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Mumbai demo turns violent, two dead and dozens injured

Whole subcontinent is india's responsibility and indian leaders always shied from their responsibilities.

nation,visa /passport etc are the concept of western imposed world order.we are foolishly following their footsteps.
Nope its not our responsibility, especially when others don't want to be your friend.

"Ekla Chalo"..........remember this.

Whatever the concept is wherever it came from, you can't change it, but can make best out of it. I have to work and care about 1.2 billion people then I will think of others...except helping few nation for strategic gains.....

Its about being honestly selfish. That's the key for surviving in new world order.

Any proof of illegal BD immigrants in India available?
Does it matter, coz many have provided the proofs but no one accepts it. Find yourself out and post it or just accept it.
Lungiwala protesters ?

Bangladeshi national dress.

Shall we please do away with all the diseased states of india like UP etc to reduce the burden on india.

remember kautilya's golden words ie if the countries on the periphery of the state are not stable then it wont take long for your own state to get engulfed into fire.so he suggested to keep those countries under influence.

Why this generous attitude for pole vaulters, they already took their country 65 years back.
Pick them up and put refugee camps at the border.....or create a ghetto for them to live or ask to go back....Why should India always have to take refugees on the expense of our internal security and local people. I don't want because of these illegal immigrants, local muslims to be considered as threat and pay the price.

And who will pay for their stay. My suggestion, take a leaf out of USSR/China/NK, establish huge gulags and make them work for their stay in India. A section of them can be used for the infra development in NE.
As the vested interest and also for greed of some money, they are given ID proofs like Ration Card and voters card ( Congress I party office guys all over India hire people to facilitate this) , my suggestion to have them properly profiled ( bio metric ) so that even if they manage to get soem identity proofs, these are of no help to them.

come to think of this, the Bangladeshe members of this forums, on the strength of thes illegal immigrants are shouting for another partition of this India.

As long as Indian Muslims don't come out openly and protest against these illegal immigrants, you will find supporters of party like Shiv Sena.

I am surprized that these protest happend in Shiv Sena home. But this will enuse that they win in next elections.
And who will pay for their stay. My suggestion, take a leaf out of USSR/China/NK, establish huge gulags and make them work for their stay in India. A section of them can be used for the infra development in NE.
That's what I want, if we want to be in Security Council act like one of those countries. Our foreign policy should be like US, no matter even if the leader changes, the pre-planned critical aspects remains the same.

What is the use of missiles, tanks, Su 30MKI, ACC, nuke sub, if we can't force Bangladesh to take back these illegal immigrants ?
No, they do not. BD and Pakistan are separated by 1000 miles. 150 million Muslims in India could secure their own country connecting these two countries so that one giant Muslim majority country in South Asia could be formed, free of Brahminist radical terrorists intent on imposing their visions of a pre-medieval Ram Rajya.

Why so ??

Did ALLAH Almighty created countries like India,Burma & People like Hindus,Buddhists & Bodo for Fun & Timepass of Muslims like You who cant peacefully live in their own countries??

Talk according to place & significance you have in South Asian matters.

Even if our indians in north starts peeing in our rivers daily you will have no country which you have right now forget about Gaint Muslim majority country.
Nope its not our responsibility, especially when others don't want to be your friend.

"Ekla Chalo"..........remember this.

Whatever the concept is wherever it came from, you can't change it, but can make best out of it. I have to work and care about 1.2 billion people then I will think of others...except helping few nation for strategic gains.....

Its about being honestly selfish. That's the key for surviving in new world order.
If you think thats not our responsibility.then fine.Dont come crying when someone else take up this responsibility and you end up losing everything.Indians always tried to shy away from responsibility and all the time end up losing freedom.

":"Ek la chalo ..." is for individual not for the country.so plz dont challenge Tagore's intelligence by your misplaced interpretation.

