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Muslims and Christians come together in Kurdistan Syria

LOL, now again? How can the Kurds mave up the majority of Northern Syria when in fact the Arabs are a MAJORITY everywhere outside the "real Kurdish area of Syria" as I call it, being that of Hassaka and the areas north of it. That has always been the heartland of the Kurds.

All the other areas are mostly inhabited by Arabs.

Aleppo the biggest city in Syria is very much located in Northern Syria and the vast majority of the population are Arabs (80%). Aleppo has a population of 2.5 million!

Not sure why I am discussing all this with you. You don't get it, it seems. No offense.

But let us end it here. I have nothing against Kurds as you already know. I just don't like dividing the Middle East further because I fear it will create more trouble. The Middle East need to prosper again not start new wars and conflicts.
I want to give the new generation a better life than my generation, my father's etc. The aim for each generation should always be to outscore the older one. This means progress.
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LOL, now again. How can the Kurds have up the majority of Northern Syria when in fact the Arabs are a MAJORITY everywhere outside the "real Kurdish area of Syria" as I call it, being that of Hassaka and the areas north of it. That has always been the heartland of the Kurds.

All the other areas are mostly inhabited by Arabs.

Aleppo the biggest city in Syria is very much located in Northern Syria and the vast majority are Arabs.

Not sure why I am discussing all this with you. You don't get it, it seems. No offense.

Ok mate, let us try to break it down, shall we?

You say;

when in fact the Arabs are a MAJORITY everywhere outside the "real Kurdish area of Syria" as I call it, being that of Hassaka and the areas north of it

So you claim that Kurds only make up the majority in Hassaka. Now let us look at some simple maps of the ethnic composition of Syria.


Now, let us take it from West to east.

1) To the far west you see the city of Efrin. This city is majority Kurdish as you can see on the map. So at this point, we can already shoot down your claim that ; '' Kurds only form majority around Hassakah''

2) A little more to the east of Efrin you have Ezaz and Jerblus. Again, both of them with majority Kurdish populations. Also here we can shoot down your claim that '' Kurds only form majority around Hassakah''

3) A little further to the east of Jerablus, you have Kobane. Which is also the third largest city along the border.

4) A little further to the east of Kobane, you have the majority Arab settlements. These Arabs were resettled there by Hafez Assad from 1972. The city in which most of the Arabs live in the Arab Belt is called Tell Abyad. Now, if you look closely at the map, this Arab Belt, as it is called, is actually a very tactical maneuver to cut the Kurds from the Northwest and seperate them from the Kurds of the Northeast. And this is exactly what the articles I posted from three different sources state; that the belt was intended to seperate Kurds in the north and it is likely that Kurds formed majority also in the Arab Belt areas if Assad had not resettled Kurds and Arabs in the central North.

5) To the east of the Arab Belt, you have the city of Serekaniye and Amude. And to the east of those you have Hassaka and Qamishli. Qamishli being the single biggest city along the border.

Now that you mentioned Aleppo, you should know that Kurds are majority in the northern parts of Aleppo in Sheikh Maqsoud and Eshrifiye districts.
No, I am saying that the only real clear majority Kurdish area in Syria is that tiny strip North of Hassaka which is correct. That has always been the Kurdish heartland of Syria. In clear, meaning a considerable number and CONNECTED land that could possible declare autonomy.

By far most of all Northern Syria (North of Hama and Deir az-Zur) are majority Arab including Syria's by far biggest city, Aleppo which is 80% Arab. So you are wrong yet again.

I don't think I ever denied that there are some small Kurdish majority areas near Aleppo but OVERALL Northern Syria is clear majority Arab land like much of Syria is.(85%).

No, I am saying that the only real clear majority Kurdish area in Syria is that tiny strip North of Hassaka which is correct. That has always been the Kurdish heartland of Syria. In clear, meaning a considerable number and CONNECTED land that could possible declare autonomy.

By far most of all Northern Syria (North of Hama and Deir az-Zur) are majority Arab including Syria's by far biggest city, Aleppo which is 80% Arab. So you are wrong yet again.

I don't think I ever denied that there are some small Kurdish majority areas near Aleppo but OVERALL Northern Syria is clear majority Arab land like much of Syria is.(85%).


I think you have a problem with reality mate. I just proved you wrong and you keep saying that they are only majority in Hassaka.

This is what you claimed;

How can the Kurds have up the majority of Northern Syria when in fact the Arabs are a MAJORITY everywhere outside the "real Kurdish area of Syria (Meaning hassaka?)

And I just proved to you that Kurds form majority Both in the northwest and Northeast. Only place in the northern border area they do not make up majority is in Tell Abyad areas.
LOL. Do you know the difference between BORDER AREAS and Northern Syria as a whole? You do realize that the IMMEDIATE border regions with Turkey are a tiny part of Northern Syria?
It seems not.

