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Muslims and Christians come together in Kurdistan Syria

Licking up to Turkey I see. Funny though, the only Assyrian ( according to you, your kinsmen) who protect Arabs rights in Turkey is a member of the Kurdish BDP party. He is the first Assyrian/ Arab member of parliament.
And there is it again 'We defend rights of minoritys'' but defend against what? Today in Turkey everyone has the right to speak whatever he wants, wear whatever he wants, or worship the religion he wants.

If so tell me which bill did BPD for assyrians?
And there is it again 'We defend rights of minoritys'' but defend against what? Today in Turkey everyone has the right to speak whatever he wants, wear whatever he wants, or worship the religion he wants.

If so tell me which bill did BPD for assyrians?

But there are still a lot of Assyrians and Syriacs that are unhappy about the portrayal of them in history books and the denial of the genocide against Armenians and Assyrians. So just for the fact that he represents Assyrians is important. Considering there are close to 5.000 Assyrians in Turkey, don't you think it's unfair that there has been no Assyrian MP until now? Who is going to speak for them, their history and their language?

Here are some of the things Erol Dora has done for Assyrians

Election posters in Turkish, Kurdish and Assyrian for independent candidate Erol Dora in Savur, Southeastern Turkey | Rebecca Erol

Negative Portrayal of Assyrians Remains in Turkish School Book Despite Promises of Removal

Conference in Munich Highlighted Assyrian Human Rights Issues
I already stated in my post that I'm fiercely against separatism, any kind of it.

I just wanted to clarify that saying the areas that Kurds live in are 'Semitic, Assyrian and etc' is not true and logical.
Turkmens,my ancestors are also from mesopotamia.
I dont see anywhere,not even 1 square meter belonging to them.
They lived there for centuries.
Iraqi Turkmens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you remember,i had the Turkmen flag as my avatar for a while.
Now,tell me where are their rights?
Turkmens aren’t native to Mesopotamia, but they are well integrated, they call themselves Iraqi so no issue for them, if giving every ethnicity/tribe their own land then every state in the ME would be divided.

After all, many people are mixed so all this pure ethnic stuff does not exist, i’m partially Turkmen by ethnicity.
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Turkmens,my ancestors are also from mesopotamia.
I dont see anywhere,not even 1 square meter belonging to them.
They lived there for centuries.
Iraqi Turkmens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you remember,i had the Turkmen flag as my avatar for a while.
Now,tell me where are their rights?
True, as far as I know, all different Turkish groups and tribes have migrated to ME from central Asia between 5-7th centuries and after that.
But which rights are you specifically talking about?
Which cities are they living in right now? Everywhere they live, that place is theirs, but doesn't give them a separatism right, just like Kurds. That's what I'm trying to say from the start.
They should have the right to study in their language and be looked at like every other Iraqi citizen.
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But there are still a lot of Assyrians and Syriacs that are unhappy about the portrayal of them in history books and the denial of the genocide against Armenians and Assyrians.

He asked you a simple question like " which rights they don't have".

Yet you again diverted the question and began story telling.

Than you ask us "why can't we have a decent conversation"..... Do you think, is it possible with this attitude ?

Muslims and Christians were always together in Syria... so your useless thread about Kurdistan Syria which does not exist, Syria is for all.. no division... Syrians are all one...

One question for you as you are Syrian.

What will happen to Kurdish autonomy when the war ends ?
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He asked you a simple question like " which rights they don't have".

Yet you again diverted the question and began story telling.

Than you ask us "why can't we have a decent conversation"..... Do you think, is it possible with this attitude ?

One question for you as you are Syrian.

What will happen to Kurdish autonomy when the war ends ?

No, he asked which bills they have presented in Parliament. To which I replied none. He also asked what rights we are protecting. To which I replied; the right for representation ( a fundemental democratic right), the right to be correctly adressed in history books ( a fundemental human right that currently does not exist in Turkey) and the right to be presented with Arabic material ( a fundemental language right).

Those are all civilian rights. Not all rights are a part of a bill and not all bills produce rights.