After responsibility another thing indians (especially hindus) shy away/afraid of is change they are mostly status-quoist and hence always pay the heavy price coz of their status quo mentality.

neither you are honest nor you are selfish here.you are simply being foolish and digging ur own grave just for focusing all ur attention only on survival.Even a rat lives on survival mentality but humans are not rat to just survive on daily weekly yearly basis.

Why this generous attitude for pole vaulters, they already took their country 65 years back.
There is no tie in this game.either you win it or you lose it.decide urself.

And who will pay for their stay. My suggestion, take a leaf out of USSR/China/NK, establish huge gulags and make them work for their stay in India. A section of them can be used for the infra development in NE.
They already working in india what else you want?
There is no tie in this game.either you win it or you lose it.decide urself.

So, what you actually want to convey, you ask us to give asylum to Bangladeshis on what basis.
If you think thats not our responsibility.then fine.Dont come crying when someone else take up this responsibility and you end up losing everything.Indians always tried to shy away from responsibility and all the time end up losing freedom.

":"Ek la chalo ..." is for individual not for the country.so plz dont challenge Tagore's intelligence by your misplaced interpretation.

After responsibility another thing indians (especially hindus) shy away/afraid of is change they are mostly status-quoist and hence always pay the heavy price coz of their status quo mentality.

neither you are honest nor you are selfish here.you are simply being foolish and digging ur own grave just for focusing all ur attention only on survival.Even a rat lives on survival mentality but humans are not rat to just survive on daily weekly yearly basis.
That's where we are wrong, instead of finding solution, people tell us the negative aspects without even looking at the positive one.

The responsibility you are talking about is not our problem if the other party doesn't want to be with us at the first place. Why should I became Thekedaar of entire region if I have to first raise so many people out of poverty for which I need resources and I will get it any way I can. Which is what India doing now, but you fail to see it, coz of over critical glasses your wear.

Whether its a nation or an individual, it has to think of its self interest, growth and self protection. Ek la chalo, took US, Germany and other powers to reach their pinnacle, its because of other misjudgments that led to downfall or reaching to new low.

I won't come crying if I have to get rid of few people to make my country better. would rather join Maoists, if govt. is oppressing them to fight for our rights, not a separate state or anything.

Once you become selfish enough, you know what you have to do. You can't understand what survival is, ask those who actually fight for it, if I tell them they could have got a job which has been taken by an illegal immigrant, they will follow me. That's survival. That's what happened in Maharashtra. When it comes to feed your children, you don't think of status-quo. Even rats do whatever they can to survive, why shouldn't humans.

I once asked a rickshaw wala, why you take 10 rps for such a short distance while last time the other guy only took 6 , he said he must be some immigrant who would have taken you for 4 rps. And the whole way he cursed them. There was no just competition. Here comes the survival, coz they should get 10 rps but either forced to take less or wait for one who can pay.

All this status-quo BS doesn't apply at street level.

I am not saying India failed to do few critical things, all I want is to take what is in our best interest. I want people who can give solution rather than quoting me with some philosophy which no longer applies to today's world scenario.

Philosophy as Nietzsche said it, Tagore said it, people just took it in wrong way, those who understood it, rose to the highest power.
So tht he can drop it on incredible india to make it more incredible . And that shine of blast will make it a Shiny India

Something Impossible but anyway congratulations Pakistanis are already shining with TTP bombing,drone bombing ,etc.Hope to see more such feats from you.

Your country surpassed india in this shiny competition
They should have shot a few more at least 10-15 to teach these mofos a lesson.
They already working in india what else you want?

They are working for themselves, for money and taking advantage of the generous schemes of the Govt. Not any more..I say. Make them work in labour camps..no pay, only food. They will work till they die or until when BD accepts to take them back.
They are working for themselves, for money and taking advantage of the generous schemes of the Govt. Not any more..I say. Make them work in labour camps..no pay, only food. They will work till they die or until when BD accepts to take them back.
Thats what im saying..let the maoist rule the delhi .:agree:
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