Just like you did not know the difference between all those false claims you made about me writing this and that which was never the case.

Maybe a little quick English course could help you avoid all the misunderstandings?
Calm down. No need to start lying and becoming angry.

The areas where Kurds form majority happens to be situated in Northern Syria. It is also in Northern Syria that they fight. And it is also in Northern Syria that they will declare autonomy. Northern Syria is a term for many things. When newspapers write about the autonomy and the battles of Kurds in Syria they usually also prefer to use Northern Syria instead of '' Northern border area with Turkey Syria'' or something like that. So again, this is not my idea or my claim. It is simply what a big part of the world aknowledges. Just like KRG. Technically, KRG does not cover all of Northern Iraq either. Far from it. But we still call it the autonomous region in Northern Iraq. Nobody disputes this.

The clashes took place in the oil-rich Hasake province in northern Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
41 Killed in Clashes Between Kurds, Islamists - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Kurdish militia in northern Syria have expelled Al-Qaeda-linked fighters from the majority Kurdish area of Ras al-Ain on the Turkish border, a monitoring group said on Tuesday.

MIDEAST - Syria Kurds oust jihadists from Turkey border area

Technically, the majority of oil fields in northern Syria are in Kurdish hands.

Kurdish regions of northern Syria have been administered by local Kurdish councils since forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad withdrew in the middle of 2012.

Syria Kurds announce transitional autonomous authority - Yahoo News

The People's Council of Western Kurdistan (also known as the PYD) has released a draft proposal calling for Kurdish autonomy in northern Syria - along similar lines to the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) which currently exists in northern Iraq.

Syria: Kurdish Group Calls for Autonomy - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Kurdish regions of northern Syria have been administered by local Kurdish councils since forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad withdrew in the middle of 2012


Barzani's trip came amid concern over the Democratic Union Party's (PYD) declaration of a self-ruling interim government in the Kurdish areas of Syria.

The PKK-affiliated group, which controls much of northern Syria, fought against forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the earlier days of the uprising and more recently against al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels.
Seriously you are unbelievable even when proven wrong again and again and after getting exposed for all to see.

You do know that there is a difference between the border areas and Northern Syria? Northern Syria starts from the areas north of Hama on the Western side of the country and Deir-ez-Zur on the Eastern side of the country. Everything north of that is considered Northern Syria roughly.

In that area the vast majority of the population are Arabs just like 85% of Syria is inhabited by Arabs and 90% of all the land area. Not that difficult to comprehend.

Anyway to end that part of the discussion, why were you initially claiming that you were not in favor of dividing the Middle East but a few posts afterwards you said that you "of course support a independent "Kuridstan"".

This means that you indeed want to divide the Middle East.

Seriously you are unbelievable even when proven wrong again and again and after getting exposed for all to see.

You do know that there is a difference between the border areas and Northern Syria? Northern Syria starts from the areas north of Hama on the Western side of the country and Deir-ez-Zur on the Eastern side of the country. Everything north of that is considered Northern Syria roughly.

In that area the vast majority of the population are Arabs just like 85% of Syria is inhabited by Arabs and 90% of all the land area. Not that difficult to comprehend.

Anyway to end that part of the discussion, why were you initially claiming that you were not in favor of dividing the Middle East but a few posts afterwards you said that you "of course support a independent "Kuridstan"".

This means that you indeed want to divide the Middle East.


It seems you disagree with the majority of the newspapers. Take the discussion with them, not me. Anyone else can make up their own mind but as you can see, Kurds have intentions of building an autonomous reigions together with Arabs and Assyrians and that autonomous region will be in Northern Syria. This is the geographic place of the autonomy and most journalist and ordinary people understand this. You do not have to be angry if you do not agree with them or understand it. You can always discuss with them. That is the good thing about democracy.

I support an independant Kurdistan. I believe every people has the right to form independant entities. Whether they are totaly independant as in sovereign states, federal states or autonomous states. You can be independant in many ways. For instance, Kurds have no intention of dividing Syria.

Do you think Middle East will remain intact as long as you deny Kurds their right to self determination?
You just admitted that the use of Iraqi Kurdistan = all of Northern Iraq is wrong technically despite newspapers using it.

One just have to take a look at a map of Syria and afterwards every sane person can conclude that the BORDER AREAS are not the only part of Northern Syria. I am sticking to the traditional definition of Northern Syria being everything north of Hama and Deir-ez-Zur on the western and eastern side of the country.

Just because the border areas are located in Northern Syria it does not mean that other areas of Syria are not located in Northern Syria. You are guilty of a illogical fallacy with such a strange logic.