The fact just remains; Arab democratic representation in Turkey did not exist before the Kurdish BDP. Erol Dora ( the Assyrian MP of BDP) can now take the question to parliament. No Arabs or Assyrians could before him.
But there are still a lot of Assyrians and Syriacs that are unhappy about the portrayal of them in history books and the denial of the genocide against Armenians and Assyrians. So just for the fact that he represents Assyrians is important. Considering there are close to 5.000 Assyrians in Turkey, don't you think it's unfair that there has been no Assyrian MP until now? Who is going to speak for them, their history and their language?

Here are some of the things Erol Dora has done for Assyrians

Firstly there is no genocide and this is no denial.

Secondly, I heard this thing a lot... "There should more women, more youth, more minorities, more this and more that...." There is democracy in Turkey, nobody is obstructing anybody.

People vote and some of the canditates gets elected. Nobody is at fault to have no Assyrian in the parliament.

Turkmens aren’t native to Mesopotamia, but they are well integrated, they call themselves Iraqi so no issue for them, if giving every ethnicity/tribe their own land then every state in the ME would be divided.

After all, many people are mixed so all this pure ethnic stuff does not exist, i’m partially Turkmen by ethnicity.


In the last day we have found much of our brethren in PDF. :)
Arab? There were plenty of Turkish arab politician. Coming back to the Assyrian question.
Why should any party present a mp for a ethnicity that comprimizes just 0,004% of the entire population of Turkey.

What's next? Chinese mp's for a handfull of Chinese citizens? Who knows, maybe there are One or two Chinese living in Turkey.

Popularist moves like this will only feed the ignorant.
Firstly there is no genocide and this is no denial.

Secondly, I heard this thing a lot... "There should more women, more youth, more minorities, more this and more that...." There is democracy in Turkey, nobody is obstructing anybody.

People vote and some of the canditates gets elected. Nobody is at fault to have no Assyrian in the parliament.

You can deny it all you want. Does not prevent it from being true.

Well, I would not exactly call Turkey a democracy yet. But true, people are free to vote. But for instance, there is nothing preventing AKP from getting an Assyrian or encouraging to get an Assyrian MP. They have hundreds of Turkish and Kurdish MPs. Is there really anything wrong with getting an Assyrian to also represent this ethnic group? This goes for all partys actually, not just AKP but also CHP, MHP and BDP.

For instance, we know for sure that there are thousands of Armenians and Assyrians living in Turkey. At least enough to elect one MP. But they are probably spread out in various regions making it difficult for them to gather one united strong voice. Erol Dora ( The Assyrian MP) was elected in Merdin where there are no more than a couple of thousand Assyrians living there. At least not enough to make him a MP.

Arab? There were plenty of Turkish arab politician. Coming back to the Assyrian question.
Why should any party present a mp for a ethnicity that comprimizes just 0,004% of the entire population of Turkey.

What's next? Chinese mp's for a handfull of Chinese citizens? Who knows, maybe there are One or two Chinese living in Turkey.

Popularist moves like this will only feed the ignorant.

It has nothing to do with being populist. I dont think you know the meaning of the word. It is merily trying to represent all sections of the society. This is the typical trait of a modern and effective democracy. If you keep excluding and ignoring even the smallets minorities then dont come running and start complaining about seperatism because in the end that will be the result of denialism and exclusion.
Turkmens,my ancestors are also from mesopotamia.
I dont see anywhere,not even 1 square meter belonging to them.
They lived there for centuries.
Iraqi Turkmens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you remember,i had the Turkmen flag as my avatar for a while.
Now,tell me where are their rights?

Oh please you can't be Turkmen - They were real men ! :smokin:

You even had to ask permission from your girlfriend when @Sinan , I & @xenon54 were going out for a boys-only-night in Istanbul ! Yes...yes we saw you holding her hand & crying like a baby begging her to let you go & you call yourself a man & worst of all a Turkmen Man ! :disagree:
You can deny it all you want. Does not prevent it from being true.

Well, I would not exactly call Turkey a democracy yet. But true, people are free to vote. But for instance, there is nothing preventing AKP from getting an Assyrian or encouraging to get an Assyrian MP. They have hundreds of Turkish and Kurdish MPs. Is there really anything wrong with getting an Assyrian to also represent this ethnic group? This goes for all partys actually, not just AKP but also CHP, MHP and BDP.

