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Mumbai demo turns violent, two dead and dozens injured

If you notice the time period you can clearly see that these acts of terrorism started after the demolition of Babri Masjid. A few members of the community in question were clearly unhappy with the establishment so it resulted in this mindless acts of terrorism. Didn't the Zionist jews do tha same in early part of 20th century, Who were known for suicide bombings in 1980/1990s? Ofcourse Hindu Tamils. How abt IRA??? Just pinpointing a specific group is not going to do any good.

How abt the Sikhs sitting in foreign countries and planning to break India?? How abt Christians in North East doing the same kind of work which you are trying to attribute to just muslims. You can't say it on my/our face because there is a saying in Hindi which goes like this "Jiske ghar shishe ke bane hote hai woh dusron ke ghar pathar maara nahi karte"
LOL what a fmoron.....okay then what was the fault of Kashmiri Pandits...who were butchered in 1988-89 much before your Babri masjid .....No one from your community came down to help them ....before you point fingers at sikhs ...there was a time people were involved in terrorism with special thanks to your beloved congress....but we have learned our lessons..... Indian sikhs will be the first ones to face those foreigner Sikh if they tried to create any trouble .... although I can't say the same about yours....Which Backstabs his own countrymen for some Bangladeshis

You mean even when he affirms his antipathy to riotous and violent elements in his own community, he continues to annoy you?

That isn't possible, but that's what it sounds like.
Sir beg your Pardon ...but he is pointing that all the attacks occured following Babri demolition....If we see it through that prism ....post Godhra Riots follow the same Phenomenon...
You mean even when he affirms his antipathy to riotous and violent elements in his own community, he continues to annoy you?

That isn't possible, but that's what it sounds like.

Come on Joe, I don't know what your religion is but a rational sense would condemn such action regardless.
BEGINNING 21 Aug 00:35 GMT 05:35 GMT 11:35 GMT 17:35 GMT 21:35 GMT




Buddy I think you're put the pics in the wrong thread.
LOL what a fmoron.....okay then what was the fault of Kashmiri Pandits...who were butchered in 1988-89 much before your Babri masjid .....No one from your community came down to help them ....before you point fingers at sikhs ...there was a time people were involved in terrorism with special thanks to your beloved congress....but we have learned our lessons..... Indian sikhs will be the first ones to face those foreigner Sikh if they tried to create any trouble .... although I can't say the same about yours....Which Backstabs his own countrymen for some Bangladeshis

Sir beg our Pardon ...but he is pointing that all the attacks occured following Babri demolition....If we see it through that prism ....post Godhra Riots follow the same Phenomenon...

That doesn't make complete sense. No doubt there was a general reaction, but there were incidents before, there have been incidents after. No single incident, on either side, justifies a violent response.

I personally have always advocated that all of us of the same point of view need to move away from community based responses to individual responses governed by the rule of law.
You mean even when he affirms his antipathy to riotous and violent elements in his own community, he continues to annoy you?

That isn't possible, but that's what it sounds like.

No - when he tries to portray all issues as religious based ones. That is what annoys me. As you quoted elsewhere in another thread, he seems to seek "parity" by putting up all these arguments.
Come on Joe, I don't know what your religion is but a rational sense would condemn such action regardless.

I dislike all organised religion. The only tolerance I have - sometimes - is for Sikhism and Buddhism.

I think we should cut Show-Stopper a lot of slack. He represents the progressive element in his community, and if we don't encourage them, and treat everybody alike, we are losing the only one's who will help turn the situation.
I dislike all organised religion. The only tolerance I have - sometimes - is for Sikhism and Buddhism.

I think we should cut Show-Stopper a lot of slack. He represents the progressive element in his community, and if we don't encourage them, and treat everybody alike, we are losing the only one's who will help turn the situation.

The theory of progress & education can bring reform in Islam is already proved wrong in Kerala

Kerala fountainhead of Islamist terror: NIA
^^^Now the question is: Why are they engaging in such activities?
^^^Now the question is: Why are they engaging in such activities?

God only knows..even our enemies will not say that Muslims in Kerala are being ill treated. Actually they form 25% of population, enjoys reservation and is a very powerful and influential community with their party IUML having 5 ministers and 20 MLAs in legislative assembly..yet a couple of guys from Kerala went to fight Jihad in Kashmir and was shot by IA.
I dislike all organised religion. The only tolerance I have - sometimes - is for Sikhism and Buddhism.

I think we should cut Show-Stopper a lot of slack. He represents the progressive element in his community, and if we don't encourage them, and treat everybody alike, we are losing the only one's who will help turn the situation.

Thanks for the bold part but mainstream Hinduism is also not organized. In fact, all Dharmic faiths are non-organized if you study and see how each of them evolved with the same principle. :) But let us leave that.

There are a lot of such progressive kind of them present around, it still didn't stop all the violent acts did it?