So your planned "autonomous region" will include all of Northern Syria. Nice to know, LOL.

Then stop saying that you do not support the division of the Middle East.

An independent Kurdistan means that 4 countries (Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran) will lose territories and that will probably lead to more partitions in all of those 4 countries.

Autonomy is fine for me - I am sure that some others would have a problem with it - for example some Turkish and Iranian users here.

As long as there will not be a real division as in dozens of new countries that would result in endless conflicts then I have no problem with that.

And I am not sure why you are asking me that question. I think you already know that I have no problem with Kurdish autonomy as long as you don't take land that is not yours or belong to you.
You just admitted that the use of Northern Iraq = Iraqi Kurdistan is wrong technically despite newspapers using it.

One just have to take a look at a map of Syria and afterwards every sane person can conclude that the BORDER AREAS are not the only part of Northern Syria. I am sticking to the traditional definition of Northern Syria being everything north of Hama and Deir-ez-Zur on the West and East of the country.

Just because the border areas are located in Northern Syria it does not mean that other areas of Syria are not located in Northern Syria. You are guilty of a illogical fallacy with such a strange logic.

So your planned "autonomous region" will include all of Northern Syria. Nice to know, LOL.

Then stop saying that you do not support the division of the Middle East.

An independent Kurdistan means that 4 countries (Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran) will lose territories and that will probably lead to more partitions in all of those 4 countries.

Autonomy is fine for me - I am sure that some others would have a problem with it - for example some Turkish and Iranian users here.

As long as there will not be a real division as in dozens of new countries that would result in endless conflicts then I have no problem with that.

And I am not sure why you are asking me that question. I think you already know that I have no problem with Kurdish autonomy as long as you don't take land that is not yours or belong to you.

No, I said it is the official geographic name of KRG's destination. And this destination of KRG is aknowledged by world medias and leaders. That is why most world leaders and medias use KRG and North Iraq as two different names for the same thing. They are connected. But geographically, KRG does not cover all of Northern Iraq. Nor did I ever claim that Syrian Kurdistan would cover all of Northern Syria. I don't know why you keep lying.

''So your planned "autonomous region" will include all of Northern Syria. Nice to know, LOL.''

No, but as I said the autonomous region will be located in Northern Syria

What I said in my initial post;
in the newly formed Kurdish interim government in northern Syria.

Is that very hard to understand? You keep to your own homemade '' traditional'' definition of Northern Syria. Then I and the world media and leaders will keep to the reality and officiality. Which is ( I feel like repeating myself a lot right now); That Kurds will build an autonomous government in Northern Syria. Period. Not ALL of Northern Syria. Not 50% of Northern Syria. Not 15.99% of Northern Syria. But IN Northern Syria.

As I Kurd, of course I dream of a 100% independant Kurdistan. But not if it causes chaos and wars. But if we have to fight for our right to autonomy or a federal status then we will do that.
LOL, are you drunk? You are the one whose claims are getting refuted time and time again and you are the one backtracking. I have not done it once even.

Your claim was that Kurds were the majority of Northern Syria which is FAR from the reality. Hence you are wrong. And the fact that the Kurdish areas of Syria lie in the border regions of Syria and Turkey, thus Northern Syria, does not make all of Northern Syria Kurdish. Far from it. In fact the fast majority - both land and population is Arab. Which is widely known.

End of discussion. Not going to repeat myself again and again because you have difficulties with comprehending English.

Keep exposing yourself and making contradictory claims all the time.

"Not in favor of splitting up the Middle East" 2 minutes after "of course I support a independent Kurdistan".


Find another user with too much time on his hand as I have today, to discuss with you. Maybe they will have as big a patience although I doubt it.

You can't reason with him. We showed him various governmental reports from all across the world which they mention PKK as a drug dealer organization but he had choose to deny the truth.

Just don't waste your time.

You can't reason with him. We showed him various governmental reports from all across the world which they mention PKK as a drug dealer organization but he had choose to deny the truth.

Just don't waste your time.

A warning beforehand would have been great and it would have saved me the time.:D

Anyway militant Kurds like him supporting PKK and making lies left and right about factual issues such as history etc. should be kept monitored in Turkey.

Don't let them steal more land as they are doing in Iraq and trying to do in Syria if we believe certain reports from Syria.
And there came the racist out in you. I think we know who was right at the end. Always good to be patient :)

The whole world media is aknowledging the presence of an interim government in Northern Syria that includes Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians buuuut Beudizzaman Al Hasani says that it is not in Northern Syria :lol:

Anyways, while you are denying the presence of a Kurdish interim government in Northern Syria, we will fight our common enenmies together with your Arab brothers from Shammar tribe.
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