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Muslims and Christians come together in Kurdistan Syria

A warning beforehand would have been great and it would have saved me the time.:D

I was late....

Anyway militant Kurds like him supporting PKK and making lies left and right about factual issues such as history etc. should be kept monitored in Turkey.

Don't let them steal more land as they are doing in Iraq and trying to do in Syria if we believe certain reports from Syria.

They can't steal any land from us. As in Syria... they are playing with fire... They are autonomous as much as Assad let's them. They are land locked between Turkey, Barzani's KRG (They don't support Syrian PYD) and FSA.

Once we said Turkey said it won’t tolerate a fait accompli in Syria
A warning beforehand would have been great and it would have saved me the time.:D

Anyway militant Kurds like him supporting PKK and making lies left and right about factual issues such as history etc. should be kept monitored in Turkey.

Don't let them steal more land as they are doing in Iraq and trying to do in Syria if we believe certain reports from Syria.
A warning?
What does post 16 tell you?
I think the Iranic Kurds or Medians as they call themselves migrated to these areas which were inabited by Semetic folks ( Assyrians ) during the conquest of the Assyrian empire by the ( medo-persian) empire under Cyrus.

The cities they claim to be Kurdish all have history, some ancient cities like Kerkuk and Arbil which’s history is largely of Semetic empires/dynasties so still no Kurd has been explaining how they got there or whatever the story is supposed to be.

If you look at historic maps, Media is deep inside the Iranian plateau. Everytime I ask a Kurd to prove the Kurdishness of Kerkuk I hear that it’s the heart of Kurdistan..... but they said that about Suleymaniyah before, so no evidence of anything.

But no one will open a history book, in the end it all depends who is going to take what land ( war ).

Not a good example.

The 'Whites' have migrated to U.S no more than 600 years, so it doesn't make sense to say for example New York doesn't belong to modern Americans.
The point is, they have been living there for more than 2500 years, so it's not logical to say those areas don't belong to Kurds.

Can the natives of Canada or Australia claim their whole country? Of course not.
Not a good example.

The 'Whites' have migrated to U.S no more than 600 years, so it doesn't make sense to say for example New York doesn't belong to modern Americans.
The point is, they have been living there for more than 2500 years, so it's not logical to say those areas don't belong to Kurds.

Can the natives of Canada or Australia claim their whole country? Of course not.
In those days most people were nomadic it belonged to all people living there.
So,not just kurds but all(arabs,asyrians,arameians,farsi etc..)
You know there is no reasoning with this guy.
In those days most people were nomadic it belonged to all people living there.
So,not just kurds but all(arabs,asyrians,arameians,farsi etc..)
Right, but Kurds haven't 'occupied' it either. Forget about the 2500, do you agree that they have been living there for a good amount of time? So we can genuinely call those areas Kurdish, because Kurds live there. But I should also say, that doesn't give them any rights for separatism, I'm not advocating it.
But Kurds, be it in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria should be treated like every other free citizen.
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And there comes the PKK card once again. But this time I must admit, it came much later than expected. We actually had a discussion for 2 hours before the PKK card came into play once again. I should applause you :yahoo:
Right, but Kurds haven't 'occupied' it either. Forget about the 2500, do you agree that they have been living there for good amount of time? So we can genuinely call those areas Kurdish, because Kurds live there. But I should also say, that doesn't give them any rights for separatism, I'm not advocating it.
But Kurds, be it in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria should be treated like every other free citizen.

serpentine jan ;

in iran , which both of us know , there is no difference between kurds , azeris and persians .

but some kurds in other countries are advocating terrorism and separatism like in syria and pkk and pjak .

kurds are making a large population in iran like in iranian kurdistan , kermanshah (where i live) and ilam .
still separatist ideas are always to be condemned as its one of the main problems of ME
Right, but Kurds haven't 'occupied' it either. Forget about the 2500, do you agree that they have been living there for good amount of time? So we can genuinely call those areas Kurdish, because Kurds live there. But I should also say, that doesn't give them any rights for separatism, I'm not advocating it.
But Kurds, be it in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria should be treated like every other free citizen.
Offcourse they lived,live there,but who's fault is it that they dont have a own country?
I'm allways for equal rights,i have kurdish relatives and they are no PKK supporters.
They hate the PKK.
You cant expect this guy to represent the Kurds,he is a terrorist supporter,not worth replying to.
And there came the racist out in you. I think we know who was right at the end. Always good to be patient :)

The whole world media is aknowledging the presence of an interim government in Northern Syria that includes Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians buuuut Beudizzaman Al Hasani says that it is not in Northern Syria :lol:

Anyways, while you are denying the presence of a Kurdish interim government in Northern Syria, we will fight our common enenmies together with your Arab brothers from Shammar tribe.

