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Mustafa Kamal, look what our politics does lol

First off are you even from Karachi? Because majority of Karachiites love MQM due to the great things they have done for Karachi. Karachi was peaceful before ANP stepped in Karachi and started their drug mafia, land mafia, murder for ransom etc. ANP is the same party that is hiding Taliban terrorists in the Sohrab Goth area in Karachi. Don't forget that it's MQM workers that have suffered the most because of these target killings. Ex Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza of PPP was openly known for being friends with Lyari gangsters like Rehman Baloch, Uzair Baloch, Ghaffar Zikri etc. These Lyari gangsters were the killers when they murdered dozens of innocent Urdu Speakers in Shershah Market.
Do you even know why MQM was started? Altaf Hussain and co were forced to make a student organization due to the discrimination against Urdu Speakers. Back then urdu speakers were denied jobs, it was made clear in the job ads. Even now majority of Karachi's police is made up of non Sindh residents.

And no the Army killing innocent women and kids aren't lies but the reality of Pakistani Army. The army did the same against Bengalis in 1971. They did worse stuff in 92 that I wont even mention. The fake separatist movement of Jinnahpur was made by our great Army as well. It was a sad excuse to exterminate MQM workers and urdu speakers. Go to Pakka Qila in Hyderabad and you will still see the buried dead bodies of women near the entrance.

Only the victims of the 1992 operation feel the pain. The rest were watching the Army killing "bad guys" in Karachi on their tvs far away from Karachi. Now I know why millions of other Muslims remained in India during the partition this is what they probably feared. Still to this date we are called Hindustanis/traitors etc. This is the price Muhajirs paid for leaving all their wealth,property, family, jobs behind in India and migrating to Pakistan and dying in the process.

ok firstly your last line makes it feel like you regret being a pakistani!!! which is a view NOT ALL urdu spekaing people feel including me!

as for karachi being peaceful before mqm! let's not forget that target killing and gang war and everything started since the time MQM was made!

and MQM hates army? well ARMY(general ZIA) made MQM!! and if MQM hated army why was it in government for 7 years under a DICATOTR called MUSHARRAF who was an army man???

your leader is a british national! admit it he is ghadar! i live in karachi and i like mustafa kamal the day he becomes the leader of MQM i will vote for mqm till then mqm to me is a terrorist party!
Why did Army kill Bengalis in '71? Nawaz Takla was equally responsible for the operation. And can you explain why the Army made fake maps of Jinnahpur?
Do you remember what happened to Muhajirs in Qasba Aligarh? Those innocent people were massacred by Afghan refugees with the backing of Pakistani Govt in 1986. Hundreds of innocent Muhajirs were killed that day where was the govt or army then? That was one of the darkest spots in Pakistan's history.

i have no idea what qasba aligarh stories you are talking about no one knows where qasba aligagrgh is! but having said that why was MQM sitting in alliance with army for 8 years??? under mushrraf?
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MQM is napak till altaf bhai is out there..
the day he goes.. ill be the first to cast my vote for it.
and this is the reason that no good can be expected from MQM monkeys...

as a matter of interest, where did I advertize my qaumiyat? did nt I place ANP in the same gutter as I do for MQM?

and when will you answer my question about Altaf "bhais" million dollar hotel in London where he has been living? where did he get the money from?


Let us discuss some strategy here shall we... I know many members stay silent on most threads and just like to read... but plz try to answer this...

If we take out Altaf Bhai and his top gang leaders of MQM... do you think we can sort this mess somewhat in Karachi?

Altaf bhai has to go.. top gang leaders will automatically come in line..
All this Qaumiyat thingie started with the Afghan refugees(who are hated in pwr as well)..
Its basic party politics.. playing on nationalism..
nawaz did it with "jaag punjabi jaag".. as do JSQM etc.
With the fatso in london out..
the MQM has a lot of potential.. much more than the upstart PTI.
@ Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

You claimed to be Pathan and called names to people who are ideology align with the politics of MQM. Still confused about who started the bs about qaumiyat.

