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Muslim girl killed for loving affair with Hindu boy

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Some people just cannot think beyond religion. Well, may be you are programmed to think like this and hence I hold no grudge against you. It's not you, it's the enviornment in which you have been brought up. :wave:

oooh yeah like you people live in a very good and civilized environment and no one in india is against Islam.
The same Shahrukh Khan who's pic you posted, made a film 'My Name is Khan'. And incase you dont know Bal Thackeray, founder of Shiv Sena strongly opposed it, because the movie shows the marriage of a Muslim man with a Hindu woman. . . :wave: :toast_sign:
EXACTLY my point.

RELIGION is a very very personal thing. u offering namaz, or praying in church or worshiping idols has nothing to do with u living happily with a person whome u want to have children with. rational ppl dont make religion an issue, they make personalities and nature of a person an issue coz thats what makes u compatible with each other.

Thanks !

Religion is a private matter OK. its a private matter , when your religion stop s u from marrying a non-believer then u have to follow the teachings.and U cannot question the teachings.........
The thing I really like about these threads is that they tell you who is a bigot and who is not.

BTW, one thing is for sure. Whether it is hindu girl marrying a muslim guy or a muslim girl marrying a hindu guy, it's always the woman who is at the receiving end isn't it?

Isn't it because men are such bigots that they consider women to be their private property and like their cattle, herd them whereever they want?

It would have been interesting to see had it been this man's son marrying a hindu girl. Would have loved to see how he could kill his son. You know why? Because the son will and can hit back but the poor girl cannot.

lol the world is full of bigots and so is PDF! :rolleyes:

Chahe koi kuch bhi kare, marti ladki hee hai kyunki wo bechari kisi ko maar nahin sakti na!
and that will divert our topic to core-religious issues,
and religious debates are not allowed here in this forum...

If you want to close this thread (by diverting this topic to religion and MODs close this thread afterwards)... I would feel a pleasure to answer your query...

otherwise feel free to PM me if you can :thinktank:

if thats da issue then we r left with no option but to withdraw......:mod:
It would have been interesting to see had it been this man's son marrying a hindu girl. Would have loved to see how he could kill his son. You know why? Because the son will and can hit back but the poor girl cannot.

You mean all killings are results of beating from hand and weapons cannot come into play? Or is that the men are naturally resistant to weapons?
Oh well,

You are right about Honour killing in Pakistan
Honour killing is actually everywhere in both Pakistan & India.
but surely it is more in India for obvious reasons

In Pakistan we have less population so less issues to tackle with
In India you have everything that Pakistan has (culture, religion, casts etc) + hundreds of other casts and social issues

In India it is believed that more than 1000 peoples die each year in the name of honour killing but how many in Pakistan?


Nevertheless, it is a curse upon our society and needs to eradicated from both nations

he he ! well what u said was true and its all out of facts.....we have to accept we have this menace and unbiased education can only clean it.

but again, u need to understand that its da media which tells us what da figure is...... more explorable da media, more will da comman man know......pakistani media has yet to evolve a lot.

also, indians have this rebel attitude coz we are used to freedom and all..... thats whr da problems start..youngsters fall in love out of randomness and then face da fury of their rigid families.

in pakistan, youngsters dont even dare to go against their society rules. imagine if they do go, will the tolerance level be MORE as compared to india??????

IF ur answer is yes then maybe pakistan be called better in this aspect than india......

bottomline is, its not da numbers taht decide the tolerance level of society......its their attitude......

Thanks !
I think no one should be killed for who they want to live their life with - parents should tell children good and bad and let them decide on their future -

"with out resorting to killing or violence"
It happens mostly in mumbai...back days i had a muslim gf her name was iman...her brother got the news about our relation & the next day he kicked my A$$ along with his freinds & very next day i kicked his *** with my friends...but the same day evening iman kicked my a$$ & just dumped me....so a very rough relation...but this time i choosed a mallu hindu girl even after that i had the same incident with his brother....so now am dating a sikh chick & guess what she doent have a brother...look experience taught me how to play it safe...

any ways its sad to hear such news...cozz parents are not gonna spent rest of their life with thier children, so let the children choose there partners...

madir, masjid, girga ghar ne bata haii bhagwan ko...
dharti bati , sagar bata ab mat bato isan ko...

i believe in god but all religion sucks!!!

hehehe... mine is similar story..But i had two cases...
In first case it was her uncle..He caught us in a Bageecha ..Kicked my
@$$ with help of some friends..That evening i gave him his share of beating..two days later i got beating of my life..almost broke my arm.Waited for 7 days to heal the wounds and after that gave him his beating of life..Finally the chick became bored of fights and we parted ways..

In college got involved with another muslim girl..She was serious and wanted to marry me..Her father asked me to convert and i said - Ram -Ram..Although she was ready to elope and convert but too much risk was involved and i was not ready to take it..

So, my experience is that religion does come when marriage is involved..
Religion is a private matter OK. its a private matter , when your religion stop s u from marrying a non-believer then u have to follow the teachings.and U cannot question the teachings.........

u mean to sya, if my school text book tells me 2+2 = 5.....that i will accept it without questioning ?

infact i will ask da teacher, 'Please explain me why? i think 2+2 =4. if not then why?'

asking rational questions isnt a crime....... in any religion. be it islam !
You mean all killings are results of beating from hand and weapons cannot come into play? Or is that the men are naturally resistant to weapons?