What is racist about being worried about our mostly Sunni Muslim Turkish brothers and sisters well being in connection to terrorist attacks of PKK which you support? Whom we have excellent relations with at large?

Turks and Arabs on this forum and most times in real life are having good ties and no problems. The 1.5 million Arabs in Turkey are treated with respect and very well likewise Turkish groups in the Arab world are that. Even some Turkish members have told about intermarriages between the two people from personal life.

The racist card is always the best card to play when you have run out of arguments. Always easy to shout "hey, you are a racist!" "Let me go cry in my corner now". I know the song.

Who is recognizing anything or claiming the opposite, stateless clown? And what is Beudizzaman? I am a Hashemite. The oldest recorded lineage in the world and that of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and Prophet Ibrahim (as). We can play that game. But I am not interested.

What don't you understand? I have no problem with Arabs and Kurds cooperating against Al-Asshead or other evil elements. Whether they are Shammar or somebody else.

Seriously, you need help. This thread alone is gold material if one reads your contradictions, nonsense, historical fallacies etc.

Licking up to Turkey I see. Funny though, the only Assyrian ( according to you, your kinsmen) who protect Arabs rights in Turkey is a member of the Kurdish BDP party. He is the first Assyrian/ Arab member of parliament.

Also what is funny is that the interim government has five different Arab partys included. How many pro-Arab partys are there in the Turkish parliament? Haha. So much for your licking up to Turkey.

Anyways, keep on your path of denialism, degradation and racism. I am sure you will become a big Beduizzaman by denying the truth, ooooh great Hashemi :agree:
Offcourse they lived,live there,but who's fault is it that they dont have a own country?
I'm allways for equal rights,i have kurdish relatives and they are no PKK supporters.
They hate the PKK.
You cant expect this guy to represent the Kurds,he is a terrorist supporter,not worth replying to.

I already stated in my post that I'm fiercely against separatism, any kind of it.

I just wanted to clarify that saying the areas that Kurds live in are 'Semitic, Assyrian and etc' is not true and logical.
Not a good example.

The 'Whites' have migrated to U.S no more than 600 years, so it doesn't make sense to say for example New York doesn't belong to modern Americans.
The point is, they have been living there for more than 2500 years, so it's not logical to say those areas don't belong to Kurds.

I don’t know the history of the word America to use those examples, but Kurds claim those cities with ancient history of semetic groups to be Kurdish cities. Cities that have been founded by the current Iraqis, the similar people, Kurds are a different people, Iranians so yes indeed it does not make them Kurdish cities, Arbil isn’t, Kerkuk isn’t, Dohuk is the most Assyrian a city can get, nothing Kurdish about it.
They aren’t native, the cities aren’t Kurdish, it’s migration and Kurdification that has made them majority in some places. Therefor all the crying about article 140 but we won’t be implementing that anyway, Iraq won’t accept them taking some areas which aren’t officialy KRG like Nineveh plains, said by the general of the army, they don’t accept their presence there so if KRG wants independence it turns into a war. After all Iraq has more cards to play with since we pay them. also KRG controls a city which is 75 % Turkmen inhabited, Toz Khormatu what is their business with that ? Nothing Kurdish about it’s history either.

All it takes is to cut the budget and solve the story, don’t care what Barzani thinks of it, he’s a foreigner ( non Iraqi ) occupying lands.
How did "media" get in Syria near the Mediterranean, native ?? what a joke

Muslims and Christians were always together in Syria... so your useless thread about Kurdistan Syria which does not exist, Syria is for all.. no division... Syrians are all one...
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