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Muslims and Christians come together in Kurdistan Syria

There won't be something called Kurdish autonomy, Syria will never divide, that is the dream of the west which will never happen...

Okay, you say that but they have already declared some kind of autonomy.

I'm asking what will happen afterwards.
İt does have nothing to do with representing everyone. The buildup of the parliament should be a mirror of the buildup of the population. İf you want to sacrifice the votes of the Kurds towards a man to represent a 3000 men community that's your choice. However this has nothing to do with democracy or anything else. Not appointing a Assyrian is not un-democratic simply because the community is too small.

However not appointing any Kurds, Arabs, Laz, Çerkez or Alevi is undemocratic because they comprimize a significant part of the population.

How about not representing Arabs+ Assyrians + other Syriac people? They share the same language ( Arabic) and share a lot of the same cultural traits. All in all, they make up well over 1 million people. I believe they need someone to represent them.
İt does have nothing to do with representing everyone. The buildup of the parliament should be a mirror of the buildup of the population. İf you want to sacrifice the votes of the Kurds towards a man to represent a 3000 men community that's your choice. However this has nothing to do with democracy or anything else. Not appointing a Assyrian is not un-democratic simply because the community is too small.

However not appointing any Kurds, Arabs, Laz, Çerkez or Alevi is undemocratic because they comprimize a significant part of the population.

It is not about sacrificing votes. It is about showing solidarity. The Assyrian, Armenian and Assyriac people were spread across the country after WWI. In a lot of places prior to WWI they compromised the majority. If you gathered all their votes, they could easily elect a couple of MPs from places where they form a minority. But totaly denying them from being represented is not healthy for an upcoming democracy. They share the same language as Arabs who compromise 1 million. They share the same religion with Armenians and other Syriac people who compromise well over 100.000 together. It would only be fair to at least try to represent them in parliament.

There won't be something called Kurdish autonomy, Syria will never divide, that is the dream of the west which will never happen...

You are speaking as if Kurds in Syria work in the interest of Western powers. You forget that Kurds are fighting the same Western backed groups as the regime does. Until recently, their main targets in Northern Syria were Kurdish areas.

Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians in Northern Syria have agreed to form an interim government together from where they will manage their own affairs but still within the officially recognized borders of Syria. I hope the regime will not be as stupid as to go against the will of the people.
Okay, you say that but they have already declared some kind of autonomy.

I'm asking what will happen afterwards.
when peace is restored, Syria will be restored... for now they can declare their own "autonomy", but that is temporary, since the government presence in those areas are very low, thus the Kurdish community took arms to protect themselves from F$A terrorists, thus they need order to keep everything under control, they formed what they call "government"

You are speaking as if Kurds in Syria work in the interest of Western powers. You forget that Kurds are fighting the same Western backed groups as the regime does. Until recently, their main targets in Northern Syria were Kurdish areas.

Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians in Northern Syria have agreed to form an interim government together from where they will manage their own affairs but still within the officially recognized borders of Syria. I hope the regime will not be as stupid as to go against the will of the people.
you don't know the west's strategy of divide and conquer? the west for sure will support a Kurdish entity to weaken Syria, just like in Iraq right now... anyways, most Syrian Kurds are Syrian patriots...
when peace is restored, Syria will be restored... for now they can declare their own "autonomy", but that is temporary, since the government presence in those areas are very low, thus the Kurdish community took arms to protect themselves from F$A terrorists, thus they need order to keep everything under control, they formed what they call "government"

you don't know the west's strategy of divide and conquer? the west for sure will support a Kurdish entity to weaken Syria, just like in Iraq right now... anyways, most Syrian Kurds are Syrian patriots...

Can you show me those Syrian Kurds who are Syrian patriots? Sounds like the biggest lie in a long time to my ears. No Kurds are Syrian patriots. They were denied their citizenship and the right to own property under Assad for Christ sake. What has Syria given them since they should be patriotic about Syria?

Kurds will create a democratic autonomy together with Arabs and Assyrians. They will govern equally and they will live equally and free from any regime.
Oh please you can't be Turkmen - They were real men ! :smokin:

You even had to ask permission from your girlfriend when @Sinan , I & @xenon54 were going out for a boys-only-night in Istanbul ! Yes...yes we saw you holding her hand & crying like a baby begging her to let you go & you call yourself a man & worst of all a Turkmen Man ! :disagree:

Why are you such a perfectionist in defining yourself?:omghaha:
Jealous they asked the ''old man'' instead of the virgin?:yes4:
Oh sorry,you never had a girlfriend.:yay:
I'll allways be nice to you and hope that one day you may have a ''girlfriend''(in another life maybe).
Btw,not just one girlfriend,you may check your email tmrw:omghaha:

Can you show me those Syrian Kurds who are Syrian patriots? Sounds like the biggest lie in a long time to my ears. No Kurds are Syrian patriots. They were denied their citizenship and the right to own property under Assad for Christ sake. What has Syria given them since they should be patriotic about Syria?

