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Muridke The Real IAF Target?

McCain met Nawaz and Boucher met Altaf. Others met Zardari and PM.

I think the message was that the strikes will happen to avert a bigger war so keep Pakistanis under control with your fake narey baazi.

Yesterday ISI chief and COAS met the PM and President twice in a day and I am hoping the message was that we will not take crap from anyone!

Enough is enough, we should not let India get away with any strike at all.

Dear SSGPA1; sir
yes, you are quiet right!
evry one is trying to help, india to cary out its limited air assult on MUREEDKE + FAREED KOT, thats is the only reason all these dignetries were trying to make the acceptence, of these so called " softer air strikes" in pakistan.
well ASIF ZARDARI, in power , every thing can be possible here, but i guss most of the militry heads in pakistani defence establishment, are not ready to accept it any way!:tup::agree:
Well unfortunately as long as Mr. 10% is in powerwe have no hope put our case democratically, as hes the known puppet of uncle sam , someone wrightly said in this thread he will only do Narey Bazi.

I am not sure about the army cheif but yes ISI wont let this thing happen or allow. All our eyes are on ISI not this ba$ tard Mr.10%.
hmm from where do get such things like India attacking on Pak etc etc .
Well unfortunately as long as Mr. 10% is in powerwe have no hope put our case democratically, as hes the known puppet of uncle sam , someone wrightly said in this thread he will only do Narey Bazi.

I am not sure about the army cheif but yes ISI wont let this thing happen or allow. All our eyes are on ISI not this ba$ tard Mr.10%.

Skywalker; sir
great thinking, not only our army cheif ! but also our ISI cheif , both of them having soft cornners for uncle sam, cant face the rest of the militry's establishment.
the biggest rock in the way is our AIRCHIEF, he is the only & real "son of gun" here, & its hard to stop his reaction.
if we look the situation from , indian prospective! yes india needs to show its militry mucle, because why thn !they have all this weaponry, for what?
its peoples wants to see a real power show, & a show of protection, so it needs "soft & limited airstrikes".

UNCLE SAM , is trying to make this happen in a way , which can please india & keep pakistan going all out !:agree::tsk:
Okay I got a question for you, lets assume that Pakistani Officials find out that an Indian terrorist group is responsible for attacks in WANA. They find out that this group is based in IOK (Indian occupied Kashmire), what do you think India do if some Pakistanis decide to take the matter into their own hands and launch strikes against those targets? Do you think that the Indian Forces would just sit there drinking tea and do nothing just because that terretory is not recognized as Indian by the international community. A yes to this question would be compeletly obsurd!

So there, if the AJK is attacked, India would be facing some serious repercussions from the world.

Its hypothetical.. what u need to do wipe out terrorism from ur soil from FATA, Balouchistan, and ***. Right now there are not any terrorist group funded/trained by Indian Gov but might be we can see them in near future if Pakistan will not curb the terrorist..
The mood in the country is of the strikes. Its obvious even amongst Muslims in India. However surgical strikes being precision strikes against terrorist camps would help Pakistan as well. The sooner terrorist camps ( which harm Paks interests more) are gone, the easier it would be for Pak to be united and a valued member of the international community. Otherwise it will remain what Madam Albreight called it recently.
One of our former members, Salim, often said that there's no such thing as precision strikes. If you're attacking, attack with full all out war in mind.

Pakistan won't respond with a precision strike to India. Our strike would be indiscriminate.
I'd rather they have put up a better stance, in case IAF attacked any area of Azad Kashmir, we should have retaliated by destroying Balighar dam. That'd have taken care of both the issues for us. I can only hope that the government knows what it is doing.

Ohh destroying Baghlihar damm may cause u(not u but Kashmiri Awam:what:) a severe flood situation.. It will cause more harm to u than India...
One of our former members, Salim, often said that there's no such thing as precision strikes. If you're attacking, attack with full all out war in mind.

Pakistan won't respond with a precision strike to India. Our strike would be indiscriminate.

Yeah thats the answer that ur strike would be indiscriminate like ur guys did in Mumabi.. Thats the cause worrying Indian policymaker..
But i would like to put simple question to u..
How would u strike back...
Using PAF:- No way, that would be on defensive on current scenario..
Using ARMY or SSG:- Now be fruitful.. as we have already seen..
Using NUKE/Missile:- This is the last option for u to retaliate but will not be considered as wise descision.. It will open doors for Indian retaliation with full force....
One thing's sure, once India attacks, Pakistanis would be a lot more forgiving to incidents in Pakistan. Pakistan obviously can't stop a brahmos from hitting its target, but there would be many more targets to aim at in India as well.

Not only India, we might take out a few Indian consulates in Afghanistan, it would be a symbolic tit-for-tat reply with greater impact than a few Baburs hitting targets in India.
the terrorist attacks in mumbai, are fully condemed & fully rejected in every sense in pakistan, but i guss, hot heads in indian defence establishment are trying to show some sort of power , by some sort of militry response.

pakistan is fully capable of defending itself , from anyone!
i guss, its about time that, pakistan should start marking the same sort of "soft targets" , which INDIA is looking for a soft hit inside pakistan.:tup::agree:
Not only India, we might take out a few Indian consulates in Afghanistan, it would be a symbolic tit-for-tat reply with greater impact than a few Baburs hitting targets in India.

Babur is not really like historical Babur. These missiles can be easily destroyed using Air Defence Systems.. The main problem is ballistic missiles.. that is the only option left fro u guys....
Not only India, we might take out a few Indian consulates in Afghanistan, it would be a symbolic tit-for-tat reply with greater impact than a few Baburs hitting targets in India.

Neo; sir
super, duper thinking, you are real hawk!:tup:
great targeting! simply great!:tup::tup::tup::agree:
the terrorist attacks in mumbai, are fully condemed & fully rejected in every sense in pakistan, but i guss, hot heads in indian defence establishment are trying to show some sort of power , by some sort of militry response.

pakistan is fully capable of defending itself , from anyone!
i guss, its about time that, pakistan should start marking the same sort of "soft targets" , which INDIA is looking for a soft hit inside pakistan.:tup::agree:

Yo dudes!! People in Pakistan are endorsing the Zaid Hamid fellow and his sane theories.. Whats wrong with this then ;)
Not only India, we might take out a few Indian consulates in Afghanistan, it would be a symbolic tit-for-tat reply with greater impact than a few Baburs hitting targets in India.

That will be a war on Afghanistan primarily, and on India secondarily.
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