No. It is just that in our societies, women are just considered the private properties of men just because they are physically weaker and cannot wield the power to attack the men.

Ever wondered why it is only the man who flogs a woman in swat? Why is it only the man who shoots the woman in Afghanistan? Why is it only the man who rapes women (well, mostly lol)?


Because women are physically weaker and have been traditionally been overppowered by men in our socities and they cannot retort back. That's why!

I would love to see a woman flogging a taliban for a change.

I would love to see a woman killing her son for marring a hindu/muslim girl.

I would love to see a woman killing her husband for adultery.

Sahi hai. Jo dabta hai, usi ko dabao. Typical male chauvinism! :lol:
he he ! well what u said was true and its all out of facts.....we have to accept we have this menace and unbiased education can only clean it.

but again, u need to understand that its da media which tells us what da figure is...... more explorable da media, more will da comman man know......pakistani media has yet to evolve a lot.

also, indians have this rebel attitude coz we are used to freedom and all..... thats whr da problems start..youngsters fall in love out of randomness and then face da fury of their rigid families.

in pakistan, youngsters dont even dare to go against their society rules. imagine if they do go, will the tolerance level be MORE as compared to india??????

IF ur answer is yes then maybe pakistan be called better in this aspect than india......

bottomline is, its not da numbers taht decide the tolerance level of society......its their attitude......

Thanks !
oh well I think you know nothing about Pakistani Media then :no:

Forget about grave issues like honour killing and rapes... it even cover the marriages of ordinary peoples :angel:

The media has brought a lot of awareness in Pakistan and I believe it is equally independent as is in Europe or India. It has challenged the corrupt governments in past and what else the media was a pioneer in collapse of the former government of Musharraf...

I guess you don't notice when they cover issues like rape, honour killings, child abuse, evils in the society, corruption by the government and agencies almost everyday. Do you know how many scandals Media exposed in the past few years? Steel mill scandal was the most popular amongst them all... I hope you know about it
I think no one should be killed for who they want to live their life with - parents should tell children good and bad and let them decide on their future -

"with out resorting to killing or violence"

now thats what i call rational thinking. :tup:
oh well I think you know nothing about Pakistani Media then :no:

Forget about grave issues like honour killing and rapes... it even cover the marriages of ordinary peoples :angel:

The media has brought a lot of awareness in Pakistan and I believe it is equally independent as is in Europe or India. It has challenged the writ of the governments in past and what else the media was a pioneer in collapse of the former government of Musharraf...

I guess you don't notice when they cover issues like rape, honour killings, child abuse, evils in the society, corruption by the government and agencies almost everyday

Arre..Tussi to emotional ho gaye !

yaara, if i say pakistani media is lagging behind then it has some reasons....no doubt they are evolving good but they are yet very nascent. its not even a decade ur media has gained independence.

but again.....what i meant was, ur media still lacks political power. thers no strong influential hand behind them unlike indian media who have bigshots supporting them.

thats why they get govt support for whatever they do.

tell me can any media person go to a village and take panga with the village authorities.......no they cannot.....otherwise they will be on recieving side and govt authorities wont even come to help them.....

u must be knowing, rural panchayat system in very strong in pakistan. especially da feudal system.

just lyk northern india. its one and da same.

u see in india da media forced da govt to prosecute khap panchayat involved in honour killing....IF U FOLLOWED DA NEWS. they got death sentence and some got lyf imprisonment.

tell me how many khap panchayats in pakistan are been prosecuted just coz of da power of media ? when i say power, it means media reports da cae and pressurises da govt.....and no one can do a **** against da channel coz they have strong backings of influential ppl !
No. It is just that in our societies, women are just considered the private properties of men just because they are physically weaker and cannot wield the power to attack the men.

Ever wondered why it is only the man who flogs a woman in swat? Why is it only the man who shoots the woman in Afghanistan? Why is it only the man who rapes women (well, mostly lol)?


Because women are physically weaker and have been traditionally been overppowered by men in our socities and they cannot retort back. That's why!

I would love to see a woman flogging a taliban for a change.

I would love to see a woman killing her son for marring a hindu/muslim girl.

I would love to see a woman killing her husband for adultery.

Sahi hai. Jo dabta hai, usi ko dabao. Typical male chauvinism! :lol:

You are making a diversion now. You were claiming that men are not killed because they will fight back. That's obviously not accurate because men have been killed for this stuff (it's not big news because people don't care as much if an innocent guy gets killed) since you can use weapons for killings. Infact, I'd venture that nearly all the killings involve weapons. It'd be interesting for you to learn that men are killed about 5 times as much as women are killed. I am talking about all killings here.

Now as far as those bolded parts, did you really mean that? You seem to be a raging man-hater for some reason. You want to punish men for what some other men did? You seem to see men as some disposable piece of garbage. Should I start to punish all woman because one filed a false accusation of rape on me or a false accusation of domestic violence on me (FYI, these are very common in certain countries).
I always have break ups because of religious reasons. I tend to think I am God and the women don't see it that way and commit blasphemy.
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