Kurds will create a democratic autonomy together with Arabs and Assyrians. They will govern equally and they will live equally and free from any regime.

now that my friend is the biggest lie... many Syrian Kurds serve in the Syrian army, if they weren't Syrians they wouldn't have been in the Syrian army for decades... there are some in the Syrian Parliament how is that possible if they weren't Syrians? you are mixing up facts, Syria refused to give Syrian citizenship to non Syrian kurds, kurds that came from Iraq, Turkey and etc... however every Syrian kurd is SYRIAN... there is no difference... your facts are all wrong, or you just making up lies and stories..

Syrian kurd patriots?

People's Will Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Popular Front for Change and Liberation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(look up SSNP) SSNP is all about Syrian nationalism... and Qadri Jamil Party is in that Popular Front for Change And Liberation

Qadri Jamil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Qadri Jamil is Kurdish, of course something you don't know, because you are either naive, or it doesn't fit agenda...
May I ask you, if you are a Kurd? from where?
Show me pictures, videos... None of what you said or posted indicate that Kurds are Syrian patriots. And why would I care if a Kurd is a member of the Syrian parliament? Of course they are going to be members of the parliament of the country they live in. But that does not make them patriotic Syrians.

We both know that the biggest Kurdish party is PYD. And they are far from patriotic Syrians since they suffered a lot under Assad. We do not forget the Qamishlo uprisings.

I am a Kurd from Turkey and I have people close to me who live in Syria. They are all supporters of PYD and they hate Assad. Not Syria, but Assad. Big difference.
Show me pictures, videos... None of what you said or posted indicate that Kurds are Syrian patriots. And why would I care if a Kurd is a member of the Syrian parliament? Of course they are going to be members of the parliament of the country they live in. But that does not make them patriotic Syrians.

We both know that the biggest Kurdish party is PYD. And they are far from patriotic Syrians since they suffered a lot under Assad. We do not forget the Qamishlo uprisings.

I am a Kurd from Turkey and I have people close to me who live in Syria. They are all supporters of PYD and they hate Assad. Not Syria, but Assad. Big difference.
they can hate Alasad, many Syrian patriots dislike Alasad, (like I said look up SSNP)

you are talking about 2004 conflict? where some kurds burnt down the whole city... yeah the government did the right thing by fighting against those rioters... but SYRIAN kurds ARE SYRIANS, now you might be talking about NON Syrian Kurds in Syria, that is a very different story...

the only reason YPG is with F$A terrorists so they can get western support...

anyways, the Kurdish situation in Syria currently is no clear, however I assure you, there will not be something called Syria Kurdistan, and if any problems there, we will deal with it the Turkish way.. :disagree:
Kurds are not Syrians. It is funny how you have this Kurdish phobia.

YPG together with FSA? What the hell are you talking about? Were it not for YPG, all of Nusra and ISIS would be chasing down SAA soldiers in Aleppo. FSA distributed a lot of their fighting force against YPG.

Also, you can keep continuin your lie that Kurds are patriotic or pro-Assad. Just show me pictures or videos. Show me pro-Assad demonstrations.

Here is a pro-Kurdish manifestation. Show me something alike. You see, you got words. I have actual live proof. I mean, if what you said is true, that most Kurds are patriotic to Assad Syria then show me a video.

Kurds are not Syrians. It is funny how you have this Kurdish phobia.

YPG together with FSA? What the hell are you talking about? Were it not for YPG, all of Nusra and ISIS would be chasing down SAA soldiers in Aleppo. FSA distributed a lot of their fighting force against YPG.

Also, you can keep continuin your lie that Kurds are patriotic or pro-Assad. Just show me pictures or videos. Show me pro-Assad demonstrations.

Here is a pro-Kurdish manifestation. Show me something alike. You see, you got words. I have actual live proof. I mean, if what you said is true, that most Kurds are patriotic to Syria then show me a video.

when did I claim kurds are pro Alasad?? I said they are SYRIAN patriots...

lets start with a song from our Kurdish brothers

here kurds are calling for the Syrian Army

بعد 12 يوم من الحصار..أكراد حلب يوجهون نداء للجيش العربي السوري | الشارع السوري |عقولنا طريقنا الى الحقيقة


and like I said YPG is with F$A, to get the west's support...

anyways, we shall see...
:yahoo: Clap clap, you found three Kurds waving a Kurdish flag.


( And not a single Assad picture was seen that day)

What is your definition of patriotic Syrians? What kind of Syria? You clearly support an Assad run Syria. In that case, Kurds would rather seek independance. But if Syria gets a democratic constitution that accepts the rights of Kurds and other minority groups then Kurds would stay as a part of Syria but with an autonomic Kurdish region. That is what they are running de facto already. I do not see the problem with it. Especially since the ethnic groups get along together.

What is it you do not get ? YPG is fighting with both FSA and AQ. They only recently allied Shammar tribe which was formerly a part of FSA. YPG is a neutral defensive force. I dont know why you keep using the ''west support and divide and conquer'' arguement when I have already told you that Kurds do not favour independance but rather autonomy.
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