The truth is that these guys don't have any authority to say anything in their religion and even if they try to remove negative elements, they will be condemned.

Look at the Kerala example that Harpoon posted. It shows that even this progressive theory has failed and leaves very little options.

If Mumbai and Assam were any recent examples.

^^^Now the question is: Why are they engaging in such activities?

Too much political pampering and royal treatment.
So you cannot one cannot conclude that the girls that you saw on TV are Hindus.

The probability of these girls being Hindu is as high as the twitter girl being a Hyderabadi...

But BD Mulims are purely migrating for economic reasons. One can't deny it also.

Look the question over here is not whether BD muslims purely migrate for economics reasons or not. The question is 'Won't the BD Hindus migrate for economic reasons?'

As I said even if it is proved , the death tally will be still less than green terror accomplished in single terror incident of 2006 Mumbai sub urban train bombing.

It was never the matter of number of casualties/victims. It was all abt whether there were terror attacks from the saffron camp or not.

So you are not aware of the various trials thats taking place on the different riots and is not as if Muslim are saints either.

Trials may have been taking place but those trails and justice delivered is comparatively quite less compared to the crimes that were committed. These below web links speak abt it.

India: A Decade on, Gujarat Justice Incomplete | Human Rights Watch
US City Council passes resolution on 2002 Gujarat riots - Indian Express
‘SIT followed state's road map'
A debt of justice denied to victims | mydigitalfc.com

I am from Kerala and I know more about the rebellion. Its a movement for the establishment of a Muslim country in Malabar region and Hindus were viciously targeted for conversion and if they don't their heads were chopped off. It is now all glossed over for the sake of political correctness.

I would prefer to believe a reputed Historian/author...

It's people like you who play victim in all the situation and then blame others for something they themselves are involved in. It was you who was the crying over Babri and was givng it as a reason for all the blasts that happened all over India. I just gave you other examples of what happened in the past.

My dear friend, Do you seriously think LTTE was a religion thing? Do you think the conflict was because one side was primarily Hindu and other Buddhist? I think you very well know the facts but trying to use the conflict to prove some delusional views of yours.

Anyways, even in case LTTE did you ever saw Tamils getting involved in any vandalism at any place in India? Why does then it has to happen in specific cases where some certain people are involved?

One thing I know for sure that these bastards involved in Mumbai incident will never be caught and/or punished because if they are caught other people from their community will freak out and hit the streets getting involved in the same acts again . More over, political parties will fear losing their Muslim vote bank as well.

In the end let me tell you, no where in the world legal citizens of a country defends illegal migration of people to the country just because they are coreligionists. It can happen only in India where blinded with faith people try hard to justify even illegal migrations.

Oh :welcome: back. I never played the victim card but you seem to imagine so. When you posted the list of Terror attacks by muslims in India, I just highlighted that most of those attacks took place after 1992. Didn't you notice that???

Anyways nice to see you again...:cheers:

While you are trying to pay back, do not forget you are starting to annoy even a centrist like me who calls out all the wrongs irrespective of the religion.

I hope you are also annoyed by the people who force me to indulge in these things...
No - when he tries to portray all issues as religious based ones. That is what annoys me. As you quoted elsewhere in another thread, he seems to seek "parity" by putting up all these arguments.

Well as I stated previously that the reason I am portraying these issues in the spectrum of religion is purely make to some forum members understand where their views stand if reciprocated in the same way. I perfectly understand that Sri Lankan Tamil issue is more to do with ethnicity rather than religion. But if the cause were to be related to muslims, why do I see people over here suddenly making it a religious issue. Every single historian/author agrees to the fact that Malabar rebellion was more of peasant movement which went awry rather than a religious issue.
LOL what a fmoron.....okay then what was the fault of Kashmiri Pandits...who were butchered in 1988-89 much before your Babri masjid .....No one from your community came down to help them ....before you point fingers at sikhs ...there was a time people were involved in terrorism with special thanks to your beloved congress....but we have learned our lessons..... Indian sikhs will be the first ones to face those foreigner Sikh if they tried to create any trouble .... although I can't say the same about yours....Which Backstabs his own countrymen for some Bangladeshis

'FMoron' --- Thanks for your kind words. I was expecting this. When people run out of arguments, this is what I generally hear. Unlike you I never justified the acts of terrorism committed by any side/community I just pointed out the guy who posted the list of terror attacks that most of them took place after 1992 which happens to be the year when the mosque was demolished. I don't hold this view of Sikhs sitting in foreign country and are trying to break up India but its your own brethren who hold this view and I have seen this in quite a few places/forums...

Wow here we go again. "Indian sikhs will be the first ones to face those foreigner Sikh if they tried to create any trouble .... although I can't say the same about yours." --- What did that statement meant? Is Sashan(the centrist) watching?
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