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Muslim joining the US military

QUOTE=AZADPAKISTAN2009Well your point of view is understandable but the reality is this

How do you know? Do you have any personal experience with US armed forces. Army life is tough job NOT a walk in park. If one individual can't take mental stress that doesn't mean whole system is at fault.

well, soldier must respect the system.why you need to speak against established hierarchy?

lame comment, soldier must follow the order from the higher rank.
Are you serious about your comment. why armed forces have ranking system. you don't use your brain but follow the order. there will be some reason the person who gave you order is at that position. could be anything...more experienced, more capable,more intelligent than you.


forget US forces, imagine you are bomber pilot in Pak airforce and you assigned mission to bomb a building in Afghanistan based on ISI/US intel then what will you do? will not bomb the building thinking that muslim women/children could be there or just follow the order. Answer me.

comment could be product of your hatred towards US army, can't comment.

:lol: DO Indian army have muslims in army for marketing or you guys got SIKH officer for marketing.

Unfortunately - US forces have done so much damage by their own account - I don't even have to add much , what they have is a public relations chaos

As far as I know a solider is their to protect the ones who have no arms if you don't have that education - you are just worse as a terrorist ... perhaps thing are diffent east of pakistan's border but most armies of world follow a principle to protect the ones with no guns

Illegal abuse has to be reported - and those soliders should be respected who speak against whats wrong but I am not going to applaude the ones that commited war crimes.

Its easy to fire a missile , its hard to burry civilians ....

The main topic is - simple ... US forces do not have proper policy in place to protect Muslim soliders from abuse - and with out it its kinda very risky ... to get any muslim involved ...

A civil role like police/firefighter is more logical

But I recoomend Get into Politics - to help fix issues
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Killing the Taliban not equals to Killing the Muslims. You may face some discrimination, but you got to remind them, its your country too. Good luck!
Whats the point then joining if you are going to be enlisted and have limited opportunities. I have met many enlisted Marines who hated it.
You can't make a career if you enlist. Then after you are discharged you have nothing to back you up.

as an officer ill be able to lead marines my recurter advised me to first be a regular marine and then become an officer aftera yr or two so that way i can know my marines better
Do not join the US Military if you value being a Muslim.

A Muslim should not join the army of a non-Muslim nation. This is haram and forbidden.

Islam has prohibited a Muslim to fight his fellow Muslim brother to the extent that indulging in such a fight is considered a form of disbelief or kufr. The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said (translated): “Cursing the Muslim is lewdness and killing him is disbelief.” He (SAW) is also reported to have said: “Do not revert to disbelief after me by striking the necks of one another.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari).

Al-Ahnaf, Ibn Qays quotes the Prophet (SAW) as saying (translated): “If two Muslims meet with their swords (attacking each other) then (both) the killer and the killed one are in the (Hell) Fire.‘ I (Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays) said, ‘O Allah’s Messenger (SAW)! It is all right for the killer, but what about the killed one?’ He (SAW) said, ‘The killed one was eager to kill his opponent.’” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

Also, you must realize that the Afghan Taliban and the TTP are very different.

Video proof:

The American occupiers have killed millions of innocent Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Lillah! And you will be doing the same to your fellow Muslims if you join!

Do not forget what the US army did in Abu Ghraib or Guantanimo or to the millions of Iraqis who died in the US embargo and occupation!

Do not shame and belittle their deaths.

Do not serve an army, which seeks only corporate and strategic interests.

Read a book called: "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," which exposes that the reason why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan were of corporate and strategic interests.

9/11 was an inside job, and Al-Qaeda was nothing but an American proxy to legitimize invading a poor nation like Afghanistan!
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If they are just 'protecting themselves' then why don't they just hand over Al Qaeda to them and end it all? Instead of blowing up public markets, they could have handed over Mr. Osama a long time ago.

Also, just by living in the USA you are supporting your troops whether you like it or not:

Half the taxes we pay go to military funding. 399 billion spent for military purposes and 388 billion spent for civilian purposes.
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If they are just 'protecting themselves' then why don't they just hand over Al Qaeda to them and end it all? Instead of blowing up public markets, they could have handed over Mr. Osama a long time ago.

Also, just by living in the USA you are supporting your troops whether you like it or not:

Half the taxes we pay go to military funding. 399 billion spent for military purposes and 388 billion spent for civilian purposes.

Where did you get the graph from?

Is there any more up to date one?
Joining the US Army is not a problem according to Islam.

