested. Kamal's telling on the politicians what an elementary mindset, I stopped telling on my peers in kindergarten. Pakistan media needs to present the videos at the same time as the interview.
You can tell Clinton is just playing around with Kamal. He doesn't seem to be interested. Kamal's telling on the politicians what an elementary mindset, I stopped telling on my peers in kindergarten. Pakistan media needs to present the videos at the same time as the interview.

Clinton wasnot even bother about what the poor chap was saying... but look at the mentality of the politicians towards their masters in usa. so embarrassing
@ Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

Politics is dirty business. iss Hamam Mein Sab Nange Hain.

And it takes a special kind of scum to gloat over the misery of others. Use of snipers in urban warfare, no wonder why general public in Karachi has reservation about the army who uses sledgehammers for mosquito instead of a flyswatter. and trust me if this were to happen now, a lot of army dirty laundry will be hanging on private media outlets.

@ Pakistani Nationalist

Ask your dear daddy to tell you who raped and murdered innocents in 71. Everyone has their bag of dirt. The weaponization in Karachi started back in early 80’s when there was no MQM. It was not MQM who flooded the streets of Karachi with AKs. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction basic physics.

If you are fed with present players in the political playground, then you need to bring your own team and show them how to play fair, it’s pretty stupid to cry from fences about fair play when you never ever played the game yourself.

I agree... the scum here is militant MQM and its supporters... They are nothing but scum who are out to destroy Pakistan... I never gloat over the misery of the corrupt... not in this life and not in the next either...

a person on special assignment does not take out random people... the top so called leaders of this MQM... the fasadi of 90s were taken out by that gentleman...

Khair... we will solve this problem when the time comes... MQM shall be banned... and its badmash supporters shall be brutally crushed... same for ANP...

at the same time however... those who have genuine concerns and support MQM because it provides them defence against injustice should be offered a higher degree of protection and support from the government... injustice should not be tolerated against any and if wrongs have been done against the Urdu speakers in Karachi etc then those wrongs have to be reversed... the Punjabis have caused a lot of problems for Pakistan also and their wadera and jageerdarana system has to be crushed at the same time...

All nangay in the hamam shall soon be drowning by the will of God...

To all Muhajir on this forum... I m a Pathan but I am a brother to you... I dont know what happened in the past but I do have the future in sight... please leave this backward qaumiyat and stand with other people as your equals regardless of where they were born and to whom... dont make it an issue of language and qaum... today (and for the past 6 decades) everyone is being oppressed in Pakistan at the hands of few elite officers in the Fauj as well as the top politicians ... this includes muhajir, pathan, punjabi, balochi, kashmiri... everyone as the majority of our population lives beneath the poverty line... You guys are educated people and dont please DONT get me wrong... I have some very very close friends who are Muhajir and one of my dad's and dad in laws best friend is Muhajir... but they dont treat us with disrespect just because we are pathan... and vice versa...

so what the hell is wrong with you people... why cant you make injustice an issue without resorting to militancy and qaumiyat? answer that for me please...
I agree... the scum here is militant MQM and its supporters... They are nothing but scum who are out to destroy Pakistan... I never gloat over the misery of the corrupt... not in this life and not in the next either...

a person on special assignment does not take out random people... the top so called leaders of this MQM... the fasadi of 90s were taken out by that gentleman...

Khair... we will solve this problem when the time comes... MQM shall be banned... and its badmash supporters shall be brutally crushed... same for ANP...

at the same time however... those who have genuine concerns and support MQM because it provides them defence against injustice should be offered a higher degree of protection and support from the government... injustice should not be tolerated against any and if wrongs have been done against the Urdu speakers in Karachi etc then those wrongs have to be reversed... the Punjabis have caused a lot of problems for Pakistan also and their wadera and jageerdarana system has to be crushed at the same time...

All nangay in the hamam shall soon be drowning by the will of God...

To all Muhajir on this forum... I m a Pathan but I am a brother to you... I dont know what happened in the past but I do have the future in sight... please leave this backward qaumiyat and stand with other people as your equals regardless of where they were born and to whom... dont make it an issue of language and qaum... today (and for the past 6 decades) everyone is being oppressed in Pakistan at the hands of few elite officers in the Fauj as well as the top politicians ... this includes muhajir, pathan, punjabi, balochi, kashmiri... everyone as the majority of our population lives beneath the poverty line... You guys are educated people and dont please DONT get me wrong... I have some very very close friends who are Muhajir and one of my dad's and dad in laws best friend is Muhajir... but they dont treat us with disrespect just because we are pathan... and vice versa...

so what the hell is wrong with you people... why cant you make injustice an issue without resorting to militancy and qaumiyat? answer that for me please...

I think this is a fine example of Darwinism.

P.S Mate stop advertising your qaumiyat as it of no use to anyone on this thread.
I think this is a fine example of Darwinism.

P.S Mate stop advertising your qaumiyat as it of no use to anyone on this thread.

and this is the reason that no good can be expected from MQM monkeys...

as a matter of interest, where did I advertize my qaumiyat? did nt I place ANP in the same gutter as I do for MQM?

and when will you answer my question about Altaf "bhais" million dollar hotel in London where he has been living? where did he get the money from?


Let us discuss some strategy here shall we... I know many members stay silent on most threads and just like to read... but plz try to answer this...

If we take out Altaf Bhai and his top gang leaders of MQM... do you think we can sort this mess somewhat in Karachi?
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