I am not the mouth piece of MQM. and I did acknowledged that MQM did baptized itself with fire and along with corruption, its a cancer that is within the roots of Pakistani politics.

My response to your last question. We as nation will only be plugging into electrocuting each other unless the tyrannical and irresponsible powers be bumped from their thrones and replaced by people who would work only for the well being of this country.

@ ice man

Qasba Aligarh Massacre happened in Aligarh, Orangi and Qasba colonies. You can google it up to get your grip on the history of Karachi. Gravity of this incident can be sum up by the inquiry report of Sajjad Ali Shah where he stated that it worst kind of massacre he had ever witnessed, where women, children and men from Mohajir community were slaughtered by people from illegal immigrants and Core Commander Karachi should investigate as to why Army was asked to retreat approximately 2 hours before the incident took take.

Ask anyone who have studied in KU in late 70s’ and early 80’s and you will get a crash course on who introduce the gun culture and who formed the gangs. Even the most brutal commentators of MQM acknowledge that MQM didn’t turn violent before 1989. why and how is a different debate and beyond of the scope of this thread.

MQM in bed with establishment is a recent turn around in their polices dating back to Mushraf. APMSO since inception confronted JI which was power house in Zia era, so how did you deduce the fact APMOS was made by Zia.
@ Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

You claimed to be Pathan and called names to people who are ideology align with the politics of MQM. Still confused about who started the bs about qaumiyat.

I am not the mouth piece of MQM. and I did acknowledged that MQM did baptized itself with fire and along with corruption, its a cancer that is within the roots of Pakistani politics.

My response to your last question. We as nation will only be plugging into electrocuting each other unless the tyrannical and irresponsible powers be bumped from their thrones and replaced by people who would work only for the well being of this country.

@ ice man

Qasba Aligarh Massacre happened in Aligarh, Orangi and Qasba colonies. You can google it up to get your grip on the history of Karachi. Gravity of this incident can be sum up by the inquiry report of Sajjad Ali Shah where he stated that it worst kind of massacre he had ever witnessed, where women, children and men from Mohajir community were slaughtered by people from illegal immigrants and Core Commander Karachi should investigate as to why Army was asked to retreat approximately 2 hours before the incident took take.

Ask anyone who have studied in KU in late 70s’ and early 80’s and you will get a crash course on who introduce the gun culture and who formed the gangs. Even the most brutal commentators of MQM acknowledge that MQM didn’t turn violent before 1989. why and how is a different debate and beyond of the scope of this thread.

MQM in bed with establishment is a recent turn around in their polices dating back to Mushraf. APMSO since inception confronted JI which was power house in Zia era, so how did you deduce the fact APMOS was made by Zia.

You forget to mention the main incident that sparked it all..
the girl that was killed by the bus driver..
You forget to mention the main incident that sparked it all..
the girl that was killed by the bus driver..

Bhai, the real story behind was the operation in Al Asif Square. if my memory serves me right, the one which you have mentioned did happened but it was after the Qasba Aligarh Massacre.
i have no idea what qasba aligarh stories you are talking about no one knows where qasba aligagrgh is! but having said that why was MQM sitting in alliance with army for 8 years??? under mushrraf?

MQM never ever were into the favor of Pakistan.
Their mission is only to have power in whole Sindh.
No matter which Party Mustafa Kamal belongs to- he will have my Vote always-
He is a politician who delivers- not just talks- The transformation of Karachi says it all-
ok firstly your last line makes it feel like you regret being a pakistani!!! which is a view NOT ALL urdu spekaing people feel including me!

as for karachi being peaceful before mqm! let's not forget that target killing and gang war and everything started since the time MQM was made!

and MQM hates army? well ARMY(general ZIA) made MQM!! and if MQM hated army why was it in government for 7 years under a DICATOTR called MUSHARRAF who was an army man???

your leader is a british national! admit it he is ghadar! i live in karachi and i like mustafa kamal the day he becomes the leader of MQM i will vote for mqm till then mqm to me is a terrorist party!

