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Dalit boy killed, hanged over affair with girl.

India has made a very good image over the world that they are very modern and liberals.
But the fact is there are still untouchables and low casts ,considerd less than human being.
Stop Racism.
All human being are equal
But in india "some are more equal than others!"
We need to support Dalit's in India.I know Modi is a dalit but a Brahminized Dalit.

A seperate country out of South india named as "Dalitistan" is the only possible solution to end this genocide.

Mate, are you our resident Lal Topi or what?o_O

What do you mean by a Brahminized Dalit? Are they Shiaized Wahhabis in Pakistan from whom you're taking such inspiration?:lol:

And what exactly do you know about South Indian demographics?

If you are trolling, at least let it be known. If you're being serious about such stuff, you're in trouble Kid! Better not display your intelligence in this way.
Even before opening this thread I knew that it had to be the dramaqueen.
Stop Parroting the same lines like a bewildered divorcee left with five kids.

Are you talking about yourself mate :D :lol::lol::lol:
Shame about the grey matter , but removing saffron goggles may improve your vision. :D
Has the rule of local news not being posted revoked? or is it just allowed for people like Windy?
How are dalit minority? They outnumber the upper class (Brahmin).
Actuly brahmins are not the only upper class. The genral class consists 5 caste( can be different apone state to state) in bihar , brahmin, bhumihar, rajputs, lala, and one other caste and they total are not even 15% in whole of the bihar.
Pakistan's never had genral knowledge about anything. This case in nothing but a simple and shameful case of honor killing but our stupid media is always thr to demonize upper caste.
Actuly brahmins are not the only upper class. The genral class consists 5 caste( can be different apone state to state) in bihar , brahmin, bhumihar, rajputs, lala, and one other caste and they total are not even 15% in whole of the bihar.
Pakistan's never had genral knowledge about anything. This case in nothing but a simple and shameful case of honor killing but our stupid media is always thr to demonize upper caste.

I didn't meant to include all the forward classes, just the top one. Including all sections, OBC/SC/ST still are more than 60 percent of the Indian population, basically they are the majority.
Day's of high caste and low caste are long gone. Now it's all about power and money. If a low caste person has that he show them to high caste as often as a rich and powerful high caste person shows his power to low caste.
We need to support Dalit's in India.I know Modi is a dalit but a Brahminized Dalit.
A seperate country out of South india named as "Dalitistan" is the only possible solution to end this genocide.

You are absolutely right! I think South India and North India should be divided. They are both culturally, linguistically different and North Indians are generally racist towards South Indians. "Dalitstan" sounds very impolite. I think it should be called "Dravidstan" Land of the Dravidians.
You are absolutely right! I think South India and North India should be divided. They are both culturally, linguistically different and North Indians are generally racist towards South Indians. "Dalitstan" sounds very impolite. I think it should be called "Dravidstan" Land of the Dravidians.
No a better idea would be to divide BD into two parts and share it among Myanmar and India and then those BD's will act as a mediator bw North and South Indians and help in resolvving our differences.
Isn't suffering minorities a buzz word.
DALIT are Minorities? Fool spotted. Indian version is 'Chutiya Spotted' :D :D

International Dalit Solidarity Network: India: Official Dalit population exceeds 200 million

Were these figures to be confirmed, the number of Dalits in India could exceed 300 million – or a quarter of the country’s population of 1.2 billion people

Now percentage of Upper Caste.

Brahmins 20-25%
Kshatriyas 20%

Do ur study well before calling Lower Caste Indians as minority.

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