For instance, we know for sure that there are thousands of Armenians and Assyrians living in Turkey. At least enough to elect one MP. But they are probably spread out in various regions making it difficult for them to gather one united strong voice. Erol Dora ( The Assyrian MP) was elected in Merdin where there are no more than a couple of thousand Assyrians living there. At least not enough to make him a MP.

It has nothing to do with being populist. I dont think you know the meaning of the word. It is merily trying to represent all sections of the society. This is the typical trait of a modern and effective democracy. If you keep excluding and ignoring even the smallets minorities then dont come running and start complaining about seperatism because in the end that will be the result of denialism and exclusion.

İt does have nothing to do with representing everyone. The buildup of the parliament should be a mirror of the buildup of the population. İf you want to sacrifice the votes of the Kurds towards a man to represent a 3000 men community that's your choice. However this has nothing to do with democracy or anything else. Not appointing a Assyrian is not un-democratic simply because the community is too small.

However not appointing any Kurds, Arabs, Laz, Çerkez or Alevi is undemocratic because they comprimize a significant part of the population.
It has nothing to do with being populist. I dont think you know the meaning of the word. It is merily trying to represent all sections of the society. This is the typical trait of a modern and effective democracy. If you keep excluding and ignoring even the smallets minorities then dont come running and start complaining about seperatism because in the end that will be the result of denialism and exclusion.

You are mixing apples and oranges in the same pot as you always do...There is a difference between denialism and populism..Political parties choose their MP candidates according to their popularity not according to their ethnicity...In Germany you see Turkish MPs not because Germany`s affiliation to democracy but because there are hundreds of thousands of Turkish voters there..You wont get it, you keep repeating your standart set lines as if someone gives a sh!t about your petty opinions
You can deny it all you want. Does not prevent it from being true.

You can say all you want. Does not prevent it from being true.

Well, I would not exactly call Turkey a democracy yet. But true, people are free to vote. But for instance, there is nothing preventing AKP from getting an Assyrian or encouraging to get an Assyrian MP. They have hundreds of Turkish and Kurdish MPs. Is there really anything wrong with getting an Assyrian to also represent this ethnic group? This goes for all partys actually, not just AKP but also CHP, MHP and BDP.

For instance, we know for sure that there are thousands of Armenians and Assyrians living in Turkey. At least enough to elect one MP. But they are probably spread out in various regions making it difficult for them to gather one united strong voice. Erol Dora ( The Assyrian MP) was elected in Merdin where there are no more than a couple of thousand Assyrians living there. At least not enough to make him a MP.

Still, please look at the the subject from this angle. Should a person acquire a seat because of his/her ethnic background ?

I will say no. I want to see capable men/women being elected/nominated, be it AKP-CHP-MHP (I don't bring BDP to equation since they don't care about Turkey, they are not a political party whose aim is to develope Turkey).

Unfortunately, all the political parties, choose their candidates according to "How many votes votes they can fetch".

It has nothing to do with being populist. I dont think you know the meaning of the word. It is merily trying to represent all sections of the society. This is the typical trait of a modern and effective democracy. If you keep excluding and ignoring even the smallets minorities then dont come running and start complaining about seperatism because in the end that will be the result of denialism and exclusion.

Keep excluding and ignoring... i will say how, you will say "we want state schools to be kurdish, we want autonomy, we want to use Kurdish in state affairs, etc, etc....

I'm not going to this endless pit with you again but that doesn't means that i will stay silent to your accusations, your choice.

Oh please you can't be Turkmen - They were real men ! :smokin:

You even had to ask permission from your girlfriend when @Sinan , I & @xenon54 were going out for a boys-only-night in Istanbul ! Yes...yes we saw you holding her hand & crying like a baby begging her to let you go & you call yourself a man & worst of all a Turkmen Man ! :disagree:

I can't go out for a boys-only-night in Istanbul. :cray:

GF would certainly, assassinate me this time.
One question for you as you are Syrian.

What will happen to Kurdish autonomy when the war ends ?
There won't be something called Kurdish autonomy, Syria will never divide, that is the dream of the west which will never happen...
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