But if they ever send you to like another Muslim country (like Iran) OR Non-Muslim country under the guise of liberation/protecting US freedoms, but in fact to occupy the locals, then that would effectively Nulify your Islamic faith.

You'll become a non-muslim and thrown out of the folds of Islam. Ask any reliable religious scholar, he'll tell you the same thing.
as an officer ill be able to lead marines my recurter advised me to first be a regular marine and then become an officer aftera yr or two so that way i can know my marines better
Joining the US Army is not a problem...but you could be sent to possibly occupy a territory or kill innocent people, which would effectively destroy your Islamic beliefs and throw you out of the folds of Islam.

Ask any reliable Islamic scholar belonging to any sect and trust me you'd get the same answer.

If you believe in Islam and have faith in God and care even a LITTLE bit about your faith, then joi

Killing the Taliban not equals to Killing the Muslims. You may face some discrimination, but you got to remind them, its your country too. Good luck!

Maybe according to you but not according to this US Guard who converted at the hands of Taliban in Guantanamo.

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Please move this to US military thread kindly wrng section:argh:

US has to fix its policy regarding protection of muslims in army frist and more protection I think there is a big missing link in that area
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There are better ways you can serve your country being a Muslim American such as a Medical Doctor, an Academician, a Lawyer, and numerous others.

God has given you conscious, and while knowing that you may be sent to serve in the countries (Muslim or non-Muslim) under illegal occupation of your country, still going to join services where absolute obedience and compliance is required, would not be the most appropriate thing to do. The most leverage you get is to join the forces as a Medical Doctor, or in support services instead of being in a fighting unit.

Its not the life and honor and belongings of a Muslim that is precious, its the life and honor and belongings of any human being that is important. If you can not save these of a human being, at least you should avoid harming them in any capacity. In the military profession, even as a General, you are merely a pawn of the ruling government, who decides how you should be used, as a defender of your nation, or as an aggressor, and occupier to fulfill or forward its political ambitions. General Collin Powell can be given as an example. An upright and a professional soldier but even he had to lie shamelessly in the United Nations on the fabricated proof of the presence of Chemical and Biological weapons in Iraq.
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Joining the US Army is not a problem according to Islam.

But if they ever send you to like another Muslim country (like Iran) OR Non-Muslim country under the guise of liberation/protecting US freedoms, but in fact to occupy the locals, then that would effectively Nulify your Islamic faith.

You'll become a non-muslim and thrown out of the folds of Islam. Ask any reliable religious scholar, he'll tell you the same thing.

U.S.A. is not on an occupation mission in Iraq nor in Afghanistan. It is a regime change mission. They are not going to be there for long - well at least as things look now in Iraq. I believe the Afghanistan war is a just war.

Are you calling Saddam a Muslim if he has killed thousands of his own people for no reason? I think not. Although I believe that Bush was stupid like all Republicans are, the toppling of Saddam and his regime was in the best interest of all Muslims. But I do not believe this should have been acheived through military conflict as civilian casualities are according to conservative numbers 100,000 dead while liberal estimates are over half a million - more than would have died in the next hunderd years under Saddam Rule.

If you look closely at the pre-invasion time of Iraq there were other means to over throw Saddam and now they are realizing these tactics should have been followed through instead of military conflict.

Anyhow, I would have no problem joining the USMC and going to Afghanistan and killing off all the Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Extremists. They all deserve to be wiped off this Earth. And I would have no problem going into Pakistan's western border NWFP/FATA and wiping out all the tribes over there that seek to enforce their own harsh laws on Pakistani people and not follow Pakistan's laws. I don't like that, they need learn to follow the government of Pakistan.

Joining the US Army is not a problem...but you could be sent to possibly occupy a territory or kill innocent people, which would effectively destroy your Islamic beliefs and throw you out of the folds of Islam.

Ask any reliable Islamic scholar belonging to any sect and trust me you'd get the same answer.

YouTube - American soldier "I killed innocent people".

If you believe in Islam and have faith in God and care even a LITTLE bit about your faith, then joi

Maybe according to you but not according to this US Guard who converted at the hands of Taliban in Guantanamo.

YouTube - US Guantanamo guard converts to Islam - 13 Apr 09

Why do all the converts cover their head, I see this all the time...
as an officer ill be able to lead marines my recurter advised me to first be a regular marine and then become an officer aftera yr or two so that way i can know my marines better

not one or 2 years it will be at least 5-6 years before you can be an Officer, you will need a 4 year college degree first.
oh wel... but do investigate it with your city recruiters
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