I don't regret being a Pakistani but I do regret my people sacrificing so much for Pakistan but in return they were awarded names like "Hindustani" and in bonus we got an operation to exterminate us.

Don't forget that the time MQM was made was when a large population of Afghan Refugees and Pashtuns were coming into Karachi. Karachi couldn't handle so many people of different languages. As for gang wars we know who are experts in that field. And MQM is the biggest victim of target killings.

I never said MQM hates the army, they hate a few people in the army that have destroyed Karachi and Pakistan.

Living in exile does not mean being a traitor. So many politicians have lived in exile. And Altaf Hussain does not want to become PM or President.

i have no idea what qasba aligarh stories you are talking about no one knows where qasba aligagrgh is! but having said that why was MQM sitting in alliance with army for 8 years??? under mushrraf?

It is sad you don't know what happened in Orangi, Qasba Colony etc. Muhajirs mostly of Bihari origin were slaughtered by Afghan refugees with the backing of a few parties . In just a few hours over 400 mohajirs were killed, shops and homes burnt and looted. The army which patrolled the city was no where to be seen. The police which does not even represent the majority of Karachi was no where to be seen. All of Pakistan has nothing to say, no one condemned it. Everyone was silent. That massacre was one of the most brutal and the blackest spot in Pakistani History.

Can't blame you for not knowing it since majority of Pakistanis don't know anything that Karachiites have gone through in the past. And when we raise our voices against these illegal Afghans we are called racist.

This is just one of the incidents against urdu speakers. So many more exist. Especially during the 80s-90s period.

confirms what i thought... MQM walas have talent and they are ready to work for the common good... This is something I never understood that my dad in law's best friend is an MQM wala and my dad in law is a typical Pathan... so what the hell is the problem man??

anyway... guys... my anger is at the ghundagard elements and I invite the other members to think about this... I have nothing against Urdu speakers and I think we can work together on all issues... we need more unity in Pakistan today... and the rogue elements who are anti Pakistan should be considered an enemy by all...

If people admire Mustafa Kemal... let him continue his job then... because the good he does for Karachi will benefit everyone not just the MQM walas... it will also help the pukhtoon community... I think I said the same thing months ago on this very forum despite the fact that I reject all nationalism... at the end of the day names of parties dont matter, its their plans and if the plan of MQM walas is good for Karachi, then let them run the affairs...

Badmashi however cannot and should not be tolerated...

BTW... I have also heard that the real work for Karachi was done by the predecessor of Mustafa Kemal and Mustafa Kemal has taken all credit for it now...

Also, the way Mustafa Kemal is acting on the television on this thread... this is not a good leader speaking like this...

Imam Ali RA once heard two groups fighting and the governor of the area was trying to mediate between them and Imam Ali heard the Wali (governor) raising his voice very loudly during the mediation... for that reason alone Ali RA removed the Wali from his post...

Do you guys think screaming and shouting like this is acceptable behavior... and also Kemal is calling Altaf Hussain his Quaid... does he not know what Altaf Hussain has done in the past and continues to do from London today?
Whatever MQM and its warriors do is a JUSTIFIABLE REACTION.

This is a WAR OF SURVIVAL for our race which would have been obliterated otherwise.

I have no doubt in my mind that if we stop fighting, the big brother would eliminate us all. We have to continue fighting for decades more. There is no other choice.

Eventually, the big brother will get exhausted and finally peace will prevail but that is a long road ahead.


"Takht Lahore" will never be accepted, no matter what. The big brother will not dictate us about "NATIONAL INTEREST".

Pakistan is a country that lies way beyond a FEW CITIES ALONG G.T. ROAD between lahore and islamabad.
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